Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1050 The World in Memory

Li Yue did not doubt its true purpose because something special that he found attractive suddenly appeared in the clouds, and gave up on approaching.

Instead, he continued to control his spiritual body and continued to slowly approach the cloud without any pause.

As Li Yue got closer and closer, he almost actually touched the edge of the cloud.

This silver-white cloud was trembling more and more violently.

It even seemed to have become extremely "excited", as if he couldn't help but want to directly touch Li Yue's spiritual body with trembling force.

At this time, Li Yue slowly stopped approaching.

Because when he got closer again, he could really touch this silver-white cloud.

Of course, the reason why Li Yue stopped approaching at this time was not because he felt regret in his heart and decided not to continue approaching the cloud.

But Li Yue wanted to carefully feel what kind of things existed in this cloud before completely coming into contact with it, which actually had such a strong attraction for him.

However, as Li Yue released his mental power, he carefully explored and sensed the cloud.

But it seemed like a stone sinking into the sea, without causing any waves.

This cloud seems to have the effect of shielding spiritual power.

Or it can be said that nothing seems to exist in this cloud, so it is naturally impossible for Li Yue to truly perceive anything.

However, no matter what the situation is, it seems that there are only two roads in front of Li Yue at this time.

One is to choose to wait and see and not really get close to this strange silver-white cloud.

This choice naturally has a benefit for Li Yue, that is, he does not need to worry about anything harmful to him that will happen after he actually comes into contact with this cloud.

However, if Li Yue really makes this choice, then there is no guarantee that he will be able to feel the vision in this rune space later.

The other option is to follow the attraction of this cloud and truly choose to come into contact with this cloud.

What happened next was not what Li Yue could have expected at this time.

Maybe what happens next will not do any harm to Li Yue.

Of course, it could also be that what happens next will have great harm to Li Yue.

This is something that Li Yue cannot yet determine.

Next, Li Yue actually didn't hesitate too much.

"Since you can't really feel what is attracting you, then why not choose to see with your own eyes what is attracting you!"

Soon, Li Yue made his choice.

He did not choose to wait and see, but directly raised his hand and touched the trembling silver-white cloud that was very close in front of him.

Li Yue didn't hesitate at all. In almost an instant, Li Yue's mental body truly came into contact with the silver-white cloud in front of him.

At the moment of contact, the silver-white cloud suddenly stopped trembling violently.

It was as if time suddenly stopped at this moment.

However, the next moment, the whole world seemed to begin to tremble more violently.

And the silver-white cloud that came into contact with Li Yue seemed to burst from the inside in an instant.

A thicker silver-white cloud suddenly emerged from it.

The silvery-white cloud and mist light group that originally only covered a radius of a hundred meters suddenly began to skyrocket.

And the silvery white clouds after the surge,

At an extremely fast speed, it swept through Li Yue's spiritual body in an instant, completely submerging Li Yue's entire mental consciousness in silver-white clouds.

Then it still didn't stop and continued to surge throughout the rune space.

It took almost only a short moment to completely sweep the entire rune space, turning the entire rune space into a sea of ​​silver-white clouds and mist.

At this moment, the entire rune space seemed to be shrouded in silver-white clouds.

At this time, Li Yue's mental body had completely disappeared, and was completely swallowed up and shrouded in the ocean-like silver-white clouds.

All these phenomena seem to confirm one thing, that is, this cloud of mist attracts Li Yue closer, and it seems to have some special purpose.

Of course, as for its purpose of attracting Li Yue closer, whether it is good or bad cannot be easily concluded at this time.

At least, at this time, Li Yue could clearly feel that perhaps the sudden appearance of this special situation in the cloud was not to really hurt him.

Li Yue naturally felt the sudden surge of clouds and mist.

Even at the moment when the clouds and mist surged, Li Yue had the ability to quickly escape from the swept area and leave this runic space.

However, Li Yue was a little hesitant at the time and did not immediately choose to evade and leave the rune space.

Because at the moment when the clouds and mist surged, he felt a stronger attraction from within.

Moreover, the main reason why Li Yue did not choose to leave this space directly was that he did not feel any strong crisis because of the sudden rise of this cloud.

Therefore, Li Yue, who was very curious about the situation at this time, did not choose to leave this space directly.

Instead, he stayed and quietly waited for the clouds and mist after the surge to completely swallow up his spiritual consciousness.

And subsequent experiences also confirmed Li Yue's guess.

What he was thinking was not wrong. The sudden rise of this silver-white cloud was not intended to harm Li Yue's mental consciousness.

The reason why this situation occurred was not a special situation created specifically to attract Li Yue's approach.

Of course, there may be some reasons for this.

After all, it seems that the vision of this space cannot be produced if no one comes into contact with this silver cloud.

Having said so much, Li Yue, who was shrouded in clouds and mist at this time, actually had no damage to his mental consciousness.

However, what surprised Li Yue was that after being swallowed by the clouds, his spiritual consciousness seemed to have returned to a special space again.

This may not be accurate. A more accurate statement is that Li Yue at this time seemed to have experienced time travel again.

His spiritual consciousness came to another "world".

"Is this the earth I was on before?"

At this time, looking at the familiar environment around him, it had always been deeply etched in his mind and he had never forgotten it.

At this moment, Li Yue felt so surprised for the first time, even a little at a loss.

Traveling to other worlds for several years and returning to his original "world" again, this somewhat "absurd" feeling made Li Yue unable to face it calmly!

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