Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1024 Doubled pressure

"Since this is the case, I'm going to take a look at how difficult it is to draw such a strange rune!"

Li Yue was never a person who would give up easily.

Of course, in fact, without extremely superior perseverance and perseverance, he would not have been able to grow to this point.

Any strong person has put in far more effort than others.

Of course, Li Yue's growth seemed to be somewhat smooth and frightening. He had not encountered any major obstacles in his previous journey.

However, it is still undeniable that Li Yue has strong perseverance and a spirit that is not afraid of all obstacles.

At this moment, although he is also facing the oppression between heaven and earth.

But Li Yue would not choose to back down.

Even if he uses up all the power he has at this moment, he still has to completely copy these strange runes in his mind.

After making such a resolute decision, Li Yue no longer hesitated.

The runes that I had just drawn with my mental power began to be drawn in my mind according to the runes on the barrier.

The moment when Li Yue controlled his mental power and drew the second stroke in his mind.

An oppressive force that was almost twice as powerful as the previous moment oppressed Li Yue's mind almost instantly.

At this moment, Li Yue's entire body was transformed by his mind, which naturally meant that there seemed to be billions of pounds of gravity oppressing every part of Li Yue's body.

However, facing the attack of a more powerful oppressive force, Li Yue seemed to have expected it.

Not only was his body unmoved.

Even the mental power in his mind, which was controlled by him and was constantly drawing runes, did not pause at all.

After completing the second stroke of painting carefully and without any gaps.

Li Yue continued to draw the third stroke of this rune.

However, the moment he started drawing the third stroke, Li Yue directly felt the oppressive force that was nearly twice as strong as before, acting on his mind.

It seems that every time a stroke of this rune is drawn, it needs to withstand a powerful oppressive force that increases geometrically.

However, above the barrier, complete runes flashed with silver light from time to time, although they looked simple.

But if it is divided into strokes like Chinese characters, there are as many as a dozen strokes.

It is enough to imagine how powerful the oppression of heaven and earth would be if Li Yue wanted to completely draw it in his mind.

Moreover, the rune that Li Yue chose to engrave first at this time was not the simplest rune to be written on the barrier.

However, it is not the most complicated.

This means that even if Li Yue can successfully draw this rune, there will be more complex runes that he will need to continue to engrave!

Even at this time, Li Yue possessed powerful mental power comparable to that of a multiverse-level powerhouse.

However, it is very likely that after drawing this rune, a huge amount of mental energy was consumed due to the strong pressure from heaven and earth.

At that time, Li Yue, who has very little mental power left, may find it difficult to continue drawing other runes.

It seemed that at this moment, Li Yue had no other choice but to give up.

Because, even if he succeeds this time, he will still have to face failure next time.

If it were some ordinary people, knowing that they would inevitably fail, they might choose a relatively easy process and simply give up unnecessary struggle.


At this time, Li Yue did not choose to give up directly like ordinary people.

Facing even more powerful pressure than before, Li Yue's body remained unmoved by it.

And the mental power being manipulated in his mind still didn't stop at all.

After drawing the third stroke without any mistakes, Li Yue started the next drawing without any hesitation.

The fourth, fifth...

Every time he manipulated his mental power to draw a stroke of runes on the barrier that was shrunk several times like a picture scroll in his mind, Li Yue had to endure an oppressive force that was nearly twice as powerful as before.

One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight...

If this continues, Li Yue will be under tremendous pressure. I am afraid that even if he has a true multiverse level body, he will eventually be unable to withstand the infinitely increasing pressure.

However, Li Yue did not stop at this time because of the increasing pressure.

Even in the process of enduring such huge pressure, the runes he drew did not make the slightest mistake.

This situation is enough to show Li Yue's perseverance.

However, Li Yue, who had already drawn the tenth stroke at this time, had to withstand almost twice the pressure again after the next stroke!

And this kind of oppressive force is almost the limit that can make Li Yue's mental power waver.

This means that if the next stroke is made, Li Yue will not be able to face the oppression from heaven and earth as easily as he did before relying on his mental strength at this moment.

Perhaps, it was because Li Yue himself did not follow this special training system and practiced step by step until he could draw such advanced runes.

So at this moment, he followed the runes on the barrier and forcibly used powerful mental power to draw such powerful runes in his mind.

In the end, he suffered some backlash from the laws of heaven and earth.

Moreover, the main purpose of this oppression by the rules of heaven and earth does not seem to be to cause Li Yue to be seriously injured under the power of this oppression.

This kind of pressure seemed more to prevent Li Yue from continuing to draw runes.

It was like a special test from heaven and earth, testing whether Li Yue had the ability to truly draw such advanced runes.

However, although it is a test, it is a rule from heaven and earth after all, and it cannot be passed easily.

This can be seen from the moment when Li Yue was drawing the runes, he began to endure unbearable oppression.

What's more, as Li Yue's progress in drawing runes increased, this pressure increased exponentially.

It was almost using powerful force to force Li Yue to stop drawing runes.

In fact, this kind of oppression from heaven and earth is still far from causing substantial harm to Li Yue.

However, if a normal person encounters this special oppressive force that only acts on the mind and spirit and does not act on the body, they may only feel the binding force of the spirit.

However, at this time, Li Yue was a body that was fused with the power of his mind. Therefore, the pressure that Li Yue had to bear at this moment was far greater than what a normal person would bear.

And, most importantly, the original intention of this pressure was not to hurt Li Yue.

It was to put more pressure on Li Yue and cause fluctuations in Li Yue's mental strength when Li Yue was concentrating all his energy on drawing the runes.

As a result, everything that has been done before has been wasted!

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