Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1008 Incomprehensible “loophole”

The next moment, the sharp blade formed by the condensed mental power on the barrier directly cut a huge crack.

This situation also verified some of Li Yue's guesses.

"It seems that this barrier is a specially created means of blocking the incoming person's mental power."

At this moment, Li Yue somewhat understood the meaning of this barrier.

First of all, this barrier has the ability to connect two different spaces. The two ends of the barrier are two completely different spaces.

For example, in the space where Li Yue is at this time, everything around him is visualized, and there is no difference from the real space.

However, before Li Yue passed through the barrier, the space he was in was filled with nothingness.

Moreover, Li Yue's mental power was also severely affected in that void space and could not be used normally at all.

Even if Li Yue's mental power is strong, if he wants to use his mental power to completely detect the surrounding situation, I am afraid that Li Yue will have to expend most of his mental power to barely be able to do it!

Fortunately, although his mental power was severely disturbed, Li Yue's perception was very strong and he could sense everything within a hundred meters around him.

This also means that when Li Yue moves forward, he does not need to release a lot of mental power every moment to explore the surrounding situation.

Therefore, before crossing this barrier, Li Yue, who did not use his mental power to explore, did not discover the existence of this barrier.

If Li Yue uses his mental power to explore the path, he will find that the mental power he releases will be absorbed by this barrier.

At this time, Li Yue also understood something.

It seems that the interference to his mental power comes from this special barrier.

I don’t know how this barrier was constructed. It actually has the effect of absorbing spiritual power, and its scope of action seems to be very wide.

It’s no wonder that the mental power he released before is always unable to return normally and bring back detailed information about the surroundings.

It turned out that the moment his mental power was released, it was almost completely absorbed by this barrier without anyone noticing. Naturally, he was unable to feed back detailed information to Li Yue!

However, the role of this barrier is naturally not only used to absorb mental power.

Perhaps, it does have a stronger blocking effect than the remnant soul of the divine dragon that Li Yue encountered before.

The reason for this idea was entirely because Li Yue had already figured it out after the situation just now.

Only by releasing an extremely powerful spiritual attack can this barrier be affected.

However, if your mental attack is not strong enough, you will never be able to break through this barrier that can absorb mental power.

Because, to a certain extent, your mental attack can also be regarded as the energy source of this barrier.

As long as the mental attack you release is not powerful enough to destroy this barrier structure instantly.

Then even if you launch hundreds or thousands of attacks on this barrier in succession, it will be completely useless.

Your attacks will only make this barrier stronger and stronger.

Of course, after the experiment just now, Li Yue also came to a more accurate conclusion, that is, as long as he has a mental strength comparable to that of a strong man in the multiverse, it is possible to destroy the structure of this barrier by releasing mental power attacks.

Just like the attack Li Yue released just now, it would leave a huge crack in the barrier.

However, even such a mental attack could not completely destroy this barrier.

Because of the runes on this barrier,

It also has the ability to repair itself.

Your attack, even if it is powerful enough to leave traces on this barrier, will still be slowly absorbed by this barrier.

In the end, your mental strength will still turn into the energy that supports the existence of this barrier.

And for some people who rely on mental power to attack, this is definitely an almost insurmountable barrier.

If Li Yue hadn't burned his potential, his mental power would have transformed in a short period of time.

From the peak level of the single universe, it has grown to a level comparable to the multiverse level.

I am afraid that Li Yue is also incapable of using his own mental power to attack and cause cracks in this barrier.

Therefore, this also shows that although Li Yue has reached the peak level of the single universe before, he still does not have the qualifications to break through this barrier defense.

"However, if my mental strength at that time was not enough to support me in breaking through the defense of this barrier, then why was it that I was able to pass through this barrier with such ease without feeling its existence?"

However, although there is some understanding of the fact that this barrier actually has a more powerful blocking ability than the dragon.

But then, a bigger question appeared in Li Yue's mind.

Why didn't I feel this barrier before, and why did I pass through this barrier easily without using any means at all?

Could it be that this barrier only has a special effect on mental power, but does not have any impact on a person himself?

Being able to pass through this special barrier unharmed made Li Yue feel very puzzled.

After all, this special barrier was only cracked by a crack under Li Yue's mental strength attack, which was already comparable to that of a multiverse-level powerhouse.

And as time went by, the mental power originally used to attack the barrier was quickly completely absorbed by the barrier, and then used to repair the previous damage.

This also means that even Li Yue at this moment, using all his strength, may not be able to completely destroy or break through this barrier with the power of his mental power.

However, why did such a special barrier with "huge" defensive capabilities not show such strong defensive capabilities before?

Moreover, even at this time, Li Yue's body could still easily pass through this barrier without using any means.

Could it be that this barrier, as Li Yue guessed, can only block mental attacks?

And for situations where mental attacks are not used, there will be no stopping reaction?

This question has been lingering in Li Yue's mind for some time.

"Forget it, since you have traveled here from another space through this barrier, there is no need to think too much about why this barrier did not stop you."

"Now, let's complete the previous plan!"

But he was quickly thrown aside by Li Yue.

Li Yue could not think of a real answer to this question for the time being, and more importantly, Li Yue, who had already passed through the barrier, did not need to get too entangled in this issue.

Moreover, now he has more important plans to make!

After all, Li Yue's current state of mental power is comparable to that of a multiverse-level powerhouse, and it cannot last for too long!

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