Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1009 Limitations on Mental Power Enhancement

Although at this time, Li Yue, after burning his body's potential, already had a level of mental power comparable to that of a multiverse-level powerhouse.

However, just like most situations where people can instantly increase their strength, Li Yue's method of instantly greatly increasing his mental power is not without any sequelae.

First of all, this state of greatly enhanced mental power cannot last forever and can only last for a relatively short period of time.

Moreover, burning potential is obviously a relatively special way to squeeze the power of this body in advance and obliterate the future of this body.

Therefore, having paid such a huge price at this time, Li Yue naturally cannot live up to it.

The purpose of Li Yue doing this at this time was to memorize these strange runes and ensure that he would not forget the memory of these runes in a short period of time.

At this time, Li Yue's enhanced mental power has reached a level comparable to that of the multiverse.

Moreover, at this moment, Li Yue's mental power exploded with all his strength, and he indeed had powerful power that could destroy this barrier.

However, this barrier feeds on mental power and continuously strengthens itself by absorbing mental power.

Even the damage caused by Li Yue's mental power to this barrier will be repaired as time goes by.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for Li Yue to completely destroy this special barrier at this time.

However, Li Yue's main purpose at this time was just to use his enhanced mental power to memorize the strange runes on this barrier.

Therefore, the inability to completely destroy this barrier is not too difficult to accept for Li Yue at this moment.

Moreover, he has more important things to accomplish.

Burning his body's potential and greatly enhancing his mental power, Li Yue felt as if he was light and airy at this moment, as if he would float directly into space if he didn't control it.

Of course, this is just a strange feeling brought about by a sudden and substantial increase in mental power.

At this time, Li Yue's body was not strong enough to easily control such a powerful mental power, so he felt like this.

However, after Li Yue's attack where he released all his mental power just now, most of this feeling has disappeared.

Because a portion of the mental power was just beyond Li Yue’s control,

Li Yue had been released together with his mental attack.

At this moment, Li Yue's remaining mental power in his body was completely under his perfect control.

Li Yue's previous mental power attack was not only to test the reality of this barrier, but also to consume the excessive mental power magazines in his body at the moment.

After all, burning potential can greatly increase Li Yue's mental power.

However, there is no guarantee of the purity of Li Yue's mental power. In the final surge of mental power, there are inevitably some impurities that are beyond Li Yue's control.

At this moment, these impurities had already been released along with Li Yue's previous attack.

What still remains in Li Yue's body is a large amount of relatively pure mental power after the surge.

And relying on these pure and huge mental powers, Li Yue can complete the plan he conceived before.

"Now, I already have strong enough mental power, and this barrier can absorb mental power to strengthen itself."

"The strange runes on it have a powerful rule that makes people forget their memories in an instant."

"But its main weakness is also its mental power."

"As long as my mental power is strong enough, then I can do it without being affected by this forgetting rule."

At this time, according to Li Yue's previous guess, he already had a mental power comparable to that of a multiverse-level powerhouse, even if he once again looked away from the strange runes on the barrier.

Because of his enhanced mental power, he was not affected by the forgetting rules and could clearly remember the exact appearance of these strange runes.

"However, my state of enhanced mental power cannot last forever."

"And if my mental power returns to normal at some point in the future, then I will still be affected by this forgotten rule."

"So it seems almost impossible to be completely unaffected by this forgotten rule!"

However, Li Yue clearly understood at this time that although his mental power had been greatly enhanced, he was not affected by this forgotten rule.

But this kind of enhancement has a time limit.

This also means that the time when you are not affected by this forgetting rule also has a time limit.

As long as his enhanced mental power disappears completely and his mental power returns to its original level.

I will still be affected by this forgotten rule.

Of course, even so, Li Yue naturally did not have no chance at all.

In his vague feeling, this strange rune may have some special and important help for him to continue exploring here.

And Li Yue believed in his own deep feelings, so he made such a choice, and did not hesitate to burn the potential of this body to greatly enhance his mental power and prevent himself from being affected by the forgotten rules.

However, the improvement of mental power has a time limit.

In other words, if he remembers these runes now, then turns around and leaves to continue exploring.

Then all the mysteries here must be completely revealed before the mental power returns to normal.

However, this special space was the first time Li Yue entered.

He didn't have any experience exploring here. Everything he had gone through before was based on his strong perception and relatively strong strength.

But at this moment, he has encountered a problem that he cannot survive safely just relying on the strength of this clone.

And how long will the next exploration journey be, and how many hardships will be experienced in it.

For Li Yue at this moment, it is an unknown quantity.

And Li Yue, of course, was not completely sure at this time that he could completely explore this place and uncover all the mysteries here before his mental power returned to normal.

And if, when his mental power has returned to normal, he still has not fully explored this place.

Then all the preparations I have made at this time will become meaningless.

If it comes to the time when I really need the memory of these runes to help me break through difficulties, I have completely forgotten the memory of these runes!

Then by that time, even if Li Yue wants to make amends, it may be too late.

Therefore, no matter what, Li Yue must ensure that his memory of this rune must not be forgotten.

At least, don’t forget it during this exploration journey!

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