Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1042 Understanding other runes

In the remaining memory that suddenly appeared in Li Yue's mind, it was described that in order to make the runes evolve, other than making countless attempts.

The easiest and most difficult way is to one day enter the state of "harmony between man and nature".

It is said to be the easiest way because as long as you successfully experience this state of unity between man and nature, then you have almost a 100% chance of truly evolving a certain rune in your knowledge.

And it is said to be the most difficult method because it is completely impossible to actively enter this state of unity between nature and man.

This state of unity between nature and man can only be entered accidentally by chance.

Some people have strong curiosity but cannot find a way to enter this state.

Li Yue's remaining memories describe the difficulty of entering this state.

Only one person among millions of people may have entered this state of unity between man and nature.

Of course, after countless practitioners' explorations, it was discovered that the most likely way to enter this state is after successfully drawing the runes.

Therefore, the daily practice of these practitioners includes continuous drawing of runes.

The first is to master the process of drawing runes proficiently, and the other reason is to be lucky enough to enter this state of unity between man and nature one day.

And just now, after Li Yue finished drawing the runes, his body suddenly stopped, as if he had fallen into a dead silence. He was experiencing this process of the unity of heaven and man, and understanding the natural operating rules of the universe.

Although, at this time, Li Yue still had some doubts about how he entered this state.

However, for Li Yue, this state also has a strong effect on him.

First of all, it made his mental power, which had skyrocketed due to burning this body's potential, feel a relaxed feeling that he had never experienced before.

It seems that at this moment, too strong mental power is no longer a "burden" for Li Yue.

At this time, Li Yue could easily control his increased mental power.

Of course, improving the control of mental power is not the biggest gain for Li Yue after experiencing this strange state.

And Li Yue's biggest gain is that he has understood why only after experiencing the state of unity between man and nature, he can have the special ability to evolve the runes he understands.

To a certain extent, it does not necessarily mean that someone has experienced the state of unity between nature and man, which will definitely give a person the ability to evolve the runes he understands.

Rather, in the process of experiencing the unity of heaven and man, you will truly perceive the natural operating rules of heaven and earth.

And it is precisely because you perceive the operating rules of the universe, and then use these operating rules of the universe to make up for some of the missing rules in the runes.

This will allow the original runes to evolve.

Of course, the extent to which you can evolve the runes depends on how much you understand the rules of the universe when you experience the state of unity between man and nature.

The more you understand, the more perfect the runes can naturally evolve.

The less you comprehend, the naturally you can only slightly improve the runes you master.

At this time, Li Yue had already experienced the state of unity between man and nature, and naturally felt the rules of the universe's operation, and naturally had the ability to evolve runes.

However, at this time, Li Yue was not in a hurry to use the rules of the universe he understood when he was in the state of unity of heaven and man to make up for this devouring rune.

Because he has a better plan later.

"In this case, without further ado, let's fully comprehend the more than a hundred kinds of runes on this barrier before doing anything else."

At this time, Li Yue resisted the desire to directly evolve this devouring rune, and instead prepared to continue to comprehend other runes above the barrier.

After having his first experience, and then continuing to understand other runes, Li Yue did not have any difficulties, nor did any accidents happen.

His concentrated mental power continued to enter various rune spaces.

In a short period of time, Li Yue experienced various rune phenomena in various rune spaces.

And every vision is actually an indirect description of the ability of this rune.

Just like the vision Li Yue experienced when he felt the first rune, it was describing the special ability of this rune to swallow energy.

Later, the runes Li Yue understood also had various strange abilities.

These abilities can be strong or weak, some can be used to launch attacks, and some can be used to generate defense.

However, for Li Yue at this time, these abilities may be of some help, but their effect is far less than the previous runes with devouring abilities, which have a stronger effect on Li Yue.

Therefore, after comprehending these runes, Li Yue did not hesitate and began to comprehend the next rune.

Of course, the reason why Li Yue seemed impatient was because in his heart, he was very much looking forward to encountering the rune that had reached the level of cosmic rules.

It is the special rule rune that can make people forget their memories.

However, as Li Yue continued to understand, he quickly understood more than half of the hundreds of runes on the barrier.

Moreover, during this process, Li Yue also discovered that there were hundreds of kinds of runes on the barrier.

But not all abilities are different.

Rather, some runes have similar abilities, but in some cases, there are some slight differences.

It was as if Li Yue later realized several runes that also had the ability to devour.

However, unlike the previous runes that could swallow energy, the following runes either only had the ability to swallow real things, or they only had a weak ability to swallow energy.

Although it seems that from the appearance point of view, the two runes have nothing in common, they are two completely different systems of runes.

But in fact, they have the same similar ability system.

After the subsequent process of understanding the runes, Li Yue found that this situation was not uncommon.

There are many kinds of runes, all with very similar abilities, with only a few subtle differences.

However, there seems to be no similarity in the appearance of the runes. It is difficult to see that these runes have similar abilities.

Of course, Li Yue could also feel that although runes with different shapes had similar abilities, they seemed to be somewhat repetitive.

However, here, multiple runes with similar abilities are drawn on the same medium, and their true ability performance is far more powerful than a single rune.

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