Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1061 Keep moving forward

Li Yue used his special ability to separate all the memory fragments about these runes from his own memory field.

After that, he drew a rune directly in his mind that looked very simple but had extremely special abilities.

And the ability contained in this rune is exactly the power of the rules of the universe, a powerful ability that can make people forget their own memories.

However, now in the process of drawing the runes, Li Yue has weakened the effect of this rune according to his own wishes.

Therefore, this rune did not show the powerful ability to cause Li Yue to lose all his memories.

Instead, it only exerted one ten thousandth of its original ability.

But even so, after this rune appeared, it still produced an extremely powerful attraction.

The huge attraction does not act on anything, but only on the memories in Li Yue's mind.

However, because the power of the rune itself has been weakened, the rune cannot exert its full power at this time.

It also means that it cannot really affect Li Yue's entire memory.

However, it can have a great impact on the memories separated by Li Yue.

The memory fragments separated by Li Yue seemed to be attracted by the black hole at this moment.

Countless vague memory fragments were instantly pulled by strong gravity and began to gradually deform.

Moreover, as the attraction continued to grow, the memory fragments that had been pulled and deformed directly turned into streams of multicolored light and began to converge towards the runes.

Countless streams of colorful light seemed to be continuously attracted into this rune.

The runes that absorbed these memory fragments were like a well-fed giant beast. The powerful energy fluctuations and strong gravity emitted from its body began to gradually disappear.

However, the light emanating from its runes is very bright.

However, as the runes slowly fell silent, the light above the runes gradually became faint, until finally they disappeared completely.

"The effect of this power of rules is indeed very strange when you really feel it."

Although Li Yue had experienced the effect of memories being forgotten before.

But before, he had passively felt that his memories were gradually being forgotten.

Moreover, at that time, he had not truly understood the meaning and true ability of this forgotten rune.

Therefore, in fact, the feeling that Li Yue slowly and passively forgot his memory at that time was very different from the feeling that he actively used this forgetting rule to selectively forget his memory.

First of all, at this time, Li Yue actively used the ability of runes to make some of his memory fragments forgotten by himself at this moment.

Instead of being bound by the effects of the forgetting rules and having to forget some memories.

Therefore, the two feelings are naturally different.

At this time, Li Yue, who took the initiative to use his ability, was actually more cooperative with this rune in his heart, so that its effect could be exerted as soon as possible.

Therefore, in less than a few seconds, Li Yue already felt that his memory about the runes had been "completely" forgotten by him.

He knew very well in his heart that he still had a memory about these runes just now.

It is also clear that he has completely understood the true meaning of these runes and has the ability to draw these runes.

However, Li Yue could no longer recall any memories about the runes at this time.

And if this situation occurs suddenly, it will naturally cause a lot of trouble to Li Yue.

However, if this situation occurs, it is Li Yue's own decision to do something specially, which will naturally not cause any trouble to Li Yue.

At this time, this is exactly the case.

Although Li Yue felt a little strange after he completely forgot all his memories about the runes.

After all, the memory that was deeply engraved in my mind one moment had completely disappeared the next moment.

This special feeling naturally makes people feel a feeling that is not very real.

Moreover, the sudden loss of a memory left a gap in his memory, which made Li Yue feel a little strange.

However, fortunately, Li Yue knew all the reasons for the disappearance of his memory at this time.

I also know that all this is temporary and can be restored later.

Therefore, for Li Yue at this time, apart from feeling a little strange, he did not feel too much discomfort.

Gradually, all of Li Yue's memory fragments about the runes disappeared behind Li Yue's memory.

The runes that were originally shining in front of Li Yue now became very obscure, as if the runes had disappeared.

And if you don't observe carefully, it may be difficult to find that there is such a rune hidden here.

"It seems that the plan is going well, so it's time for me to continue exploring!"

Although the rune seemed to gradually lose its original shape, for Li Yue, he could naturally feel the existence of this rune.

And he also understood that as long as he wanted to retrieve his memory about the rune, he could unseal the rune at any time and recall all the memories he had forgotten.

At this time, Li Yue, who knew that his plan had been effective, also understood that it was time for him to move on and explore forward.

Li Yue's spiritual consciousness did not stay in his mind too much.

The spirit returned to its original form, and Li Yue's eyes completely moved away from the barrier in front of him.

Behind Li Yue was a path with almost no end in sight.

What makes people feel very strange is that there are no trees or other things that can block the view around this path.

But it seems that there are layers of thick fog surrounding it, making it impossible for Li Yue to see through the fog and see the real situation around him.

Even if Li Yue's mental power spreads not far away in the fog, it will be blocked and unable to continue to spread outwards.

And only along this path with nothing blocking it can Li Yue's mental power spread to a long distance normally.

Of course, this distance still cannot exceed the range of Li Yue's sight.

It seemed that everything at this time was "guiding" Li Yue to follow this path.

Far ahead of the path, there is a vague building, only a rough outline can be seen, which seems to be in the style of ancient Chinese pavilions.

Although this ancient building could not be clearly seen, it brought great attraction to Li Yue.

It seemed that there was something important to Li Yue in this ancient building.

It seems that this building itself is full of attraction to Li Yue.

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