Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1023 The Nature of Runes

Li Yue figured out how to prevent himself from forgetting the memory of this rune.

However, when he followed his own method and tried to copy all the details on the barrier in front of him in his mind.

What seemed to be a complicated and difficult process was actually completed by Li Yue very easily.

But then, facing the strange runes on the barrier, the moment Li Yue was about to start engraving these runes in his mind.

But something happened that he didn't expect.

Even if Li Yue just drew a stroke in his mind according to the shape of this rune, he suddenly found that the whole world seemed to be releasing a powerful force of oppression against him.

It seems that as long as I continue to describe it, I am going against the entire world.

Between heaven and earth, an inexplicable oppressive force acted on Li Yue's mind.

Especially at this time, Li Yue's body was formed by his mind.

Therefore, this pressure from heaven and earth can be clearly felt by almost any part of Li Yue's entire body.

The pressure Li Yue was under at this moment was far greater than that of other people with normal bodies.

However, although this oppression from heaven and earth is very strong, for Li Yue, whose mental power is now comparable to that of a multiverse-level powerhouse.

It's not too much to bear.

However, the appearance of this oppressive force at this time seemed to confirm something in Li Yue's mind.

First of all, Li Yue felt the oppression from heaven and earth, as if it was a test between heaven and earth.

Li Yue instantly understood in his heart that his previous thoughts were not wrong.

This special rune definitely comes from some unique cultivation system.

And this kind of runes that can be carved also contains some kind of truth between heaven and earth, and represents some kind of special rules between heaven and earth.

And this kind of rune is also a special ability that practitioners of this unique cultivation system can use their own power.

Just like a Marvel mage, you can use magic runes to build a magical realm.


At this moment, after enduring such powerful oppression from heaven and earth, Li Yue felt the most profound.

These strange runes carved on this barrier may not only contain extremely special and powerful power.

And this kind of rune may also be an advanced rune that is very difficult to master in its own cultivation system.

Perhaps, only the best in that kind of cultivation system can carve such powerful runes and exert such powerful power.

After all, even Li Yue, whose mental power has reached the level of the multiverse at this time, can feel such a powerful oppression of heaven and earth at the moment of carving this rune.

This is enough to show that this kind of rune is not just a simple rune.

Although, the moment Li Yue saw this rune, he seemed to be able to understand the meaning it represented.

However, after Li Yue thought about it carefully, he found that he seemed to be completely unable to understand the true meaning of what it represented before.

It's completely a state of half-understanding.

It seems that what this rune represents is some kind of supreme rule between heaven and earth.

And his own body possesses the power of a multiverse-level powerhouse, and has long been able to transcend the rules of heaven and earth.

It can even master some powerful cosmic laws, such as space, time, destruction, rebirth, and other powerful cosmic laws.

However, although the rules contained in this rune are somewhat similar to the power of some cosmic laws controlled by one's own body.

But what's more, it's a special feeling that Li Yue doesn't understand.

This is also a sign that Li Yue is not strong enough.

At this time, although his strength has reached the multiverse level, he is even comparable to some veteran strong men who have already reached the multiverse level.

However, compared with those other multiverse powerhouses who have been born for countless billions of years and have also practiced for an equally long time.

After all, Li Yue's cultivation time was too short, so he did not understand and master the various rules contained in the universe in detail.

If we talk about the rules of space, then Li Yue at this time can definitely be considered to have reached the pinnacle, and it is easy for him to travel through various multiverses at will.

But if it is other more important or unimportant rules and powers, Li Yue has not yet come into contact with and understood them at this time.

Therefore, although he had a vague feeling of understanding after seeing these runes, it did not surprise him.

In Li Yue's opinion, there should be some rules contained in these runes that he is not familiar with, so naturally he cannot directly understand them just by looking at the runes.

At this moment, after feeling the oppression from heaven and earth while re-engraving these runes, Li Yue became more certain of his guess.

These runes definitely contain some kind of truth between heaven and earth. Perhaps the special rules contained in them are not as well-known as the rules of heaven and earth such as time and space.

However, any kind of existence and the rules between heaven and earth are very important, and they are a special force that is indispensable for forming a real universe!

For Li Yue, there is almost no one at this moment who can guide him on how to continue to increase his strength.

Therefore, all his ways forward are based on his own exploration.

At this time, this strange rune that contained the rules of heaven and earth gave Li Yue a special feeling.

If he can learn this special cultivation method, it will be extremely helpful for him to understand the rules of heaven and earth in the future, or how to use the rules between heaven and earth.

But it is a pity that this cultivation method may have already formed its own system.

It is also likely to contain very detailed cultivation routes.

Just like the online novels about cultivating immortals that Li Yue once read, no matter how innovative he is, he can never get rid of starting from building a foundation, going through higher realms such as golden elixir, Yuanying, etc., and finally ascending to immortality and reaching a higher level. realm.

Of course, the more comprehensive and detailed the details of this training system, the more helpful it will be for Li Yue after learning it.

However, the basis of all this is that Li Yue can really obtain this unique cultivation system and method, so that he can get greater help on his way forward.

But now, just to engrave a rune requires Li Yue to go through a not weak test.

However, as the saying goes, the more difficulties you experience, the more you gain.

The more difficult it is for Li Yue to go through the test at this time, the more Li Yue will gain after successfully passing it!

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