Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1086 Residents on the

Therefore, there is a huge and almost endless floating island in this building, although Li Yue was very surprised.

But it didn't make Li Yue feel unbelievable at all.

After all, if he wanted to, he could do this.

It's just that building such a world probably doesn't take too much energy.

And if there is no need, Li Yue will naturally not do such a thing.

However, looking at the floating island in front of him that surprised him, Li Yue suddenly felt that it would be a good thing if he owned such a floating island.

What's more, such an existence can be used as a special spaceship.

Think about it, lying in the grass full of birds and flowers, but in front of you is the vast universe and the bright starry sky filled with countless stars.

So comfortable, you can travel in the universe.

Perhaps it is much more wonderful than the boring voyage in the universe on an ordinary spaceship.

However, is the real purpose of this building really just to replace ordinary spaceships, so that people can experience the comfortable time traveling in the universe on a real floating island?

Li Yue was very skeptical about this.

He did not deny that if he had to choose, he would rather spend his boring space voyage in such a spaceship.

But at this time, Li Yue could not believe that such a wonderful building was built just to make himself more comfortable and relaxed while sailing in the space.

In Li Yue's view, such a strange building should have many more special and important functions.

However, Li Yue today is still fully aware of these things.

But now that he has entered here, the next step is to explore what secrets it holds.

The entire special floating island is filled with the aura of life that is not found in the stars in the outer universe.

Grass, flowers, trees!

Li Yue even seemed to be able to vaguely hear the chirping of birds coming from the distant jungle.

Perhaps, this is indeed the paradise some people dream of.

Living here, I'm afraid you can live a very carefree life.

Of course, if you really want to live here forever, I'm afraid it will take a lot of courage.

At least, Li Yue felt that it was acceptable for him to relax in this environment in a short period of time.

But living here all the time and being far away from the mortal world is not a situation that Li Yue can accept.

However, it still makes no sense to think about this now.

For Li Yue, the most important thing is to first understand the secrets held here.

The moment he was about to explore this place, he focused his attention on the few crude buildings in the distance.

Although these buildings are very simple, they are not very simple.

It is not a luxurious building made of gorgeous bricks and stones.

But it is also a comprehensive building made of unknown wood, not the thatched house that comes to mind when it comes to simplicity.

After all, there is an endless forest behind here. If you want reinforced concrete, you may not have it, but if you want wood, you may have as much as you want here.

Li Yue estimated that there might not be any talk of protecting the forest here.

Therefore, although these buildings look simple, they should still be very strong as they are made of unknown wood.

However, these buildings are more like rural houses than high-rise buildings in the city.

Moreover, judging from the scenes around these buildings, it is estimated that there was only one person who lived here before.

As for now, I'm afraid there's no one here anymore!

After all, the gardens around the building seemed to have not been taken care of for a long time.

However, despite this, it does not appear to be very messy.

There is no such desolate scene as overgrown with weeds.

It seems like here, it’s not like the owner has been gone for countless years.

It's just that the master has only been away from home for a few days due to some things.

However, although it does not seem very messy at this time.

But there is a special atmosphere of silence.

Li Yue seemed to be able to feel from this special atmosphere that no one had existed and lived here for a long time.

Of course, there is no one here, which may be a good thing for Li Yue.

Although he can't directly understand the situation here.

But Li Yue, who had long coveted this special building, now that it has become an unclaimed land, can naturally "get started" better.

And if there were people here, it would be inconvenient for Li Yue to take action and forcibly take this place as his own.

Of course, if someone exists, it will also be good for Li Yue.

That is, he can easily understand the situation here.

However, right and wrong, misfortunes and blessings have already been decided.

Who can really tell whether the situation Li Yue encountered at this time was good or bad for him.

"Since it seems that no one has lived here for a long time, let's call it a no-man's land for the time being."

"And this situation is convenient for what I want to do next."

Although Li Yue is not an evil person, he will not take things held by others.

However, Li Yue is not too pedantic for this kind of place that has obviously been uninhabited for a long time.

And since Li Yue had coveted it before, he would naturally not hesitate.

Taking this special space as his own was a normal thing for Li Yue at this time.

After all, this building floating in the starry sky may have lost its former owner an unknown number of years ago.

But now, it can only float alone in the universe, no one cares about it.

And since he takes it as his own, he naturally doesn't have to say any nonsense just for the sake of this ownerless building.

But to a certain extent, perhaps Li Yue was really helping this strange building, or this strange space.

After all, if Li Yue hadn't come, I don't know how long this place would have lasted without anyone visiting!

"Of course, before completely conquering this place, we still need to carefully understand the situation here."

"Moreover, the most important thing, and the situation that makes me most curious, is why is this building wandering in this vast starry sky?"

Of course, before starting to take this place as his own, Li Yue naturally knew that he had to thoroughly understand the situation here.

What makes Li Yue most curious is why this strange building with a floating island inside is abandoned in this universe!

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