Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1059 Seal Memory

At this time, Li Yue had completely completed his plan to understand the runes.

Next, what he needs to do is to continue to explore forward in this special space.

The ancient building located far ahead is Li Yue's future exploration target.

Li Yue can be said to have gained a lot from the barrier he encountered at this time.

He truly understood the simple principles and methods of this rune cultivation system.

Moreover, he has truly mastered the abilities and drawing methods of hundreds of runes.

Although, the runes that Li Yue mastered at this time did not seem to play a very important role for him.

However, this was before Li Yue could calm down and carefully study the runes he had understood.

And he didn't use it to its real effect to help improve his strength.

Just like the simple plan in Li Yue's heart, as long as Li Yue draws runes that can swallow energy into every cell universe in his body.

Then Li Yue's strength growth in the future will definitely exceed everyone's expectations, making Li Yue himself extremely shocked by the growth rate of his strength!

However, all these plans will have to wait until Li Yue returns to the real world after fully exploring this special space before he has the opportunity and time to implement them.

At this time, what Li Yue needs to do is to continue exploring this strange space.

At this time, although it was a little far away from Li Yue, the ancient building that could be clearly seen naturally became the first target for Li Yue to continue exploring.

After passing through the barrier, the space we came to seemed to be not much different from reality.

Everything here does not need to be like what Li Yue did before. It can only be truly felt by mental power or perception.

Everything here can be seen by Li Yue's eyes.

However, it seems that beyond a certain distance, the gaze will be disturbed in some way.

The same is true for the exploration of spiritual power. It cannot go beyond the scope of sight.

It is even less possible to truly explore what is beyond sight.

And this means,

I want to explore the building that seems a little blurry with my eyes, and only some simple outlines can be seen.

Li Yue's mental power was completely useless.

"It seems that just relying on mental power and other perception methods, there may be no way to truly pry into the secrets hidden in that building."

"So now the only option is to go there in person."

Li Yue could naturally understand all this at this time. Only when he personally went to the place where the building was located could he have a chance to truly pry into the secrets hidden in that ancient building.

And Li Yue, who had completely copied the entire barrier in his mind, had nothing to miss anymore.

He was ready to set off immediately to the ancient building he looked at next.

"However, before setting off, the illusory barrier in my mind and all the memories about these runes should be properly kept."

Before setting off, Li Yue thought that the illusory barrier in his mind and his memory of these runes should be "kept" in a simple but special way.

Of course, the real purpose of this special "storage" is actually to ensure that Li Yue's memory of all this will not be forgotten at any time.

Or to be more precise, it was so that Li Yue's memory of all this could be mobilized by him at any time.

Of course, some special method is needed to "preserve" these memories.

It was entirely because Li Yue was a little worried that in the future, when his mental power was greatly consumed and weakened, he would temporarily forget the memory of these runes.

After all, who can really predict what will happen next.

Even Li Yue at this time had no way to guarantee that he would not encounter any danger on the next road.

And his mental strength will naturally be continuously consumed by the various situations he encounters.

The final consumed mental power could no longer support Li Yue to maintain the multiverse level.

At that time, affected by the forgetting rules, he may temporarily forget the rune memories he knew before.

And if in some situations, the memory and knowledge about these runes are really needed, Li Yue may not have any way to overcome the difficulty.

And if at this time, this memory is temporarily sealed in Li Yue's mind in a special way, as if "temporarily kept".

Whenever Li Yue needs it, he can re-unlock this memory.

In this way, Li Yue only needs to unlock this dust-covered memory when he encounters a possible crisis, and he can use the memory about the runes normally to solve the crisis he encounters.

Of course, this is easy to say.

Just like depositing money in a bank, you temporarily hand over the assets you own to the bank for safekeeping. When you need it, you can withdraw your money from the bank at any time to help tide over the current difficulties.

However, at this time, Li Yue was storing his own memory.

Moreover, the place of preservation is not a special institution like a bank, but Li Yue himself.

Therefore, this situation is still very different from saving money in the bank.

More like a plot that only exists in novels. Some people seal their own strength and previous memories in order to achieve something or to break through their own potential.

Then use a "blank" memory to experience a new life again and gain a different perception of life.

It's like the Buddhist special method of sealing the memory of past lives and rebuilding it in reincarnation.

Of course, Li Yue would not completely "seal" all his memories at this time and reincarnate to rebuild.

He just chose to temporarily seal his memory about these runes.

And even Li Yue will not forget that this memory of his has been sealed by himself.

He could clearly know that there was a sealed memory in his mind, and he also knew the reason why this memory was sealed, and when it was time to re-unlock this memory to help him get through the difficulties.

In general, this is like putting your "money" in a place that only you know and temporarily saving it.

And I actually know the existence of these money, and I also know that I can take out these "money" and use it anytime and anywhere.

But, on the other hand, I know better that the role of this money is to better help me survive the crisis when I encounter it.

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