Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1055 Terrifying Ability

In the past, Li Yue's understanding of the power contained in this rune was just a special cosmic rule that could make people forget about the memory of the rune.

Although it has reached the level of cosmic rules, for Li Yue, it does not seem to have a great effect.

After all, it just makes people have some memories of the past. Maybe for some people, it is extremely difficult to accept that they forget their memories of certain times.

But maybe for some people, forgetting some irrelevant memories will not cause too serious consequences.

However, as Li Yue felt among the many runes, a special ability that could truly achieve the rules of the universe, Li Yue seemed to be very curious.

That's why this situation occurred.

However, after Li Yue experienced a special vision constructed by relying on his own memory in the rune space.

Li Yue has completely understood the true power of this rune.

And its original ability is not just to make people simply forget some memories.

Even the most basic ability of this rune is the ability to manipulate the memory of any creature at will.

Just like just now, casually browsing Li Yue's previous memories is a simple manifestation of ability.

Of course, the power of this rune is naturally not just that.

Just like when Li Yue was going retrograde to reconnect with his memory, all the memory scenes behind him were turned into some kind of pixel fragments.

It was as if Li Yue's past memories were constantly being forgotten, causing the memory scene to completely collapse.

This is the manifestation of the ability of this rune to make people forget their own memories.

However, Li Yue is very powerful, and these visions are not completely aimed at Li Yue, wanting to destroy all Li Yue's memories.

So in the end, Li Yue was able to not completely forget all his memories, but to reshape the previously forgotten memories and the collapsed memory scenes in a unique way.

Of course, Li Yue had no real reason for being affected at all, because this rune had no hostility towards Li Yue.

And in the space of this rune, it is just a simple manifestation of vision.

For Li Yue, the main purpose of this vision was to enable him to truly understand the true meaning of this rune.

At the same time, it can be regarded as a simple test for Li Yue.

If Li Yue's mental strength is very weak, then after experiencing this illusion of retrograde memory, he may really forget his memory completely.

Then such a person is not capable of controlling this rune, let alone the ability to manipulate this rune.

Subsequent results showed that Li Yue's mental power was strong enough and he was fully qualified to truly understand and control this rune.

Moreover, Li Yue, who had experienced this special vision, had actually completely understood the true meaning and ability of this rune.

The ability to manipulate and browse the memory of anything at will is just a simple ability possessed by this rune.

The more powerful ability is to be able to freely add and delete memory fragments in the memory of certain things under certain circumstances.

Of course, deletion is not just a simple deletion of memory, but a similar ability that can modify reality to a certain extent.

For example, in Li Yue's long memory, every minute and every second has a corresponding memory.

Everything he has seen, anyone he has seen, and even any scene he has seen not only exists in Li Yue's memory, but also exists in the real world.

However, if the forgetting rule of this rune is used, a certain memory in Li Yue's memory can be deleted.

So under normal circumstances, Li Yue would feel that there was a gap in his life, and for a period of time, his memory was a blank fragment.

However, in fact, Li Yue will not feel that there is any vacancy in his life, because while his memory is deleted, the power of the rules of the universe will correspondingly make up for some special consequences caused by deleting his memory.

Of course, this is just a simple manifestation of what can be achieved by applying this ability to forget on something itself.

However, after Li Yue understood the role of this ability, he suddenly had an extremely horrifying idea.

What would happen if this ability was not only applied to a single individual, but to multiple individuals, and their memories were deleted together?

Or to be more bold, if this ability to forget is applied to the entire universe, wouldn't it be possible to modify the memory and reality of the universe to some extent?

For example, applying this ability to the universe would completely erase or rewrite the history of Li Yue's existence in this universe.

So is it possible to completely erase Li Yue, a person who once really existed in the real world, from this universe?

This is undoubtedly an extremely terrifying ability, an ability that makes people feel creepy just by the sound of it.

Imagine that you have been living in this universe for decades.

But in an instant, the history of your existence and this universe is rewritten or even completely erased.

Although you once lived in this universe, in the rewritten history of the universe, it is equivalent to you never appearing in this world at all.

Your existence will be completely erased by the power of the rules of the universe, and even you will have no history of existing in this universe at all after this.

This is something that Li Yue finds extremely terrifying just by imagining it, and is something that is difficult for ordinary people to accept.

Its own existence has been completely erased, and even the history of the universe has been completely rewritten.

This kind of power is fully worthy of the grandeur and horror that it should have as a unique cosmic rule.

Of course, Li Yue could also imagine that if a person was truly completely erased from the real universe.

But it is necessary to use this power of cosmic rules to a very powerful level to truly achieve it.

Moreover, if you want to truly delete any living thing from the universe, you need extremely powerful energy support.

Therefore, if you are an ordinary person, even if you control this rune, you will not be able to support the huge energy required to completely delete a creature from the universe.

Moreover, this energy consumption is completely disproportionate.

Even if the person you want to completely erase is just an insignificant passerby in this universe, it still requires a huge amount of energy.

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