Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1074 Changing the trajectory

Although Li Yue was very surprised by the situation at this time, he could also accept it!

After all, a building that can exist in space naturally has something magical about it that is different from ordinary buildings.

Not to mention its ability to remain still in the universe.

Just saying that it has existed in the universe for an unknown amount of time, but it has still not been hit and destroyed by meteorites that are constantly passing by, is an incredible thing.

After all, just like any other planet like the Earth, it is almost impossible not to be hit by an endless number of meteorites in the universe!

Just like the Earth's satellite Moon, it can be seen from the craters scattered on its surface that it has received almost countless meteorite impacts.

However, this building is able to exist in a static state relative to the entire universe in the space where meteorites are constantly passing through.

Then it can be explained that if the building itself is not hard enough to ignore the impact of various meteorites, there is only one possibility. There is some kind of strange ability in this building.

As for the situation of this building at this time, Li Yue's feeling should be the latter.

Because no matter how hard the surface of the building is, it will always leave some traces of impact after being hit.

However, Li Yue did not notice any signs of impact on this building.

Of course, the reason why Li Yue was able to directly determine that this building had a special ability was a special situation he observed.

The area where this building is located is not littered with small meteorites.

But as time goes by, there will always be some meteorites passing around this building.

Although, the trajectories of most meteorites may not coincide with the location of this building.

But as long as there are enough meteorites passing by, there will always be a meteorite whose shuttle trajectory coincides with the location of this building.

Coincidentally, Li Yue had just passed through the Starry Sky Gate and came to this vast universe.

He happened to find a meteorite that was almost the same as this building, and its trajectory coincided with the location of this building.

If no accident occurs, this meteorite will eventually hit this building soon.

And when the time comes, the building hit by the meteorite will no matter how hard it is.

But when hit by a meteorite, some traces will be left.

It is even possible that this building's static state relative to the universe will eventually be broken after being hit by a meteorite.

However, after Li Yue witnessed it with his own eyes, he discovered that the outcome of the matter was not what he had imagined.

Meteorites travel through the universe at both fast and slow speeds.

Some can reach almost a fraction of the speed of light.

But some may take decades to move just a few meters.

At this time, Li Yue discovered that the meteorite that was about to hit the building was not moving very fast, far from approaching the speed of light.

However, although it is not as fast as the speed of light, the speed of this meteorite is not slow either.

According to Li Yue's observations, the meteorite's movement speed has already exceeded the speed of sound defined by humans, and even reached thousands of meters per second!

Of course, there is no air in space, so naturally there are almost no ways for sound to propagate.

Naturally, there is no human definition of exceeding the speed of sound.

However, what this means is that the meteorite's movement speed has reached several thousand meters per second.

Such a speed can ensure that this meteorite will form a considerable impact after impact.

After all, a meteorite with a diameter of more than a few hundred meters falling on the earth at such a fast speed can cause a destructive force exceeding that of a nuclear bomb explosion.

What is certain at this time is that,

If this meteorite really hits this building, then this building will not be damaged even if it is made of special materials.

But it will also change its static state relative to the universe due to such a huge impact!

However, the moment the meteorite approached the building, something happened that Li Yue had not expected!

When the meteorite was about to follow its trajectory and hit the building floating in the universe.

In Li Yue's feeling, an inexplicable force suddenly appeared around the building.

This very special power is not materialized energy, but a special power that is completely invisible to the naked eye.

Just like the magnetic force possessed by a magnet, the gravitational force possessed by various objects with mass in the universe.

Although invisible, almost everyone and everything is affected by this special power.

Therefore, even though it cannot be seen with the naked eye, this power can be truly felt.

But now, in Li Yue's perception, this very special power appeared around this building.

And the effect of this power was perfectly reflected in what happened next.

The moment the meteorite was about to hit the building at a speed exceeding several thousand meters per second.

This inexplicable force suddenly appeared, instantly forming a special force field around the building.

But after the meteorite hit the force field around the building, it seemed to be pulled by a special force, changing its direction and deviating from its original trajectory.

The meteorite was eventually forced to change its trajectory just before it hit the building.

An elliptical arc was drawn around this building, which coincidentally but perfectly avoided this building floating in the starry sky.

After finally avoiding the building, he was attracted by the inexplicable force and changed his direction again.

But this time, it turned back to its original trajectory and continued to shuttle forward according to its previous trajectory.

Although the whole process seems complicated to describe, it happened in less than a second.

There was no pause in the whole process, as if everything was completely normal.

It seems that this situation has happened countless times in the past.

For Li Yue, this was the first time he saw this.

Of course, Li Yue could easily understand the principle.

Perhaps it was because of the force field formed by the special force just now that this happened.

And the function of that force seems to exist to prevent the building from being hit by anything.

Moreover, the effect of this power seems to be very effective!

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