Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1081 The wrapped

At this time, Li Yue had basically thought of a method he could try.

So he didn't hesitate.

Start to mobilize the energy in the body and release it out of the body.

A large amount of golden energy was released under Li Yue's control.

Like streaks of golden water, it emanated from Li Yue's body.

Countless golden energy swirled around Li Yue's body, like illusory golden dragons dancing around Li Yue.

However, the speed of the golden stream of light began to become faster and faster. After that, almost everyone who saw it was dazzled and could hardly see its trajectory at all.

At this time, Li Yue's surroundings were completely filled with golden energy, and his body was completely wrapped.

Perhaps it's because of the golden energy that the flowing element becomes faster and faster.

Soon, all that could be seen was that around Li Yue's body, countless golden streams of light converged into a golden translucent protective shield.

The golden protective shield covered Li Yue's entire body and blocked out almost everything around him.

Although, this newly formed golden protective shield does not seem to be any different from an ordinary protective shield.

But this protective shield is actually slightly different from the protective shield that only protects against external attacks in the true sense.

Not only can he isolate everything around him from Li Yue himself.

It can even isolate the surrounding space and time and space, so that any chaotic time and space cannot affect Li Yue.

In fact, the real principle of this protective shield is that Li Yue used powerful energy to open up a half-dimensional space around himself.

This space is between the two dimensions of reality and illusion.

It seems to be the intersection of two dimensions, and it seems to be between the two dimensions.

In short, within this special protective shield, Li Yue was completely unaffected by anything from the outside world.

As long as no one can destroy the protective shield around Li Yue, Li Yue cannot be truly harmed.

For Li Yue, even if the universe is destroyed, he can ignore the collapse of reality within this protective shield without being affected in any way.

Li Yue built this protective shield almost quickly according to his own ideas.

However, it is still unknown whether the newly constructed protective shield can really work as Li Yue expected.

After all, although Li Yue built this protective shield based on opening up an independent dimensional space.

But in fact, it is still unclear to Li Yue whether this protective shield can really work as he expected.

Whether it can completely ignore the influence of the surrounding distorted time and space still requires some verification by Li Yue.


This kind of verification is a very simple matter. After all, Li Yue is surrounded by a piece of time and space that has been distorted.

And Li Yue is also in an area where time and space are distorted.

The distorted time and space around him could have affected Li Yue.

After all, Li Yue had tried before to approach the building in the center of the distorted time and space.

But in the end, it ended in failure.

Under the influence of distorted time and space, Li Yue was unable to approach the building at the center of the distorted time and space.

It is precisely because of this that Li Yue chose to create a unique dimensional space wrapped in a special protective shield.

This dimensional space not only belongs to two different dimensions, but it does not completely belong to any one of these two dimensions.

Rather, it is between the intersection of two dimensions and is not affected by either dimension.

At this time, what Li Yue had to do was to really test whether this special protective shield could truly completely block out the surrounding distorted time and space and form an independent dimensional space.

Next, Li Yue had nothing to worry about.

As the protective shield around him truly formed, Li Yue could also feel a different feeling from before.

Before, I was in the starry sky of the universe. Although there was no air around me, the harsh environment in space was not something that ordinary creatures could adapt to.

Li Yue's powerful strength, coupled with his strong adaptability, finally allowed him to not be affected by the harsh environment of the universe.

However, even if he was not affected, Li Yue was naturally aware of the hostile environment around him.

But at this time, when the protective shield was actually formed, Li Yue felt as if he had completely escaped from the harsh environment of space before.

It was as if inside the protective shield and outside the protective shield were two completely different worlds.

However, this does not mean that the living environment within the protective shield is better than the living environment in the outer space.

In fact, although there are some obvious differences between the two environments, they are both destructive to normal creatures.

Any normal and ordinary creature cannot truly survive if it is in these two spaces.

And only a being like Li Yue, who is strong enough and adaptable enough, can truly survive in such a harsh environment.

Therefore, don't think that the space wrapped in a protective shield just built by Li Yue can allow ordinary people to adapt to survival.

The environment there is actually no less harsh than in space.

It's just that the very cold feeling in space is gone.

But this is also fatal to any ordinary person.

But Li Yue was among them, but there was no problem.

However, although he was feeling it, he could feel that there were two different worlds inside the protective shield and outside the protective shield.

However, whether there is really no influence on each other in the dimensions requires further verification.

At this time, the best verification method does not actually require Li Yue to think too much.

Because he is currently in a distorted space-time area.

Moreover, before, he was unable to approach the building at the center of the distorted time and space because of the influence of the distorted time and space.

At this time, after building the protective shield, as long as he can get close to the building, he will not be affected by the distortion of time and space.

It is enough to show that the protective shield he built really works.

You can completely isolate yourself from the distorted time and space around you.

Therefore, Li Yue did not need to use complicated methods at this time.

He just needs to follow the previous method and continue to move towards the building in the center of distorted time and space.

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