Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1058 Rune Combination

Li Yue's process of drawing runes this time was very smooth.

Moreover, although Li Yue directly drew nearly a hundred runes this time, it still didn't seem to make Li Yue feel tired at all.

Following Li Yue's flowing movements, runes of different shapes and colors appeared on the illusory barrier in front of him.

As the runes emerged, there seemed to be a faint stream of light that was constantly flowing along with the runes' trajectory, giving people the feeling that the runes seemed to be alive.

Soon, hundreds of smart runes appeared on the barrier as Li Yue drew them.

The runes are arranged on the barrier in a chaotic manner, but there seems to be some special pattern contained in them.

And at the moment when the last rune appeared. There seemed to be a very strange connection between all the runes instantly.

At this moment, it seems that with the emergence of all the runes, there is a scene where all the runes converge into a whole.

All the runes merged into a whole, and the light that was originally flowing continuously in a single rune seemed to be synchronized at this moment.

Countless streams of light seem to be flowing in the same "whole" of these runes, forming an extremely strange scene.

It was as if all the runes were linked together by a strange law at this moment, forming a community.

All the runes together form a strange scene.

"Perhaps, it is the combination of these runes in a unique way that can produce some special rules, and even the abilities possessed by all the runes can be combined to form more powerful abilities."

Li Yue felt all the runes that seemed to have become one with glory and power, and there was a strange feeling in his heart.

Although he didn't understand why this unique situation occurred after he drew all the runes.

But Li Yue knew that this might be the knowledge gained by the person who built this barrier in this rune cultivation system.

Not only can he draw these single runes, he even knows how to combine them to form a unique pattern.

Let the abilities of all runes complement each other and even enhance each other.

The complementation of rune abilities can even produce more powerful special abilities.

For example, combining the ability to absorb energy with the ability to self-heal can allow this barrier to ignore almost all energy attacks, absorb the energy of the attack, and then provide the self-healing ability to repair itself.

This method of absorbing energy and automatically healing is the best effect of combining rune abilities with each other!

Although Li Yue can understand the abilities contained in these runes, he can even draw these runes easily.

But after all, Li Yue has not really practiced the special training system for this kind of runes.

So for Li Yue, he didn't understand what this unique linking method between runes was about.

Perhaps, there is only one person who builds this barrier, draws these runes on top of the barrier, and combines all the runes together in some special way.

Only then can one truly understand how to combine the abilities of all the runes with each other.

This special ability is like a unique understanding of these runes.

It is not simply about understanding the abilities contained in the runes, but also a deeper understanding of the operating rules of these runes.

Even when drawing the runes, I captured the changes in the laws of the universe.

and the inexplicable changes in the atmosphere of heaven and earth.

Then, combining all available factors, a variety of runes are drawn on the same medium in different arrangements.

This allows a variety of abilities with different abilities, or abilities that are the same but have strengths and weaknesses, to cooperate with each other in unique ways, ultimately forming all the abilities that this barrier has today.

"Although I don't know how the person who created this barrier did it."

"But I can imagine that this is definitely a situation that can only be achieved by having an extremely strong understanding of the rules of heaven and earth, so that the rules of heaven and earth and the runes can resonate with each other and cooperate with each other."

"But now, I may not understand the rules of heaven and earth thoroughly enough, so I cannot understand everything above this barrier."

Li Yue understood that this situation occurred entirely because the person who created this barrier had a thorough understanding of the rules of the universe and the operation of everything in the world.

Therefore, while drawing different runes, multiple runes can also resonate with each other, so that the abilities of the runes can complement each other and enhance each other.

In the end, a unique pattern was formed, which truly formed this barrier.

Unfortunately, at this time, Li Yue's exposure to this method of rune cultivation was too short.

Therefore, I still don’t have my own understanding of this unique way of fusing multiple runes together.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible to fuse two or more runes together like the person who built this barrier.

"However, I believe that as long as I calm down and study the cultivation method of this kind of runes carefully, I will be able to understand this situation of fusing multiple runes with each other so that their abilities can complement and cooperate with each other. What should I do? How to achieve!"

"Of course, this kind of moment to calm down and study carefully needs to be done after leaving this special space."

However, Li Yue did not underestimate himself. He was very confident in himself.

I believe that I will have time to calm down, study these runes carefully, and analyze the special connections between the arrangements of these runes.

One day, I will be able to take into my own hands this special method of arranging multiple runes so that their abilities complement each other.

However, what Li Yue needs to do at this time is to continue exploring forward after completing the virtual barrier in his mind.

After all, compared to this special method that can eventually be obtained later, multiple runes can be linked together.

Li Yue's inner interest in the vague-looking ancient building in front of him was even stronger.

After all, although the building looked a bit far away, it seemed that even Li Yue's eyes were blocked by some special aura, and he was unable to truly see the details of the building.

The building can only be seen briefly, and it seems to have an outline very similar to the gorgeous pavilions and pavilions of ancient China.

Li Yue could even feel that the building seemed to be full of mystery. He didn't know what kind of secrets were hidden inside.

However, Li Yue could be sure that when he really arrived at that ancient building, he would be able to truly understand all the secrets inside.

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