Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1049 Special Attraction

Although Li Yue had already experienced the process of entering the rune space hundreds of times and experiencing the visions in it.

But in fact, Li Yue had never had close contact with this silver-white cloud until this moment.

Although in his senses, he could clearly feel that although this cloud of mist could be felt by him, it did not really exist.

Therefore, it was also the first time for Li Yue to choose to control his spiritual body and approach the silver-white clouds in the rune space at this moment.

Soon, Li Yue's mental body gradually approached the silvery white cloud.

Viewed from a close distance, this white mist looks like a large white cloud floating in the sky.

It doesn't seem like there's much to notice.

However, only this kind of cloud and mist exists in this space, which naturally represents the unusualness of this kind of cloud and mist.

Moreover, the visions displayed in other rune spaces before were also transformed from this cloud.

Therefore, the role of this cloud is not just as inconsequential as it seems.

"I don't know what kind of special energy this cloud is formed from."

Even though he had observed and felt the cloud at close range, Li Yue still could not analyze what special energy this cloud was composed of.

Perhaps, this mass of energy is somewhat beyond Li Yue's understanding of energy.

"And, what should I do now to really trigger the vision and make it begin to appear?"

Although Li Yue was very curious about the nature of this cloud, he could only put it aside for the time being.

The most important thing at this time is that Li Yue doesn't know what he has to do to successfully trigger the phenomenon in this space.

And just when Li Yue was a little confused about how to trigger the vision in this space.

It seemed as if he felt Li Yue's approach.

The silver-white cloud, which was originally motionless without any fluctuation, now began to tremble slightly.

Although it was only a very slight tremor, for Li Yue, this was undoubtedly a special signal.

"Could it be that the vision is about to begin?"

At this time, almost nothing else existed in this space except Li Yue and this silver-white cloud.

Therefore, the moment the cloud and mist moved, Li Yue naturally noticed it very clearly.

Feeling the sudden tremor of the silvery white clouds, Li Yue naturally subconsciously thought that the vision might be about to begin.

However, Li Yue retreated slightly mentally, waiting for what would happen next to this silver cloud.

However, they found that the cloud seemed to be trembling slightly, and there were no other special circumstances.

Even the frequency of its trembling became weaker and weaker after Li Yue retreated.

"Could it be that the message conveyed by this cloud is to get closer to it?"

At this moment, Li Yue felt that as he retreated, the trembling frequency of the cloud seemed to become weaker.

He couldn't help but think that maybe this was sending a special signal to himself.

The purpose is to keep oneself close to this cloud.

"Although I don't know what this cloud of mist is going to do, it doesn't hurt to get closer at this time. There may be unexpected gains."

"And it seems like this is the only way I can get out of this predicament!"

Faced with the special message conveyed by this cloud, Li Yue was still a little hesitant at first.

Do you want to follow the guidance of this cloud and really get close to this cloud?

But soon, Li Yue thought that even if this cloud of mist really had bad thoughts, it might not be able to really hurt him.

And more importantly, at this time, Li Yue seemed to follow the guidance of this cloud and get really close to it.

There is no other way out of this "difficulty" at this time.

So, no matter what, Li Yue seemed to have no other choice.

He could only follow the special guidance conveyed by this cloud.

Of course, in the process of this kind of thing, Li Yue naturally needed to be more vigilant to avoid encountering some special situations.

Although in Li Yue's view, even this rune containing the power of rules cannot really hurt him.

However, sometimes, it is better to sail with caution.

Facing some unknown things, it is better for Li Yue to be cautious.

However, although strong vigilance arose in his heart, Li Yue's mental strength did not show any hesitation.

After making a decision in his heart, he continued to approach the slightly trembling clouds.

As Li Yue slowly approached, the trembling frequency of this silver-white cloud seemed to become faster and faster.

It was as if he was extremely excited about Li Yue's approach.

As he got closer to the cloud, Li Yue also felt a special feeling that was different from just now.

It's as if there is something in this cloud that attracts you, making you keep getting closer to the other person.

Although this attraction is very weak, Li Yue's feelings are very clear.

It's like there is something extremely important to you in this cloud, and if you miss this opportunity, you will miss this existence that is important to your identity.

"Looking at this situation, it seems more like a trap to attract me closer!"

At this time, Li Yue was naturally not dazzled by the sudden appearance of something that had a strong attraction to him and seemed to be very important to him.

He even had a feeling that the situation at this time seemed more like the bloody plot in some novels and movies.

It's more like this cloud, which seems to be some kind of trap set by relying on its strong attraction to attract itself.

"Of course, maybe I'm just overthinking."

Of course, this might just be Li Yue thinking too much.

"However, no matter what, even if this is a special trap aimed at me, I will not back down directly because of this."

However, no matter whether this is a trap created specifically for Li Yue.

Li Yue didn't hesitate too much and chose to give up and continue to approach.

Moreover, Li Yue's heart is actually more inclined to this. Maybe there is something really attracting him.

It is not some kind of trap created to achieve a certain purpose, attract yourself to keep getting closer, and eventually even create some kind of trap to hurt yourself.

After all, this is just a special rune that contains some rules of the universe, and there is no self-awareness in it at all.

Naturally, it is impossible to create this situation just for Li Yue!

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