Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1060: Dividing the River of Memory

And since he had the idea of ​​temporarily sealing this memory, Li Yue didn't hesitate much.

Because it was only a temporary seal, even if such a seal did not play its due role in the end, Li Yue had not lost anything.

After all, the temporary seal will not make Li Yue's memory truly missing.

It's just that before this memory is unblocked, Li Yue will temporarily "forget" all the details of this memory.

Of course, during the subsequent exploration process, Li Yue would need the memory of these runes at any time to solve certain matters at hand.

He can completely lift the seal of his release at any time and unlock the memories that have been sealed away in dust.

Then solve the current crisis and difficulty according to the content in the memory.

This special sealing ability may have been difficult for Li Yue to accomplish before.

After all, it is not easy to intercept an accurate memory fragment from your own memory and then seal it.

But for Li Yue at this time, it was already very easy to do.

Because, among the runes he just mastered, Li Yue also mastered the ability to manipulate memory at will.

Although, the more accurate function of this ability is to make people completely forget about certain things.

It's a little different from Li Yue's situation of temporarily sealing his own memory.

However, after Li Yue fully understood the function of this rune, Li Yue was able to use this ability to segment a memory fragment from all his memories.

Then temporarily allow yourself to "forget" these memories.

In fact, this memory is sealed.

Until you need these memories, unblock them.

The reason why Li Yue had the idea to temporarily seal his memory fragments at this time.

It was entirely because he had thought of this method before he understood the abilities contained in all the runes, to help him avoid being affected by the forgotten rules before he fully understood them.

However, the subsequent plans failed to keep up with the changes. Li Yue was actually able to truly understand all the runes on the barrier, and had the special ability to draw runes and even use the runes.

Therefore, at this time, it is naturally very easy to use this plan here.

And in fact, it is indeed the case.

After Li Yue started sealing his memory, the first thing he did was to "cut" out all his memories about runes from the river of all his memories.

A unique memory fragment only about these runes is formed.

In Li Yue's mind, he seemed to be in front of his own memory in an instant.

And countless familiar memories flowed rapidly in front of Li Yue's eyes, like a wide river.

Countless memory scenes continue to flow in Li Yue's memory, forming a unique and wonderful picture.

Facing the long river of memories that he had embodied, Li Yue just made a brief observation.

Then, he did not hesitate anymore and started his plan.

The next moment, Li Yue concentrated his mind and began to divide the memory fragments he needed in the long river of memory.

Li Yue didn't see any movement, and the long river of memories in front of him seemed to be divided by some special power.

Pieces of memory fragments, in special forms visible to the naked eye, slowly fly out from the long river of memory.

And these,

It is the memory fragment separated by Li Yue! It is also all about the memory of runes.

Next, Li Yue was ready to seal this memory fragment in the corner of his mind.

As for the way to seal the memory, Li Yue had already thought of it earlier, relying on the power of the runes he had just comprehended.

In principle, the real function of that simple rune is to make certain creatures completely forget their own memories.

However, Li Yue naturally would not fully apply this situation to himself.

He has no intention of completely forgetting the memory.

Therefore, in the process of drawing this simple rune, Li Yue selectively weakened the role of the rune.

And this rune, during the process of being drawn by Li Yue, was not drawn very rigidly, and it continued to maintain its ability to make people forget everything.

Instead, following Li Yue's thoughts, there was some simple change in his ability to release.

At this moment, this rune, which can make people forget all memories, only exerts less than one ten thousandth of its previous power.

For Li Yue, he can only simply let him forget a certain memory "temporarily"!

And this is exactly the result Li Yue wants.

During the process of drawing this rune this time, Li Yue felt a more profound rule of the universe's operation.

His body seemed to be moving together with the heaven and earth.

And the rune he drew, although simple, seemed to be the true embodiment of the rules of the universe and the laws of heaven and earth.

Soon, in this wonderful feeling, a simple rune was completely drawn by Li Yue.

There are only a few strokes and it looks very simple.

However, although the runes were very simple, the next moment Li Yue drew them, they began to emit a very special energy fluctuation.

It was as if the world between heaven and earth was suddenly filled with a special aura, and following the rules of heaven and earth's operation, it merged with the entire world.

Moreover, there seems to be a weak attraction slowly released from the simple runes, absorbing some of the surrounding things.

This attraction seems to be slowly getting stronger, but what makes people feel strange is that although they can feel the existence of this attraction, they don't seem to be affected by it.

The surrounding things did not change or be affected in any way when the attraction appeared.

However, as the attraction continued to grow, all the memory fragments about the runes that had been intercepted by Li Yue.

They all seemed to be affected by the gravitational pull of this rune, and instantly turned into streams of colorful light visible to the naked eye, converging towards the simple rune.

A very simple rune now stood in a remote corner of Li Yue's spiritual consciousness.

While emitting a faint light, it also exudes a powerful attraction.

However, this strong gravity does not seem to attract other things, but will only have a corresponding impact on Li Yue's memory.

However, the complete river of memory was not affected or attracted by this rune.

The only things that were attracted were the memory fragments intercepted by Li Yue before.

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