Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1079 “Warp Engine” Theory

In this distorted time and space, Li Yue was still able to control his body normally.

How and what he wants to do is under his own control.

However, the distorted time and space around him will have an unpredictable impact on what he does.

It was as if he could freely adjust his direction after entering the distorted time and space.

However, even if he adjusted his direction, in the end he was still unable to pass through the distorted time and space and approach the building.

This may be the true meaning of this distorted time and space.

Although you will not be harmed after entering it, you cannot freely enter the central area of ​​​​distorted time and space.

After simple experiments and feelings, Li Yue has basically understood this distorted rule of time and space.

Although it cannot be compared with the distortion of space and time caused by a real black hole, it has a powerful force that can tear everything apart and swallow everything.

But compared to the distorted space-time near the black hole, it can only absorb and swallow matter.

This unique space-time distortion area has relatively more complex effects.

This kind of distorted time and space seems to adjust its degree of distortion again according to the changes in people's thoughts and behaviors.

In short, it is your previous lesson that restores your original feeling that you can understand the extent of the distortion of time and space.

But the next moment, when your behavior changes, the distortion of this space-time also changes again, so that the changes you made based on the previous degree of distortion will not produce the desired effect at all.

This was also the main reason why no matter how Li Yue changed his direction, he would only travel around the periphery of the building and could not really approach the building in the central area.

At this time, although I already understood the reason for everything, it was still not that easy to truly travel through this distorted time and space and approach the building.

At least, until Li Yue stopped using his teleportation ability and teleported directly, it would probably take a lot of energy for him to truly travel through this distorted space-time area.

Before that, what Li Yue needed to do was to find a way to not be affected by this distortion of time and space.

"The extremely fast speed cannot be affected by the distortion of space and time, at least that seems to be the case when the speed does not exceed the speed of light."

"So, it seems that it is not that easy to find factors that are truly unaffected by distorted time and space."

The result of Li Yue's previous experiment was that the speed did not exceed the speed of light. No matter how fast it was, it might not be able to truly escape the influence of distorted space and time.

However, Li Yue was unable to achieve a speed exceeding the speed of light in an instant.

Therefore, he must find another way to ignore the distortion of time and space.

However, if this kind of method that can ignore the distortion of space and time can be found, it will completely allow people to not be affected by the distortion of space and time around the black hole, so that people can get close to the black hole in a true sense.

So, is such a method so easy to find?

However, perhaps this is a very difficult thing for scientists who promote the progress of human civilization.

And some conjectures can only be a theory and cannot be truly realized.

Just like the existence of black holes, although it has been a theoretically recognized fact nearly a hundred years ago, it was not until a few years ago that humans saw a real image of a black hole.

However, what is very difficult for scientists may not be very difficult for Li Yue, who now has various special abilities.

Even without the use of other special methods, the power that Li Yue's body now possesses is enough to support Li Yue from approaching the black hole at close range without being torn apart by its powerful power.

It won't even be swallowed up by the powerful devouring force.

However, this does not mean that Li Yue will not be affected by the distortion of time and space, but because his power is enough to resist the distortion of time and space.

However, now Li Yue is looking for a way to truly ignore the influence of distorted time and space.

"Perhaps, this still depends on speed."

Soon, Li Yue thought of a possibility again.

Perhaps, it was not the reason that my previous speed was not fast enough that prevented me from truly breaking away from the influence of distorted time and space.

Or maybe, he doesn't need to explode beyond the speed of light in an instant to avoid being affected by the distortion of time and space.

However, speed may indeed be the key to solving this problem!

However, the direction I was looking for was wrong.

Perhaps, we can think about the problem in another way.

In human civilization, the speed of light is the fastest speed that an object known to mankind can reach.

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed of light cannot be surpassed. Almost no matter can exceed the speed of light.

However, if this is really the case, then the idea of ​​human beings walking out of the earth and heading into the vast universe will ultimately be impossible to realize.

After all, in the universe, the most basic distance is calculated by the distance that light travels in one year.

And thousands of light years are just a small number.

And if humans really cannot make the spacecraft travel faster than the speed of light, it means that there is almost no possibility for humans to get out of the solar system and enter the wider universe.

If it is more serious, being unable to escape from the earth may be the root cause of the destruction of human civilization.

After all, the resources on the earth are limited. If they are really squandered by humans, then humans will have no other choice but to go to the earth and find a new home.

However, if human spacecraft cannot even reach the speed of light, then it may be a luxury to fly out of the solar system, let alone go to other galaxies to find new planets suitable for human survival.

However, in the face of this difficulty, human scientists are still very bold.

They have been looking for ways to make matter travel faster than the speed of light.

Moreover, there are many theories proposed.

However, these methods are just a theory, and it will take countless years of hard work to truly realize them.

In Li Yue's memory, the most profound theoretical method that can make matter exceed the speed of light is a method called "curvature engine".

Although it is called a "warp engine", it is not different from some ordinary car or aircraft engines.

The real principle of this thing that only exists in theory is to use some special power to bend space and time.

Ultimately, we rely on curved space-time to achieve the goal of traveling beyond the speed of light!

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