Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1083 Unexpected success

Because there is only one person, it is naturally impossible for Li Yue to be tricked by his pig teammates, causing his originally successful plan to fail.

However, this does not mean that Li Yue can execute his plan completely smoothly.

Even at this time, the protective shield built by Li Yue seemed to have really played a corresponding role, successfully blocking the erosion of the power of distorting time and space.

However, at this time, Li Yue was still in the peripheral area of ​​distorted time and space.

There is no doubt that the closer you get to the center of distorted time and space, the stronger the repulsive force you can feel.

Although the protective shield built by Li Yue can successfully block the erosion of the power of distorted time and space, it does not mean that it will still be able to successfully block the erosion of the power of time and space after going deep into the central area of ​​​​distorted time and space.

Therefore, although the current situation does not seem to be abnormal, Li Yue still does not relax his vigilance.

Of course, such thoughts inevitably make people feel that Li Yue is a little too unsure of himself.

Since he used his strongest energy to construct a protective shield at this time, accidents would not happen easily.

Although, Li Yue also thought so in his heart.

However, in Li Yue's heart, for some reason, he always felt that things would not go so smoothly.

It seems that something unexpected will always happen later.

However, although there is some feeling in my heart that things may not go too smoothly.

But for Li Yue, things have to go on, no matter whether it goes smoothly or something unexpected happens.

It was impossible for Li Yue to stop his actions at this time.

What's more, although I always feel in my heart that the next step will not be so smooth.

But this feeling is not a sixth sense coming from Li Yue's heart.

It's just because of a very ordinary feeling.

Just because in Li Yue's memory and impression, it seems that similar things have never ended smoothly at all.

Regardless of whether Li Yue's worries are unnecessary.

At this time, Li Yue carried a special dimension and shuttled through the distorted time and space.

Although his speed became a bit slow as a result.

But after moving forward for a while, he was still gradually approaching the building in the center of the distorted space-time area.

As Li Yue moved forward, the unexpected situation he was worried about did not seem to appear.

Even until he was about to actually approach the building, there was no unexpected situation at all.

The method he used this time, the special protective shield he constructed, seemed to be without any accidents, and he was truly close to the building at the center of the distorted time and space.

“I don’t know if this building, which floats in the starry sky and has this special repelling ability, is different from the building I saw outside before.


Looking from afar, the distance between it and myself was shrinking, and it was still floating quietly in the starry sky, with no abnormality appearing due to its approach.

Li Yue couldn't help but feel curious.

The appearance of this building is almost identical to the one I saw before.

However, Li Yue was still very doubtful whether the buildings in two different spaces and environments had exactly the same situation.

But now the most real problem before Li Yue is not that his previous method can continue smoothly.

It was about what he should do soon after he really approached the building.

Before, Li Yue spent a lot of effort to open the door to the starry sky.

If you are about to approach the building, you still need to undergo some special "test" before you can enter.

Then wouldn't Li Yue have to spend more time?

What's more important is that after Li Yue once again spent some time and successfully opened the door of this building.

Once again, a portal similar to the Starry Sky Gate is formed, transporting oneself to another special time and space.

Then I saw the third identical building again...

If this kind of infinite nesting doll situation really happened, Li Yue really didn't know how he would face such a thing.

Of course, maybe it was just Li Yue thinking too much.

It should be difficult for something like this to actually happen.

After all, there shouldn't be much meaning in doing so.

In short, as he continued to approach the building, Li Yue once again felt a trace of concern in his heart.

But things have developed to this point, and Li Yue will naturally not choose to escape or retreat.

No matter what special situation he is about to face next, he can adapt to it.

After all, his strength is enough to make him fearless in most situations.

Although Li Yue's forward speed in the distorted time and space at this time was weakened because he had to carry a special dimension.

But after walking forward for several minutes, Li Yue finally arrived at the building floating in the center of the distorted time and space.

Seen from a distance, this building is very small compared to the vast universe, almost just an inconspicuous speck of dust in the universe.

However, when you actually come to this building, you can truly appreciate the hugeness of this building.

Of course, this is relative to an ordinary human-sized person like Li Yue.

However, because before that, Li Yue had really experienced this building.

So at this moment, Li Yue was not too amazed by this building again.

What he is concerned about is whether what he faces next is the same as the last time he saw this building.

However, although judging from the style of this building and the materials used in its construction, it is no different from the building I saw before.

However, this building has the most obvious difference from the building he saw before.

The door of this building is very different from what I have seen before.

The building I saw before had a dark red door, like a high door wall that only a wealthy family would have.

But at this time, the door of this building was only two or three meters high and only wide enough to allow four or five people to enter side by side.

There is a huge difference from the door of the previous building.

It's like the door of the previous building was a courtyard representing the owner's status in the palaces of ancient princes and nobles.

But at this time, the door of this building is only passed through a slightly smaller portal after entering the main door and entering the real mobile house building again.

This also seems to imply a subtle relationship between this building and the building Li Yue encountered before.

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