Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1093 The idea of ​​“alchemy”

After Li Yue saw those plants with huge energy, he guessed that the house built nearby should be a room specially used to deal with these energy plants!

And then, after he actually entered the house, he directly confirmed his guess.

Everything was indeed as he guessed, and the plants with energy outside were not a coincidence.

It should have been planted specially by the previous owner here.

The purpose is to use these energetic plants to refine certain elixirs with special effects.

However, maybe these plants have not really matured yet, and the previous owner had to leave here because of certain things, and has not come back yet.

And these plants, although without human care, still survive very tenaciously.

And in the extremely long years, it has been extremely nourished, and the energy gathered in itself has reached an astonishingly huge level.

The plant grows normally until it matures, and an immense amount of energy is gathered into it.

Perhaps, if Li Yue did not come here at this time, then everything here would continue to maintain the same situation as before.

The arrival of Li Yue broke the peace here.

However, sometimes, this is the destiny that is planned.

Perhaps, everything here is destined, waiting for Li Yue's arrival.

At this time, Li Yue regarded these as one more strange experience to enrich his knowledge.

Especially after he saw the alchemy furnace placed in the center of this room.

Li Yue couldn't even help but recall the wonderful feeling of yearning he felt in his heart when he was passing the boring time reading those novels about cultivating immortals before he had any abilities.

Perhaps, everyone who has ever been obsessed with immortality novels has a dream of becoming an immortal in his heart.

At this time, Li Yue has basically fulfilled his dream, and the power he now possesses has long exceeded that of many ordinary immortals.

Being able to travel between various multiverses and even the big universe is something that many true immortals cannot do.

However, Li Yue's growth began with the acquisition of a special space superpower.

Of course, Li Yue had nothing to regret about this situation.

However, now that he saw a cultivation system that might have a lot in common with the novels he had read, Li Yue still couldn't help but feel a little excited.

He couldn't wait to really understand.

However, some things cannot be accomplished solely by relying on wisdom and strength.

For example, the matter of refining elixirs is not something that can be achieved simply by taking a look or after many experiments.

At this time, even this alchemy furnace that could definitely be used to refine elixirs was placed in front of Li Yue.

Moreover, outside this room, there are thousands of plants growing with huge energy that can be used as materials for refining elixirs.

But at this time, if Li Yue wanted to refine a real elixir, relying on the current conditions, he still could not succeed.

Because Li Yue did not master the real method of refining elixirs.

For Li Yue, he was completely ignorant of all methods of alchemy.

Therefore, even if all the important conditions required for elixir refining are ready, Li Yue is completely unable to use them and cannot truly refine elixirs with special effects.

Of course, the reason for all this is that Li Yue at this time did not understand the real method and operation of refining the elixir.

However, perhaps Li Yue at this time cannot really use these to refine real elixirs.

But as long as Li Yue finds the corresponding refining method, then with Li Yue's current strength, refining the elixir may not be too difficult for him.

This is the most true thought in Li Yue's heart at this time.

Li Yue was very sure,

If you want to rely on what you already have to refine elixirs with truly special effects, then what is indispensable is a method of refining elixirs.

And Li Yue also believed that since the former owner of this place had all the conditions for refining elixirs, he definitely had the real method to refine elixirs!

What Li Yue has to do next is to find a way to refine the elixir!

According to the descriptions in some immortality novels, each alchemist actually has a different understanding of the method of alchemy.

Only the general operation process of alchemy and the methods used are a basic method of alchemy.

Now, Li Yue naturally does not expect that he can find a more profound understanding and method of the details of alchemy.

Li Yue only hoped that he could find a simple operation process and method that could truly refine the elixir, and that would be enough.

Because, as long as he mastered the general process, Li Yue felt that with his strong mental power and accurate perception of the medicinal materials used to refine the elixirs, he could truly refine some simple elixirs.

Perhaps, the elixir Li Yue had just refined did not have truly powerful effects.

But as long as Li Yue can truly refine the first true elixir, he will naturally be able to refine elixirs with stronger effects as he continues to explore.

Perhaps it was because I felt very urgent about the method of alchemy.

At this time, Li Yue also lost interest in searching the room personally.

Instead, he directly used his powerful mental power to instantly cover everything in the room.

Of course, in fact, Li Yue's real thought was that he was afraid that if he really rummaged around in this room, he would inadvertently destroy something in this room.

Therefore, in order not to destroy everything in this room, Li Yue simply used his mental power to explore the room.

Li Yue's mental power has always been very strong, but it was only during this special and strange experience that he encountered some moments when it couldn't really work.

But this still cannot deny the power of Li Yue's mental power.

For example, now, when there is no special interference, Li Yue's mental power can still exert its powerful effect normally.

At this moment, Li Yue exuded mental power, and his mental power enveloped the entire room in an instant.

At this time, Li Yue seemed to have become God, watching everything in the room from God's perspective.

No tiny detail could escape Li Yue's attention.

Even the flow of breath in the room was very clear to Li Yue.

However, although Li Yue seemed to have become a real God in this room at this time.

But he can only observe everything in this room, but he cannot create what he wants in this room out of thin air!

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