Li Yue's inner curiosity made him eager to know everything about this place.

However, now it seems that no one has lived here for a long time.

So even if Li Yue really wanted to know information about this place, there was no one he could ask.

At this time, Li Yue could only briefly understand what happened here based on the things or scenes left here.

What happened that caused this place to be abandoned?

What makes this place end up wandering in the vast starry sky of the universe!

Of course, if he wants to truly understand these situations, Li Yue must explore here carefully to find effective information.

At the beginning of the process of exploring here, Li Yue felt that it was better to start with these somewhat simple buildings.

"I don't know if there is any useful information left here for me!"

These simple buildings, you can tell at a glance that they were the places where the previous owners lived.

Although there is nothing special about these buildings from their appearance.

However, from the location of their construction and the layout of the surrounding environment, it is not difficult to see that these buildings should have different functions.

For example, the building facing Li Yue is the tallest and most "gorgeous" building among all the buildings.

Judging from these circumstances, this building may be the house that the previous owner actually lived in.

After all, no matter who you are, you will choose to live in the most spacious and brightest building.

Because this will make your life more comfortable.

The situation in front of him at this time made Li Yue almost convinced that the building in front of him was the residence of the previous owner.

"In that case, let's start from this one!"

If so, where can I really find some information about the owner here?

Then Li Yue prefers the house where the owner once lived.

After all, it may be easier to leave important information in the place where you once lived.

When Li Yue chose to start from the building directly in front of him, Li Yue naturally walked towards the building in front of him without any hesitation.

It is worth mentioning that the ground leading to this building is even carefully paved with a path made of unknown stones.

Although it is not very spacious, it is probably only about two meters wide.

However, in this place where there is green grass everywhere, there is something very nice about it.

Walking onto this narrow path, although Li Yue didn't pay too much attention to the road under his feet, he also noticed the stones used to pave the way under his feet, which had a very strange feeling.

Perhaps, it is not just a simple stone.

Looking closely, it looks like some kind of special white jade, even emitting a faint light.

It makes people feel that even walking on this path at night is enough to see everything around them clearly.

Of course, the role of this kind of stone paved road cannot be just to allow people to see the surroundings at night.

Perhaps there was a more important role, but Li Yue didn't feel it.

However, no matter how precious the stones used in this road are, Li Yue will not spend too much energy on it at this time.

After all, exploring everything here first is the most important thing at this time.

Therefore, Li Yue put away his curiosity about the road under his feet and continued walking towards the building in front of him.

The journey was not far, and Li Yue had already arrived in front of the building in less than a few dozen seconds.

At this time, the door of this house was closed.

Although I didn't see thick dust on it, I could still feel it, as if this door hadn't been opened for a long time.

"Sorry for disturbing you!"

Although I know that there may not be anyone here for a long time.

But Li Yue still said an apology silently in his heart.

After all, it was undeniable that he had trespassed here without the consent of his master.

Even though this place may have become an ownerless land a long time ago, for Li Yue, silently saying sorry is a kind of respect for the owner here.

The next moment, Li Yue no longer hesitated. He slowly raised his hand, placed it on the door that had probably not been opened for an unknown number of years, and pushed it gently.

Things went smoothly, and there were no unexpected situations that Li Yue didn't expect.

With just a little force, Li Yue pushed open the door of the house effortlessly.

Moreover, like many houses that have existed for a long time and are not inhabited by anyone, this door did not make any unusual noise when it was pushed open.

This can be completely different from the depiction in some thrillers.

After all, thrillers sometimes use these unusual sounds to create a scary atmosphere.

Of course, this may be true. Some ordinary houses may make some kind of abnormal noise when they are suddenly opened after not being opened for a long time.

But the house in front of Li Yue was undoubtedly no ordinary house.

Of course, in fact, Li Yue could also clearly feel that from the appearance of this building at this time, it did not feel like it had been abandoned for a long time.

Not only was there no dust on it, but even all the surfaces of the house looked as if they had been carefully cleaned not long ago.

It can be said that it is almost spotless!

It doesn't look like it has been uninhabited for a long time, but rather that there were people living here not long ago.

However, even just from the appearance of the building, there is no trace that no one has lived here for a long time.

But Li Yue could still clearly feel that no one had lived here for a long time.

Because the breath of human existence is missing here.

The so-called human breath is a special kind of anger.

Li Yue once heard a saying that if no one lives in a house for a long time, even if someone comes to take care of it and clean it regularly, the room will always be kept spotless.

But as long as someone comes here, they can still feel that no one has lived here for a long time.

It's a special feeling.

There is a very obvious difference between a house that is occupied as long as it is occupied and a house that has not been occupied for a long time.

At this time, Li Yue truly experienced such a feeling.

Moreover, Li Yue's perception is obviously stronger than that of ordinary people.

Therefore, what he can feel is far more than just that no one has lived here for a long time.

He could feel that there was almost no life here. What was certain was that except for the flowers, plants and trees that were still alive around the building.

Not only are there no humans here, there aren't even any living animals.

Maybe even smaller bugs don’t exist!

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