The curvature engine is a theoretical technology.

However, the application of this advanced technology can often be seen in various science fiction movies.

In some science fiction movies, the method that allows humans to truly travel faster than light is precisely because of the development and advancement of curvature engine technology.

Essentially, the curvature engine uses the distortion and jump of space and time to achieve true faster-than-light flight.

Of course, it is different from the traditional method of continuously accelerating the speed of an object to make the object exceed the speed of light.

This is a theoretical technology that allows objects to sail with curvature, exceeding the speed of light.

The real explanation is to bend the space-time around the spacecraft, and use the power of curved space-time to form a special "bubble" around the spacecraft, completely wrapping the spacecraft.

As a result, it is not limited by time and space, and it seems to have entered another special dimension.

In this special dimensional space, the speed of light is no longer the speed limit that matter can achieve.

The original idea of ​​this method was to use a powerful electromagnetic force field to create a strong gravitational field to propel the spacecraft at ultra-high speed.

In short, the curvature engine is just a technology that exists in human imagination and has not been truly realized.

At least on the earth where Li Yue originally lived, apart from science fiction movies and TV series, no country or company has really developed a curvature engine.

However, due to the influence of science fiction movies, the curvature engine has become famous and attracted the attention of many science fiction enthusiasts.

Although Li Yue is not a real science fiction fan, he still loves science fiction movies very much.

So we have a simple understanding of this technology that only exists in theory and can allow humans to run at faster than light speeds.

However, the reason why Li Yue thought of these things at this time was not because he wanted to use this theory to improve his situation of being unable to explode at super-light speed in a short period of time.

After all, Li Yue only briefly understood this theoretical method. If he wanted to actually implement it, it was almost impossible.

However, although it is impossible for Li Yue to use theory to allow himself to reach super-light speed in an instant.

But Li Yue thought of a way to ignore the distortion of time and space based on the "curvature engine" theory.

Because the theory of "curvature engine" is to use the power of distorting space and time to allow spacecraft to operate at faster than light speeds.

Therefore, it was easy for Li Yue to connect it with the situation he encountered at this time.

Although the curvature engine has not yet been truly implemented, there are a lot of discussions based on the theory of the curvature engine.

Some people believe that if we really use distortion of space and time to achieve faster-than-light operation, it will be a huge burden on the spacecraft, and it is likely that the spacecraft will disintegrate and shatter in an instant.

Therefore, the spacecraft must have a special kind of "protection".

This special "protection method" must first ensure that the spacecraft will not be instantly shattered due to super-light speed.

Secondly, it must also ensure that it will not be affected by the distortion of surrounding space and time.

Distorting time and space only provides powerful power for the spacecraft, but does not allow the spacecraft to truly fall into the distorted time and space.

Therefore, in various science fiction movies, there is always a special way to protect spacecraft that use curvature engines to reach faster than light speeds.

It is to use some special force to form a special force field similar to a "bubble" around the spacecraft.

This kind of force field can protect spacecraft traveling at super-light speeds.

At this time, Li Yue's idea was to regard himself as a spaceship, and then use some special power to create a unique "bubble" around himself.

The function of this kind of bubble is to help yourself block the impact of the surrounding distorted time and space on yourself!

As long as you are enveloped by this bubble,

Then he will not be affected by the distorted time and space around him, and will eventually be unable to approach the building.

This is a way Li Yue thought of to prevent himself from distorting time and space.

However, whether this method can really be successful remains to be confirmed.

Moreover, how to construct the special bubble that can block the distortion of time and space, and what kind of energy is used to construct it, is also a very difficult thing for Li Yue.

Although a seemingly feasible method has been thought of at this time, until it is confirmed, no one can predict whether it will be successful as Li Yue expected!

Next, Li Yue was ready to confirm whether this method could be successful.

This "bubble" is, strictly speaking, similar to a general protective cover.

However, most of the general protective shields protect against attacks from the outside world.

But at this time, the special protective shield like a "bubble" that Li Yue needed to build was no longer just a simple defense against attacks.

It is to defend against the erosion of Li Yue himself by the distorted time and space around him.

Therefore, this special protective cover is naturally countless times more difficult to complete than an ordinary protective cover.

Moreover, the energy used to build this protective shield must also be very special and powerful.

After all, the purpose of this kind of protective shield is to block the erosion of the power of time and space, and if the protective shield is just built using ordinary energy, it simply cannot do that.

Therefore, the energy required to construct such a protective shield must be at least the same level as the space-time energy.

Fortunately, what Li Yue lacks most at this time is all kinds of powerful energy.

After all, Li Yue had absorbed and mastered enough energy while traveling through various universes.

Therefore, the most difficult problem to solve in building a protective shield, the energy required to build it, is not difficult for Li Yue!

There was almost no need to consider the most difficult problem. Li Yue was naturally ready to start building this special protective shield for the first time.

Li Yue does not need to think too much about the choice of energy.

After all, the various special energies he possesses in his body are almost all beyond the level of ordinary space-time energy.

There is even powerful energy that can break space barriers!

Therefore, Li Yue did not make too many choices and directly chose his most basic energy at this time, golden energy, as the basic energy for building a protective shield.

For Li Yue at this time, this golden energy is already the most convenient energy for Li Yue.

After all, his body at this time was almost completely filled with this kind of special energy.

It can be said that this golden energy has been completely integrated with Li Yue and can be manipulated by Li Yue at will.

At this time, it is naturally most appropriate to use this golden energy that can be controlled by oneself to build a protective shield that can block the power of time and space!

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