Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1073 Buildings in the Starry Sky of the Universe

Li Yue had no idea at this time that this ordinary door would turn into a starry sky door.

And on the other side of the door, there is an unknown area.

For Li Yue, the other side of the Starry Sky Gate is unknown.

But Li Yue's original purpose was to open this door.

It's just that the way it is opened now is slightly different from what Li Yue expected before.

However, after being simply surprised, Li Yue quickly accepted the result.

"In this case, there is no need to hesitate any longer. Let's enter it and see what's going on on the other side!"

Li Yue, who has accepted this result, naturally has nothing to hesitate now.

So he didn't resist this time, but took the initiative to walk towards the door in front of him that looked like a starry sky.

Li Yue's body did not encounter any substantial obstruction, and his entire body walked directly into the starry sky door.

But after Li Yue completely entered the Starry Sky Gate, the Starry Sky Gate's appearance like a bright starry sky suddenly slowly dissipated.

The entire starry sky seemed to be attracted by some special force.

Countless bright stars began to gather rapidly towards the central area of ​​the door.

The entire perimeter of the door once again turned into the same darkness as before.

However, countless bright star points were attracted together by some kind of force and turned into a very bright light cluster, like a dazzling star.

The next moment, this group of light suddenly exploded.

A powerful shock wave swept all around instantly.

After the explosion, the stone door, which was originally like a starry sky, changed back to its previous appearance and became a normal stone door building.

It was as if everything before had never happened.

Only the eyes of the dragon pattern above this door seem to be shining with a strange light!

After Li Yue chose to enter this starry sky door, he walked into this starry sky door without any hesitation.

The experience of entering the Starry Sky Gate this time was obviously different from when Li Yue traveled through the wormhole before.

For example, when Li Yue travels through the wormhole, he will feel an extremely strong attraction acting on his spirit.

Even during the first few time travels, Li Yue could even feel his soul being pulled out of his body.

However, this feeling gradually disappeared after Li Yue's mental power became strong enough.

At this time, the wormhole constructed by Li Yue again would not have much impact on Li Yue who traveled through it.

But the feeling of passing through the starry sky gate this time is different from the feeling when passing through the wormhole.

When he first entered the Starry Sky Gate, Li Yue could feel a very obvious pressure acting on his body, as if he was passing through a rapid waterfall.

However, when Li Yue's entire body completely entered the starry sky door, Li Yue could no longer feel this obvious pressure again.

His whole body suddenly became very relaxed, as if there was no abnormal feeling.

However, the scene in front of him had undergone extremely huge changes from before.

Li Yue seemed to have moved from the solid ground to the vast starry sky.

The surrounding scene was no different from when Li Yue physically traveled across the universe.

This extremely clear feeling made Li Yue understand that the area he was in now was probably the real starry sky in the universe.

However, at this time, Li Yue could not tell whether the starry sky in the universe he was in was still the previous DC universe.

However, according to Li Yue's guess, it is very likely that this is no longer in the DC universe that Li Yue was in before.

After all, Li Yue was already in the void of the universe before entering this special space.

There is no longer a true universe there.

But when you come to this special universe and starry sky, you may have already completely separated from the previous universe.

And this vast universe may also be a new universe that Li Yue has never reached.

"I don't know what kind of universe I am in now!"

How big a real universe is, even Li Yue at this time cannot truly fully perceive it.

What's more, the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light every moment.

This also means that a normal universe is almost infinite.

Therefore, Li Yue, who came to a new universe and was in the vast expanse of space, could not quickly know what kind of universe this universe was.

Moreover, there are almost countless civilizations in a universe, and it is almost impossible to find a human civilization like Li Yue from the universe as soon as possible.

Moreover, Li Yue knew that although he had arrived in the starry sky of the universe, he had not really reached the destination he wanted to go to.

Because, in the vast starry sky of the universe, not far in front of Li Yue, there is a building that Li Yue is very familiar with.

Previously, Li Yue inadvertently opened a door to the starry sky in order to enter an ancient pavilion.

After entering the Starry Sky Gate, Li Yue truly entered a new universe.

However, before Li Yue could truly feel the universe, he had already seen a building that he was very familiar with in front of it.

It was the ancient pavilion that I had seen before.

However, the way I saw the building this time was extremely different from the last time.

A second ago, he saw this building in a real space, and this building was located on the ground.

But it was only for a short moment. When Li Yue saw this building again, he was already in the vast starry sky of the universe.

At this time, this building is no longer sitting on the surface, but is floating quietly in space.

Like a space meteorite, it is constantly floating in the depths of the universe.

Of course, although it is floating in the depths of the universe, this building maintains a static state, unlike those real meteorites that rapidly shuttle through the universe and are constantly rolling.

Li Yue has the ability to stand still in space.

Therefore, in general, real meteorites are constantly moving compared to Li Yue.

Even it itself is rotating according to some special rules.

However, this building is different. It can achieve the same static state as Li Yue relative to Li Yue.

It's like everything in the entire universe is constantly moving, but only this ancient building sits quietly in the depths of the universe without any wavering!

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