Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1084 A door with huge differences

Perhaps the previous building was the first-level gate that allowed people to enter this universe.

At this time, the building Li Yue encountered again was already in the courtyard, similar to a living room for receiving guests.

Therefore, the door of this building is not as huge and imposing as the previous door.

And compared to the door Li Yue entered before, the style of this door is obviously more simple and ordinary.

However, what has not changed is that there is still a golden plaque hanging above this low door.

Although Li Yue didn't really recognize the words written on it, he could see that they were no different from the words on the plaque on the building he had encountered before.

Therefore, although there are some obvious differences in the doors of these two buildings.

But what it represents should be exactly the same building.

It's just that there should be a distinction between "outer door" and "inner door".

"I don't know if the size of this door has changed and the method of opening it has also changed!"

At this moment, I saw that the door in front of me was different in size from the ones I had encountered before.

But in Li Yue's mind, what he was thinking about were two doors of different sizes, and whether the opening methods would be different.

However, compared to the change in the method of opening the two doors, Li Yue prefers that the method of opening the two doors does not change in any way.

Because if this is the case, Li Yue can be saved a lot of trouble.

After all, Li Yue already basically understood how to open the door before.

And if the method of opening the door encountered at this time changes again, then Li Yue may have to re-experiment with the method of opening the door.

Although, the way to open the previous door is not really simple.

After all, a huge force of millions of tons must be released, and at the same time, such a huge force must be released continuously for several minutes.

Only then can the door to the starry sky be truly formed and that door truly opened.

No matter how you say this method, it is not something that can be done very easily.

However, for Li Yue, he would rather do it the same way again than find a way to open the door again.

Because compared to him releasing millions of tons of huge power for several minutes, it is obviously more complicated and difficult for him to find a way to open this door again.

Of course, no matter what thoughts Li Yue has in his heart, the way in which this door is finally opened is not something Li Yue can decide.

After all, this building was not built by Li Yue.

And the real owner of this building is not Li Yue.

Therefore, how to open the door of this building was not up to Li Yue.

Even if this door is really opened differently from the last time, if Li Yue wants to really open it, he can only choose to continue to explore ways to open this door.

"Forget it, no matter what, let's try talking about other things first!"

Although he didn't want to find a way to open the door again, Li Yue had no choice but to try first to see if the previous method could open the door.

Li Yue's previous method of opening the previous door was to use millions of tons of force to continuously push the door.

Now that Li Yue wants to try this method, can he open the door in front of him again?

Li Yue was ready to use this method again.

However, the moment he raised his right hand, Li Yue withdrew more than half of the huge power he had gathered.

After all, it is not too big in front of you, and it is completely incomparable with the previous giant door that was several feet high.

Li Yue felt that it was better not to use a huge force of one million tons from the beginning.

After all, judging from the huge difference in size between the two doors, it seems a little inappropriate for him to use such a huge power.

I don’t know if the material of this door is exactly the same as the door I encountered before.

Can he truly fully withstand his own huge power?

If not, then the door is likely to suffer damage.

Although only one door was damaged, and after careful inspection of this door, there was nothing similar to the dragon soul on the door outside.

But for Li Yue, it was better not to damage this building if possible.

Therefore, Li Yue was ready to put away most of the power he had gathered at this time.

Just try it briefly with a smaller force first, and then decide whether you need to release more force according to the situation!

I have to say that Li Yue's consideration is indeed necessary.

Because what happened next made Li Yue feel a little unexpected.

Although he has put away most of his power.

But the remaining power is naturally not comparable to the power of ordinary people.

However, judging from the fact that Li Yue had to release millions of tons of power before, he could truly open the door.

It seems that if Li Yue uses weak power at this time, it may be difficult to open the door in front of him.

However, is this really the case?

As Li Yue put away most of his strength, he only used a very small part of his remaining strength to push the door in front of him.

However, he found that the door that he originally thought would be difficult for him to actually open was actually pushed open easily by him just by using his remaining weak strength.

The door opened with a bang.

Li Yue felt a little shocked and disbelieving for a moment.

He didn't expect that this door seemed to be able to be opened as easily as an ordinary door without him having to do anything more.

Perhaps, this is the feeling that after experiencing countless difficulties, even a little bit of success will feel unreal.

At this time, facing the door that he easily opened, Li Yue also felt a little unreal for a moment.

You can even wonder if this door was opened so easily by yourself. Is there any trap hidden in it? Waiting for your own entry?

"However, this is also a very lucky thing."

"After all, being able to open this door effortlessly helps me waste less energy in a sense."

Facing this door, I opened it very easily.

Li Yue was in disbelief for a moment at first, but soon he accepted the matter.

Moreover, he thinks there is nothing wrong with such an easy start.

At least it saves you some time!

"What's more, even if there is some kind of trap waiting for you, it's not a big deal."

As for his subsequent worries, Li Yue did not take them to heart!

After all, his current strength cannot be defeated by a simple trap!

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