As for where his body is deficient, Li Yue still has no way of knowing.

But he has a feeling that if he eats the few plants in front of him that are particularly attractive to him, he can make up for the shortcomings of his body to a large extent and make his body closer to perfection.

"Perhaps, after this journey is over, it's time for me to retreat for a while again!"

Being able to evolve his own strength is what makes Li Yue happiest.

And although at this time, his strength may not increase significantly due to the current discovery.

But being able to make up for his lack of physical fitness is enough to make Li Yue feel excited.

However, this is obviously not the best time for Li Yue to eat these plants to enhance his physique.

Although Li Yue knew that eating these plants should not cause any danger to himself.

But sometimes, to do such things, you not only need an absolutely quiet place, but also need to maintain absolute inner peace.

An absolutely quiet place, this floating island is actually very suitable.

After all, there is no one here at all. Even if the faint chirping of birds comes from the distant jungle from time to time, it will not really disturb Li Yue, but will make him closer to nature.

However, although the environmental conditions were very consistent with the preparations before the retreat.

But Li Yue's heart at this time was completely inconsistent with the absolute peace he needed before retreating.

After discovering this special place, if Li Yue did not truly explore it completely, Li Yue's heart would not be truly at peace!

Therefore, now is naturally not the best time for Li Yue to retreat!

As for the matter of seclusion, we should wait until Li Yue has completely explored this place, or when he has completely ended this special journey and returned to the real real world.

And now Li Yue is ready to temporarily ignore this plant containing powerful energy.

It also includes those plants that may be of special help to your body.

After Li Yue put away the idea of ​​​​retreating directly, he no longer paid too much attention to those plants that contained huge energy.

After all, these plants have survived for an unknown amount of time without being cared for.

Naturally, it is impossible for things to wither in a short period of time after Li Yue's arrival.

So Li Yue was naturally not very worried about these plants.

Instead, he focused his attention on the house next to this special plant.

At this time, although Li Yue had not actually entered the house, he already had a guess in his mind about the role of this house.

Judging from the plants with huge energy he saw, the function of the house closest to here is likely to be a room for "processing" these plants.

In some fairy novels, such a house has a unique name, called the alchemy room.

Yes, in Li Yue's guess, the room closest to these plants containing a large amount of energy may be the room used to refine elixirs.

Of course, Li Yue has not really entered it yet, and it is just a guess now.

After all, even in this civilization with a special cultivation system, it is still unknown whether there are alchemists who can refine elixirs.

Therefore, Li Yue could only confirm whether this was a room used to refine elixirs after entering it in person!

Thinking of this, Li Yue no longer hesitated and walked directly towards the room.

The process of entering that room was basically the same as the last time, and nothing unexpected happened during the process.

When Li Yue gently opened the door of this room and saw the scene inside, Li Yue was completely sure in his heart.

"Sure enough, this room is exactly where the previous owner used to refine elixirs!"

Looking at the strange-shaped stove that is as tall as a person placed in the center of the room,

Li Yue confirmed in his heart with great certainty.

The shape of this furnace is a bit strange, but it is very similar to the alchemy furnace in Li Yue's impression!

Even though Li Yue has never really seen what an alchemy furnace looks like, he can still be sure that this is the alchemy furnace used to make alchemy!

The round stove, which is like half of a huge gourd, has a brass color and looks very simple.

But Li Yue was able to confirm that this alchemy furnace was not really made of brass metal.

Instead, it is made of a very special metal material, and Li Yue can even feel the remarkable characteristics of this material, which is that it is resistant to high temperatures, but has very good temperature conductivity.

Perhaps, this is the reason why this material was chosen to make the alchemy furnace.

Moreover, the alchemy furnace is also carved with various strange patterns and runes.

There are runes that look like blazing flames, and special cloud-like patterns that are only found on ancient Chinese tripods.

There is even a relief sculpture of a dragon in it, coiling around the surface of the entire alchemy furnace.

However, unlike the dragon carving that Li Yue saw on the stone gate before, even though the dragon's decoration looked equally lifelike, it lacked the most important charm.

Just a simple observation will reveal that there is no real soul consciousness in it!

Although Li Yue felt a little confused about the meaning of the various patterns and runes on the alchemy furnace, and the various patterns on the alchemy furnace made him look a little disorganized.

But Li Yue seemed to be able to feel that there seemed to be some special rhythm in it.

Moreover, these runes and patterns make the entire alchemy furnace look full of mystery and simplicity!

Regarding alchemy, Li Yue can be said to have mastered nine out of ten and failed to master one.

All the information he learned about alchemy came from movies, TV shows and novels.

The film and television scene that impressed Li Yue the most was the alchemy furnace of the Supreme Lord that was overthrown by the Monkey King when he was wreaking havoc in the Heavenly Palace in the 1986 version of Journey to the West.

As for the novel, it is just a simple description, and it is quite exaggerated. When you first listen to it, you feel it is very powerful, but when you think about it carefully, you always feel that something is wrong.

In short, this was the first time Li Yue saw a real alchemy furnace with his own eyes.

Moreover, I don’t know if the alchemy furnace in front of me has actually been used to refine elixirs.

However, for Li Yue, he was very excited to see such novel things that were beyond Li Yue's knowledge.

After all, the multiverse is not the final point of the world. There are always some things in countless universes that are beyond his knowledge.

And constantly supplementing one's own knowledge can be regarded as a special kind of practice!

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