Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1022 Test from Heaven and Earth

Of course, this kind of rune is likely to be the key way to use and manipulate power in a unique cultivation system.

Therefore, it is not too surprising for Li Yue to have such a special ability.

Moreover, it also gave Li Yue some understanding of the real important role of these runes.

As a result, in the process of re-engraving this barrier, the runes that seemed to be the easiest to re-engrave were placed last.

The moment he started to copy the three-dimensional image in his mind according to the shape of the runes on the barrier, Li Yue felt that his guess was not wrong.

Because, in the first stroke of using mental power to carve runes.

Li Yue felt a very special feeling.

Normally, Li Yue could accurately re-draw even the subtle lines on the barrier in his mind.

This is enough to show that Li Yue's control of mental power has reached an incredible level at this time.

It would be normal to describe such huge and relatively easy-to-image strange runes, which should be easier and easier to do than before.

However, at the moment when the runes on the barrier were first re-engraved in my mind.

Li Yue felt that this was completely different from the difficulty of re-engraving the fine lines just now.

A more vivid metaphor is like the huge difficulty gap between the difficulty of manufacturing a 14-nanometer lithography machine and a 7-nanometer lithography machine on the earth where Li Yue originally lived. After the technology developed to a certain extent.

This moment is different from before. When Li Yue reenacted various details, it was just a test of Li Yue's proficiency in controlling mental power.

At this moment, Li Yue suddenly felt an inexplicable pressure.

And this kind of inexplicable oppression is no stranger to Li Yue.

Because he had felt such oppressive force before.

And this kind of power is exactly the special power that is rejected by the will of the entire world and wants to expel you from this world!

It's as if the world has turned into a big mountain, suddenly oppressing your entire body.

Of course, this oppressive force actually does not act on the body, but on your spirit!

And Li Yue had just started to engrave the first stroke, so this pressure was not very strong yet.

But if a person is not prepared in any way, he can easily be caught off guard by this sudden pressure.

Fortunately, Li Yue had felt the extraordinary power of this kind of rune before, so he put the process of replicating this kind of rune at the end.

Moreover, before starting, he concentrated almost all his energy.

Therefore, at the moment when this huge pressure seemed to come from heaven and earth suddenly, Li Yue did not make any mistakes in the reproduction process because of this sudden pressure.

However, although there have been no mistakes due to pressure yet.

But Li Yue could feel that every time he completed the next stroke according to the runes, the surrounding pressure from heaven and earth might become greater and more unbearable.

It seemed that if Li Yue continued to engrave the strange runes in the shape, he would have to endure even more powerful pressure than at the moment.

If Li Yue's mental strength cannot withstand the huge oppression that follows.

There may be serious consequences of mental breakdown in an instant.

Mental strength may be slightly damaged, but mental strength may be greatly weakened.

And the heavy weight may cause Li Yue's entire body, which is composed of his mind, to completely collapse in an instant.


It is not an easy task to reproduce this kind of rune! "

"Maybe, just like cultivating an immortal requires going through the baptism of heavenly tribulation, this special cultivation system will also be punished by heaven and earth for going against heaven!"

"Perhaps in the process of constructing this rune, you will have to withstand special tests from heaven and earth!"

"Only by passing the test of heaven and earth and gaining the final recognition of heaven and earth can we successfully construct runes that possess special abilities."

At this moment, Li Yue could already guess that this unique cultivation system of runes might be the same as a certain system of cultivating immortals, and it had to withstand the test of heaven and earth.

Only by relying on strong perseverance or strong mental control to successfully survive the tests from heaven and earth can we finally construct strange runes that are recognized by heaven and earth and have special abilities and even rules.

Moreover, for people like Li Yue, who had no previous understanding of this special cultivation system, the test from heaven and earth was even more powerful and unbearable.

Li Yue could also guess this from the situation at this time.

Even though he had a powerful mental power comparable to the level of the multiverse at this moment, after enduring such powerful pressure from heaven and earth at this moment, he felt that his mental power was about to collapse.

So if it was someone who was learning and using this rune cultivation system for the first time, wouldn't it be that the moment he drew this rune, he would be crushed to pieces by the huge pressure between heaven and earth?

And as long as you think about it, this is completely impossible.

After all, no matter what kind of cultivation system it is, no matter how special it is.

It is a process that allows people or creatures to change from weak to strong.

And everyone who starts learning to practice starts from the time when he is at his weakest.

But if a person is still very weak, he has to bear such an unbearable and huge force.

I am afraid that no one can successfully practice this method of cultivation!

Of course, the reason why this situation occurs is very easy to explain.

Li Yue could easily figure out why he suffered such strong oppression from heaven and earth when he first started drawing this kind of rune.

The main reason for this problem may not come from yourself.

Nor does it come from some kind of flaw in this cultivation system.

But it comes from the rune I drew at this time.

This rune should be an extremely advanced rune in its special cultivation system.

Such runes should not be advanced runes that beginners of this training system can master.

At this time, Li Yue had not experienced drawing the relatively low-level runes in this training system.

Instead, he directly drew and engraved these relatively advanced runes in his special training system.

Naturally, they will withstand more oppressive forces from heaven and earth.

Moreover, it is far more oppressive than those in this cultivation system who have gradually cultivated to the point where they can draw such advanced runes.

Li Yue's situation at this time is like a monk who became a monk halfway.

And such a monk will naturally have to go through more training than a real monk who has grown up in a temple and listened to Buddhist teachings for many years!

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