Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1094 The possibility of “method”

Even though he had almost a very detailed understanding of the things in this room in a molecular state.

Everything in this room has no hidden secrets in Li Yue's eyes at this moment.

However, there were things that didn't exist in this room that Li Yue couldn't find anyway.

"It seems that the method of refining the elixir I am looking for does not exist here!"

Using his mental power to explore everything in the room, Li Yue gained a lot, but he found nothing about the method of refining the elixir he was looking for.

There is almost nothing in this room that can express information.

There is no book or jade tablet that can record information like the one described in the novel.

Li Yue didn't even find anything that could be called writing in this room.

Therefore, there can only be one result, and that is that there is no method for refining alchemy that Li Yue is looking for in this room!

"It seems that, unfortunately, I may not be able to truly experience the unique experience of refining elixirs!"

Li Yue, who had not found a way to make alchemy, inevitably felt a little regretful in his heart.

After all, as a person who was addicted to novels about cultivating immortals, his yearning for cultivating immortals did not disappear completely after he truly gained great power!

Even though he had powerful power comparable to that of a real immortal at this time, Li Yue still felt quite excited when he really had the opportunity to experience the wonderful experience of alchemy.

Unfortunately, now that he is unable to master the real method of refining elixirs, it may be impossible for him to rely on his own exploration to refine elixirs.

Even if Li Yue tried to refine the elixir based on the descriptions in the immortal novels he had read, in the end, he might just waste a lot of energy-containing medicinal materials, but he would eventually fail.

And many of those elixirs containing energy may not have real effects for Li Yue.

But its preciousness cannot be judged by whether it will have any effect on Li Yue.

Any of these spiritual objects containing great energy can have great value if placed in the real world.

Therefore, Li Yue was not prepared to waste these energy-containing materials until he found a real method of refining the elixir!

"Wait a minute, this room should be the place where the owner here refines elixirs."

"However, if he has kept all the elixir refining processes and details in mind, then it is completely understandable that there is no elixir refining method in this room."

"Because he no longer needs to look at the methods of alchemy to consolidate his memory when he is refining alchemy!"

However, just when Li Yue felt that he might not have the chance to truly experience the process of alchemy and refine a real elixir.

Li Yue suddenly thought of a possibility.

Just like how to use a thing, when you have completely mastered it, you naturally don't need to read the manual of this thing before actually operating it.

It's like a real chef no longer needs a recipe in his kitchen.

Recipes are generally aimed at beginner cooks, so they will often refer to and memorize them.

For a real chef, the recipe is already a constraint on his cooking skills. The entire process of making dishes has almost been completely remembered by the chef in his mind.

And if you continue to make dishes according to the recipe, what you will make will be an ordinary dish without any characteristics.

Although it may be delicious, it is definitely not delicious.

Whether he can make truly delicious dishes is no longer a problem that he can solve just by looking at the recipes.

Only after his control of details has truly reached perfection.

At that time, even if he just follows his own ideas,

Even if you use methods that go against what is written in the recipe, you can still make delicious dishes.

A real chef only needs to enjoy the wonderful process of making dishes.

In fact, alchemy and cooking are two completely different things.

But in some cases, they still have a lot in common.

For example, they all need to have their own unique understanding of the materials, and they also need to have perfect control over the heat.

Know what kind of materials and what kind of heat need to be used to cook them.

Of course, we are not discussing the common points between cooking and alchemy at this time, but we are discussing that if the owner here has truly reached the level of being like a chef, he can refine elixirs in his own way. .

So it is completely understandable that there is no record of the alchemy method in this room.

At the same time, it also illustrates another thing, that is, although there are no records of alchemy methods here, there will definitely be records of alchemy methods in other places.

Of course, although this is just a guess by Li Yue, Li Yue feels that this possibility is absolutely correct.

Perhaps, in this room that is actually used for alchemy, there is no record of the method of alchemy.

But even if one truly masters the art of alchemy, it is absolutely impossible to completely abandon the basic alchemy method.

What's more, sometimes, returning to nature, from complex to ordinary, is the expression of skill reaching its peak.

Therefore, even the owner here may have reached the point where he no longer needs to read the basic alchemy methods all the time.

But the basic method of alchemy has been stored in a certain place by him.

"Wait a minute, if this is the case, then the method of refining alchemy is most likely stored in the room that I have been to before!"

The next moment, Li Yue suddenly thought that if the basic method of alchemy really existed, then the most likely possibility would be that it would be placed in the room that he had been to before.

Because only that room had bookshelves displaying various books.

Perhaps, among the hundreds of books, there is one or more books that record methods on how to make elixirs.

"It's a pity that even if this is true, now I can't recognize which book is about alchemy, nor can I really understand the information recorded in it!"

Unfortunately, Li Yue then thought again that even if what he thought was true, he was still unable to determine which of the hundreds of books contained records about alchemy.

Even if Li Yue knew that the book was about alchemy, he still didn't understand the text on the book and couldn't browse the content recorded in it normally!

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