Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1056: A “useless” ability?

Of course, this is because your actions are changing the reality of the entire universe, and even the history of the universe.

And even if he is just a passerby, his existence may not play a very important role in the entire universe.

Almost a dispensable existence.

However, some things and situations cannot be viewed in this simple way.

As long as Passerby A has existed normally in this universe before, the people and things he has come into contact with will also be in a very complicated situation.

And if you want to completely delete the existence of this passerby, then you need to change the history of the universe and change other people's memories of the past existence of passerby.

And the huge amount of energy required to do so is almost unbearable for ordinary strong men.

Therefore, even if you completely erase something with a relatively modest existence, it may require a huge amount of energy to support it.

But such huge energy is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Therefore, the use of this kind of terrifying ability is naturally not available to ordinary people.

"From this point of view, although this ability is very scary, it is relatively useless."

"After all, just killing a person with a weak sense of existence does not consume a lot of energy."

"And to completely erase the same person from the universe, the energy and effort required may be countless times that of killing him."

"This is totally unjustifiable."

Although, Li Yue felt a little creepy about what he perceived as the special use of the rules and abilities possessed by this rune.

But after thinking about it carefully, Li Yue understood that the "benefit" of doing so was completely out of proportion to the effort.

If you want to use this method to erase a person with a strong sense of existence, I am afraid it will take extremely terrifying power to change the reality of the entire universe.

However, maybe you can simply kill the opponent without expending too much power.

Obviously, this is a situation where "revenue" is completely disproportionate to the effort.

"But, is this really the case?"

However, although Li Yue agrees that this ability may be worthless in most cases.

But what if you encounter some special situations?

For example, if Li Yue met a god who, although unknown, was so powerful that even Li Yue today could not match him.

Then Li Yue used this ability to completely erase it, although it also required a huge amount of energy.

But it is far better than the situation where you cannot defeat the opponent.

"So, it seems that no ability is completely useless. As long as you find a way to use this ability correctly, the effects it can achieve will be equally impressive."

Although, this imaginary situation may be difficult for Li Yue to encounter in the future.

However, if they really meet, then this ability is definitely a special ability that Li Yue can make a comeback.

And Li Yue also understood that there are no useless abilities. The reason why you feel that a certain special ability is useless is because you haven't found the real way to use it.

"So, it seems that it would be better for me to hold the runes with this ability in my hands."

"Maybe, I don't know when, this special ability will be of great help to me."

At this time, since he has rejected the idea that this ability is completely useless, Li Yue naturally understands that no matter what, he should still have this ability in his own hands.

However, at this time, Li Yue truly understood the true meaning of this rune. It is naturally very simple to fully master and use this rune.

Of course, the use of this ability requires Li Yue to keep trying in the future.

However, even if it only plays the basic role of this ability, making people who see this rune forget the memory of this rune in an instant, it is still a special ability that can be used.

"Now that I have fully understood the true meaning of this rune, I can naturally leave this rune space."

At this time, after experiencing the vision of the rune space, Li Yue could be considered to have truly grasped the true meaning of this rune.

Moreover, he also had some simple ideas about the true function of this rune.

And this rune, to a certain extent, has been completely mastered by Li Yue.

In the future, Li Yue will also have the ability to truly draw this rune, and will also be able to use its special abilities.

Even, maybe I don't know when, this special ability may be able to really help Li Yue solve some crises and difficulties that even he himself cannot solve.

Therefore, Li Yue is still very satisfied with what he gained after entering this rune space.

Although this ability may not be as helpful to his strength as the devouring ability he first mastered.

But it was also a harvest that made him very excited.

"In that case, it's time to leave here."

Having experienced the vision in this rune space, Li Yue fully understood the function of this rune.

At the same time, Li Yue gained a very powerful power of rules.

Perhaps this is the power of rules that can make people forget their memories, and even change the history of the entire universe.

It is just one of thousands of different rules of the universe.

But for Li Yue, it is already a very good thing to be able to truly master a unique universe rule in another unique way.

After all, even Li Yue, who has truly become a multiverse-level powerhouse at this time, cannot easily master more power of cosmic rules.

Since there is a "shortcut" that uses runes to manipulate and master the rules of the universe, it will naturally be an extremely good help for Li Yue's future strength growth.

However, this kind of rune with the power of rules may not be very easy to see.

The reason why Li Yue was lucky enough to see such runes at this time was entirely because these runes were probably left behind by a very powerful practitioner who was already in this special rune cultivation system.

As for how to find more such runes, it was something Li Yue didn't know at this time.

Because, in his previous understanding of the universe, although the rules of the universe can be embodied and even grasped by people.

But it was really the first time for Li Yue to encounter some special runes like this.

Perhaps these runes are extremely special products in a special universe!

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