Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1082 Not Affected

This is a very simple verification method, and Li Yue naturally has nothing to hesitate.

He directly started to move his body again, heading towards the building in the center of the distorted time and space.

At this time, we have to mention the important role Li Yue built in the protective shield at this time.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how fast Li Yue moves forward, the surrounding space will have an impact on him.

As long as Li Yue's speed does not exceed the speed of light, the surrounding space and time will not change due to his speed.

However, Li Yue, who was wrapped in a protective shield at this time, was actually in a different dimension.

In this dimension, Li Yue is completely unaffected by the surrounding time and space.

Moreover, as Li Yue moves forward, the protective shield also moves with him.

This also means that the special time and space within the protective shield is also following him forward in the real dimension of time and space.

A special dimensional world is generally in one position, and does not move in different stages like a living creature.

However, although the special dimension created by Li Yue at this time can only accommodate Li Yue's existence, it can travel through real time and space according to Li Yue's wishes.

And through the translucent protective cover, Li Yue could even observe the surrounding real-dimensional scenes.

However, carrying a special dimensional space and running in another huge dimension, its speed naturally cannot be very fast.

It seems that at this time, Li Yue is moving forward with this special dimension, and naturally cannot be as fast as before.

Therefore, Li Yue was not moving very fast at this time.

At least it is completely incomparable to the previous speed.

However, no matter how slow the speed is, it is not an unacceptable situation as long as it is not affected by the distorted space and time around it.

Li Yue carries the special dimension he constructed and moves forward in the real space.

However, the surrounding space is a space-time region distorted by a very powerful strange force.

If there wasn't a protective shield that could block everything, even the power of time and space could be blocked.

Then Li Yue himself, as well as the special dimensions he created around himself, will also be affected by the distortion of time and space.

But now, with the barrier of the protective shield, everything seems to have become different.

Although Li Yue's speed became much slower than before, as Li Yue moved forward, he could feel that the time and space around him was constantly changing and being distorted, and it seemed that it did not have any special impact on him.

As he moved forward, the distorted time and space around him even became vividly reflected in Li Yue's eyes.

At this time, Li Yue felt the distorted time and space around him, and he could already find that this distorted time and space did have a very similar sight and feeling to the black holes he had seen.

With that building as the center, the surrounding distorted space-time area is actually equivalent to the black hole's suction disk.

However, what is different from a real black hole is that the black hole's suction disk is designed to swallow everything nearby.

But the distortion of time and space near this building, like a suction disk, has the real function of excluding everything.

It's like a counter-rotating vortex, completely repelling everything to the outside.

In the end, nothing could really get close to the building within the distorted time and space due to the repulsion of the distorted time and space.

It was entirely because of this special situation that Li Yue was affected by the distortion of time and space before, and was ultimately unable to enter the building close to the center of the distortion of time and space.

But at this time, because of the barrier of the protective shield, plus the fact that the inside and outside of the protective shield are not the same dimension.

Therefore, Li Yue at this time was not affected by the repulsive force emitted by the distorted time and space.

Therefore, no matter how you change your direction, you will eventually be far away from the building in the center of the distorted time and space!

But after Li Yue built this protective shield, Li Yue continued to distort time and space and found that his method did seem to have a certain effect.

First of all, the surrounding area is like a counter-rotating vortex, a distorted space-time area that repels everything outward. It can no longer have the same impact on him as before.

Secondly, it was not difficult for Li Yue to discover that although he was moving forward with a special dimension, although his speed was much slower, it was almost the same as the running speed of ordinary people.

But as time passed, Li Yue could easily feel that the building in the center of the distorted time and space was getting closer and closer to him.

This means that the method used by Li Yue has truly played the role he expected.

After just a brief period of forward movement again, Li Yue was almost certain that the method he thought of this time seemed to have worked.

Although, now because I have a special dimension, the speed of moving forward has become very slow.

But according to my own observations, the distance between me and the building at the center of the distorted time and space is getting closer and closer.

No matter how slow your speed becomes, as long as your method can truly be effective and no unexpected incidents occur, you will eventually be able to approach the building at the center of the distorted time and space.

And this is completely enough for Li Yue today.

Therefore, as long as the method used by Li Yue at this time is not affected by the distortion of time and space and can truly allow him to approach the building, it is enough.

However, Li Yue did not completely relax his vigilance at this time.

Although it now seems that the dimensional space he opened up and the protective shield built with energy can play an effective role.

It seems that it can completely free him from the influence of distorted time and space.

However, Li Yue is not very optimistic, because this situation that is not affected by the distortion of time and space is likely to be only temporary.

Perhaps as Li Yue approached the building at the center of the distorted time and space, the influence of the distorted time and space became greater and greater.

Then it is very likely that Li Yueben will not be affected by the situation, and another not-so-optimistic accident will occur.

After all, such plot points exist in many of the movies or novels Li Yue has watched.

There are almost no mistakes in the original situation, but at the moment when the protagonist is about to achieve motherhood, unexpected surprises will occur.

It may be that a certain pig teammate starts to play his original role and starts to destroy the perfect situation.

Or, the situation where the protagonist could have succeeded was originally prepared by the villain specifically for the protagonist.

In short, many things generally cannot go smoothly forever without any accidents.

Fortunately, there are no pig teammates around Li Yue at this time!

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