Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1041 The development of the rune system

These runes not only have fixed abilities, but can also evolve and enhance their own abilities. This made Li Yue very surprised.

After all, there is still some gap between this and what he guessed.

He had almost never thought before that this kind of rune could continuously evolve to enhance its own abilities.

But at this time, after having a better understanding of this kind of rune, Li Yue also figured out a lot of things about this kind of rune.

Although this kind of rune can evolve, the conditions for evolution are very harsh.

It is not that runes can evolve independently, but they need to be combined with a master who has understood its true meaning.

Only after the owner understands the nature of heaven and earth, and then adds more complex strokes to it according to the operation of the rules of heaven and earth, can the runes truly evolve.

And some people are in a state of inaction almost all their lives, unable to enter the state of harmony between heaven and man, and unable to truly feel the natural operating rules of heaven and earth.

Therefore, for these runes to truly evolve, they still need to see their own opportunities.

Of course, after the rune evolves, it will not produce another special ability again, but will make this ability more powerful based on the ability it already possesses.

It's like this rune with the ability to swallow has not evolved at first, but the strokes used to draw it are only a few, less than ten.

Its own ability is also to devour, but it cannot directly devour energy. Instead, it devours other physical substances, and then converts the swallowed things into energy after a long period of transformation.

In short, before it evolved, the ability possessed by this rune was not as powerful as it would be after it evolved.

The difficulty of drawing it is not as difficult as it is now.

Of course, there is another special reason why these runes evolved.

Originally, when this rune cultivation system first emerged, people did not know that runes had the ability to evolve.

They will only understand the true meanings represented by various runes, and focus on understanding the abilities contained in the runes.

However, this also creates an almost fixed rule.

That is,

Not only do you know what kind of abilities the runes you draw have, but even your enemies can also instantly understand what kind of abilities the runes have.

And this is like, no matter what kind of attack method you use, your enemy can instantly see it.

Such a situation will naturally make people feel very passive.

Therefore, it seems that in order to solve this situation, some people began to look for another special way to change this situation.

At first, they were just thinking about whether they could change the process of drawing the runes, or change the appearance of the runes, so that the enemy would not be able to instantly react to what runes the opponent had drawn after seeing it for the first time. .

In other words, their purpose at the beginning was just to hide their attack methods and prevent their opponents from discovering what their attack capabilities were at the first time.

However, as they conducted in-depth research, they discovered that sometimes, changing the appearance of the runes would cause the drawn runes to lose their original effect.

But sometimes, after changing the appearance of the rune, the original ability of the rune can also be exerted.

Even, after people continued to explore some runes, they found that their abilities not only did not weaken, but also tended to increase.

This situation naturally attracted the attention of all practitioners who practiced this special system.

From that moment on, they discovered another way to become more powerful.

That is to allow the runes that one has truly understood to evolve and enhance their own abilities.

Moreover, this supplement to the cultivation system also plays a positive role in evolving this special cultivation system about runes.

Because these runes exist in various places. They may be in the center of an extremely hot volcano, or they may exist under a hundred-mile glacier. It is even more likely that they just exist in an ordinary hard rock.

And this also leads to the fact that not everyone has the opportunity to understand complex and advanced runes.

And this ability to comprehend nature by oneself, and according to the rules of the operation of heaven and earth, to make the runes that one masters undergo special evolution, has also given some practitioners who cannot comprehend complex runes a unique way to strengthen themselves. Way.

Of course, these situations suddenly appeared in Li Yue's memory just after he entered the state of unity between man and nature.

However, these special memories are not perfect and seem to be just some remaining memory scenes.

Although Li Yue clarified many things from these remaining memory scenes, there were also many questions arising from them.

For example, in which universe is the place described in this remaining memory located?

Why in that universe, the various operating rules of the universe are truly revealed to people's eyes in the form of runes.

It can even allow people to understand the meaning and capabilities contained in it.

Even after leaving its original universe, this kind of rune can still play a role in another universe.

These special questions made Li Yue feel very confused.

But at this time, only the remaining memories could not answer the questions Li Yue had.

And if you want to answer these questions, you may only be able to fully understand them if Li Yue personally arrives in the universe where this rune cultivation system emerged.

However, at this time, Li Yue naturally had no idea how to get to that special universe.

Of course, although he could not truly go to that special universe, at this time, Li Yue still had the opportunity to understand the runes representing various abilities.

At this moment, Li Yue had successfully drawn the first rune.

When Li Yue fully understood the runes, he found that there seemed to be no difficulty in drawing the runes, as if heaven and earth were helping him truly draw the runes.

At this time, although the runes drawn by Li Yue in the spiritual sea did not show any special abilities.

But as long as Li Yue thinks about it, he can freely manipulate this rune to unleash its true capabilities.

Of course, what's more important is that during the process of drawing runes for the first time, Li Yue entered a state that was similar to what Taoism calls "the unity of heaven and man."

In this special state, Li Yue seemed to truly feel the rules of the universe.

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