Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1098 The eyes that see through everything

For Li Yue, he could not know at this time whether this situation was intentional.

But what he knew was that if it was really what he thought, then the person who drew this dragon image would be the one who drew it.

And deliberately drawing him as such a person definitely has a special meaning.

"Forget it, now is not the time to worry about whether the above image is real or not, let's find a way to find out whether the elixir that exists in it is really an elixir that has not yet been refined!"

Although Li Yue already had some guesses about this matter.

But at this time, this matter is not the most important thing for Li Yue at the moment.

The most important thing at this time is to find out as soon as possible whether the hot aura in this alchemy furnace is really an elixir that has not yet been refined.

However, it seems that it is not so easy for Li Yue to figure this out.

Before this, Li Yue had used his powerful mental power to conduct observations.

But his mental power was blocked by this alchemy furnace.

Apart from being able to simply feel that it contains a special thing that exudes a hot aura, there is no way to truly detect what is there.

But now, even if he has come to this alchemy furnace, he can observe this alchemy furnace up close.

However, Li Yue's mental power still did not function normally. In any case, he was still unable to enter the alchemy furnace and see the things existing in it.

This made Li Yue understand that perhaps the material used to make this alchemy furnace was somewhat special, which could block his exploration of spiritual power.

"Since mental power cannot penetrate the outer wall of the alchemy furnace, I wonder if my clairvoyance will also be blocked!"

Li Yue was not too surprised that he could not truly enter the alchemy furnace with his mental power.

After all, after experiencing this special experience, Li Yue also knew that his mental power was not omnipotent.

There are many things that can interfere with one's mental power.

My own mental power is not able to explore everything.

However, although he accepted that he might not be able to explore the inside of the alchemy furnace with his mental strength, it did not mean that Li Yue completely gave up exploring the inside of the alchemy furnace.

Since one's own mental power cannot explore the inside of the alchemy furnace, it may be because the material of the alchemy furnace is special and has the ability to block mental exploration.

So will my eyes, which can see through almost everything, also be affected?

Thinking of this, Li Yue did not hesitate.

Focus the energy in your body on your eyes.

The next moment, Li Yue's eyes instantly became extremely sharp, as if he could see through everything.

And everything about him changed dramatically in an instant.

Li Yue's clairvoyant ability comes from the Guardian Superman who has similar abilities.

Although the strength of the Protector Superman may not be comparable to that of the real Superman, what makes the Protector Superman stronger is that he has no obvious weaknesses.

Of course, at the beginning, Li Yue relied more on the ability of the Superman who protects the country.

But at this time, Li Yue's strength has allowed him to transcend all constraints.

Therefore, his eyes have fully grown to the point where he can see through all illusions, just like the blazing golden eyes possessed by the Monkey King in mythical novels.

Of course, if he wants to see through everything with his own eyes, Li Yue naturally needs to expend energy in his body.

After all, energy is the root of everything.

But now, Li Yue's clairvoyance eyes are obviously different from Superman's X-ray-like ability.

Superman's clairvoyant eyes are more like special rays similar to X-rays.

Can see through any metal and wall except lead.

However, although Li Yue's previous clairvoyance eyes also used this similar principle.

But after the evolution of strength,

At this time, Li Yue's "clairvoyance eye" was completely different from this.

His "clairvoyance eye" is now more like using his own eyes to see through reality and see through the essence of everything.

It can be said that Li Yue's gaze at this time can even cross the boundaries of time and space, see the past and the future, and clearly see the essence of everything.

This is completely incomparable to the "clairvoyance eyes" used by Superman.

It's not even comparable to any pair of eyes with special abilities.

Therefore, at this time, after Li Yue could not penetrate the outer wall of the alchemy furnace with his mental power, he chose to use this kind of vision that could see the essence of everything clearly, trying to see clearly what was in the alchemy furnace.

When Li Yue concentrated his gaze, countless strange energies gathered in Li Yue's eyes.

His eyes seemed to be instantly freed from the constraints of space.

It's like seeing the end of the universe in an instant, and it's like directly seeing things in quantum space.

However, these scenes only flashed across Li Yue's eyes.

In the end, the scene in his eyes quickly stopped.

At this moment, Li Yue's eyes were completely focused on the alchemy furnace in front of him.

Except for the alchemy furnace, Li Yue seemed to have lost everything in his eyes.

Even time and space cannot affect Li Yue at this time.

At the same time, in Li Yue's eyes, the alchemy furnace, which was originally made of a special metal, was gradually changing.

It was as if time was retreating at an extremely fast speed. The alchemy furnace that originally looked very simple seemed to be gradually losing the ancient charm that time had lingered on it at this moment.

Soon, the entire alchemy furnace seemed to be very new, almost as if it had just been made.

The next moment, the shape of the alchemy furnace completely changed in Li Yue's eyes.

At this time, what appeared in Li Yue's eyes was no longer the alchemy furnace before, but another strange scene.

The picture looks illusory and unreal.

In the picture, the first thing that appears is a mountain with a height of ten thousand feet.

What makes people feel very strange is that there are two completely different states on the extremely tall mountain peaks.

One side of the mountain is completely vast, and the entire world is covered by thick ice, as if it has been shrouded in ice and snow all year round.

But on the other side of the mountain, there is a piece of red, hot magma, like a river, meandering on the high mountain.

A mountain, but it seems to be in two different worlds.

But in the middle of the two mountain peaks with different expressions, there is a huge rock, which seems to be the dividing line between the two different worlds of this mountain peak, located there.

The different scenes on both sides of the boulder make one half of the boulder look as white as ice that has not melted for thousands of years, while the other half is as red as flames!

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