Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1051 The world constructed by memory

If we say that after Li Yue obtained this special ability to travel across multiple universes, he could travel to various universes.

What Li Yue feels most memorable, even unforgettable, is not the Marvel world he first traveled to, nor the worlds he traveled to later.

It's the world where Li Yue was born, the world where Li Yue's life began.

Even though, in that world, there didn't seem to be anyone with extraordinary abilities who had ever demonstrated extraordinary abilities.

In a way, that world, in terms of "wonderfulness", is completely incomparable to the Marvel and other worlds that Li Yue traveled through.

After all, in the world that Li Yue traveled through later, there were many abilities that only existed in fantasy.

When these amazing abilities truly appear in reality, Li Yue can truly experience them.

Li Yue naturally felt extremely "wonderful" about these worlds with special abilities.

However, until now, in Li Yue's mind, no matter how much he feels that these worlds with fantasy capabilities are wonderful.

None of them can compare with the status of the world he was born in in Li Yue's mind.

Because the world where Li Yue was born is the beginning of all fantasies.

Now, the exact reason why Li Yue was suddenly extremely surprised that he "traveled" to another world again, and even felt a little overwhelmed.

This "world" is very familiar to Li Yue.

It is the memory fragment that he remembers deeply, the least touched, but the memory fragment that is the most profound and can never be forgotten.

Feel the familiar high-rise buildings, familiar streets, and familiar advertising signs around you.

At this time, Li Yue suddenly felt a sense of nostalgia in his heart.

After possessing the ability to travel through the universe, he rarely experienced this special feeling.

Even though, in the universe he travels through, there are also countries similar to his hometown of China.

Li Yue even often uses his teleportation ability to go to "hometown" in different senses to miss him.

However, although Li Yue could find streets and buildings that were basically the same as in his memory in different universes.

It's a pity that different universes are different universes after all. Some people and some things cannot be completely consistent with the universe where Li Yue originally lived.

In other words, even if all things and people can be consistent with the world in Li Yue's memory, what is the difference to Li Yue?

Because, even if everything can be consistent with Li Yue's memory, it is still not the world in Li Yue's memory, the "hometown" where he was truly born and grew up!

Just like the world at this time!

"Unfortunately, this is not my real home, and I have not really traveled to another world."

Everything familiar in front of him made Li Yue feel an inexplicable throbbing in his heart.

Yes, even without taking it too seriously, Li Yue could clearly understand that this world was not the hometown he remembered after all.

Moreover, in fact, I have not experienced another time travel.

Even, he has not left the rune space at this time.

And all the scenes around him that made him feel extremely familiar, extremely nostalgic, and extremely exciting were just illusions, a relatively real illusion.

"However, this kind of illusory illusion can actually cause my emotions to fluctuate. It doesn't seem that simple."

However, Li Yue has experienced a lot of illusions, and there are many that are more real than this time.

Even Li Yue could clearly understand that this was an illusion and an unreal world without even having to feel it carefully.

However, even if this thought suddenly appeared in Li Yue's mind, he still could not suppress the nostalgia rising in Li Yue's heart.

It seems that even though he already knows that this world is not the most important world to him in his memory.

But still facing the illusion in front of me,

It produced the same emotional expression as when facing the most real world in my memory.

This made Li Yue feel a little unbelievable.

Because for him at this time, this kind of emotion should only appear when he truly returns to the world in his memory.

And facing just a simple illusion, he should not show this special but real emotion at all.

Therefore, after being surprised, Li Yue quickly thought that maybe the reason for everything appeared in this special illusion.

Perhaps, the familiar world that appeared in front of him at this time was actually not just a simple illusion.

At this time, the world Li Yue came to had scenes that were most consistent with his memory, whether it was high-rise buildings or streets.

Even every inconspicuous detail on the street is the same as what Li Yue remembers, without any difference.

If it weren't for this world, no one would exist, and there wouldn't be any breath of life.

Li Yue may not easily conclude that this is just an illusion.

However, even so, Li Yue still felt very nostalgic for the familiar scene in front of him.

More importantly, this world seems to be a world created only in Li Yue's memory based on the deepest memories in his heart.

Everything is a perfect reproduction according to the scene in Li Yue's memory.

However, this perfect reproduction can only reproduce the scene in Li Yue's inner memory, but cannot reproduce the real reality.

"This illusion is exactly the same as what I remember. There is no difference at all."

"It seems that the creation of this scene should have something to do with my memory."

Soon, Li Yue thought of a special situation, because this fantasy world completely matched his memory.

Even every small detail is constructed according to the details in Li Yue's memory.

Therefore, Li Yue came to a special conclusion.

That is this world, perhaps a fantasy world created based on the most profound memory in my memory.

In this world, everything is exactly the same as the world in my memory.

Even every small detail has not changed at all!

"It's just that I don't know what the special reason is for creating such a world based on my memory!"

"Is it just to attract me closer, or to make me feel a real feeling of missing my hometown?"

However, although I thought that the creation of this fantasy world might be related to my own memory.

But Li Yue still had some doubts. Why did he create an illusion of the world that was exactly the same as in his memory? Was it just to attract him to come closer?

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