Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1099 Ocean of Flames

As Li Yue used his eyes to see through the essence of everything, the alchemy furnace in front of him gradually changed, forming another different scene.

On top of a high mountain, different scenes appear on both sides.

On one side is the raging red magma, and on the other side is the snow-covered glacier that lasts thousands of years.

Two different seasons seemed to appear together on the same mountain.

And at the junction of the two worlds, a huge stone as tall as a person stood quietly there.

Its surface reflects two different colors due to the different scenes on the two sides.

Li Yue's gaze only stayed for a while on the high mountain blended with ice and fire.

Soon, his attention was completely attracted by the huge boulder at the intersection of two different scenes.

This huge boulder has existed on this high mountain for an unknown amount of time.

One side of the boulder has been burned by scorching fire all year round, while the other side has been attacked by thousands of years of ice.

If it were an ordinary stone, it would have been tortured to a terrible state by the experience of the two realms of ice and fire.

However, this huge rock was very tenacious and survived in this harsh environment.

Moreover, this very harsh environment even caused the material of this boulder to fundamentally change.

Perhaps because it has been baptized by the breath of fire and ice all year round, this huge stone has gradually developed some unique characteristics.

First of all, it is very resistant to heat and cold, and it also has a very good effect on transmitting hot and cold breath.

Even if it is stimulated by hot or cold temperatures, the boulder itself will release the same hot or cold breath to intensify the surrounding illusion.

And these are all what Li Yue felt when he looked at the boulder!

And Li Yue could also understand that this huge stone, which had been baptized by hot and cold breath for countless years, was actually the original material for making this alchemy furnace.

Moreover, perhaps it is precisely because it has been baptized by a special aura that the alchemy furnace made from this huge stone has such strange characteristics.

Li Yue's eyes that could see through everything almost allowed him to see directly through time and space the essence of the material of this alchemy furnace. It was originally a huge stone on a high mountain, enduring the baptism of hot and cold breath day and night!

In the end, for some unknown reason, the owner here found it and built this alchemy furnace for making alchemy.

However, although Li Yue instantly saw through its essence with his own eyes, to Li Yue, the essence of the material of this alchemy furnace was not very important.

What he wanted to find out more at this time was the alchemy furnace itself, and what the hot aura contained inside it was!

Therefore, after briefly looking at the source of the materials for this alchemy furnace, Li Yue began to control his gaze and prepared to go deep into the alchemy furnace.

The next moment, the scene in Li Yue's eyes changed drastically again.

From the mountain covered with ice, snow and magma, it turned back into the real alchemy furnace in front of Li Yue.

After that, as Li Yue controlled his gaze, he consciously wanted to go deep into the alchemy furnace and see what exactly existed inside it.

The scene in front of Li Yue changed again.

His gaze seemed to be constantly traveling through the real space, and then directly passed through the surface of the alchemy furnace, ignoring the obstruction of the outer wall of the alchemy furnace, and went straight into its interior!

The next moment, a world that seemed to be completely composed of flames appeared in Li Yue's eyes.

The whole world seemed to be a sea of ​​​​fire composed of flames.

"Is this the inside of the alchemy furnace?"

At this moment, Li Yue knew clearly that his gaze had completely penetrated the barrier of the outer wall of the alchemy furnace and truly penetrated into the interior of the alchemy furnace.

Li Yue quickly accepted that his gaze could not be blocked by the alchemy furnace.

However, Li Yue still felt a little surprised when he saw the world made of flames that appeared in his eyes.

The internal space of the alchemy furnace seemed to be different from what Li Yue had imagined.

At least, he had not thought before that the inside of this alchemy furnace seemed to be a special world of its own.

Moreover, there is only one element that makes up the world around him, and that is flame, an extremely hot flame, like an ocean made of flames.

And Li Yue, although he was a little surprised by this world made of scorching fire, he quickly accepted this fact!

Although, the entire world was covered in flames, making it difficult for Li Yue to know his direction for a while.

However, Li Yue's eyes could see through almost everything.

In this world full of flames, Li Yue's gaze still allows him to see through the essence of everything.

The blazing flames around him gradually turned into nothingness in Li Yue's eyes.

And the entire world of red flames gradually became transparent in Li Yue's eyes.

Until finally, the red flame completely disappeared from Li Yue's eyes, leaving only a world that seemed to be nothingness.

However, within the scope of Li Yue's gaze, in the center of the world that was almost nothingness, there was a group of things wrapped in azure blue light.

"It seems that this is the thing that exuded a hot aura that I felt mentally before!"

At this moment, Li Yue's attention was completely attracted by this special thing emitting light blue light.

If Li Yue's guess was correct, this unknown thing emitting blue light was exactly the existence emitting hot aura that he had felt with his mental power before.

"However, this unknown thing does not seem to be what I expected. It exudes a hot atmosphere every moment!"

Although, Li Yue could already determine at this time that the thing emitting blue light was the thing emitting hot breath that he felt outside.

However, when he really faced this moment, Li Yue felt completely different from before.

When he was outside, the aura he felt was always radiating hot energy outwards.

It seemed as if it itself was composed of a ball of flame containing scorching heat.

However, when Li Yue truly faced this special aura at this time, Li Yue discovered that this special aura did not actually exude a hot aura continuously.

Instead, it exudes an aura like ice every moment.

However, the breath of ice was evaporated instantly after it came into contact with the surrounding sea of ​​flames, and could not really be dissipated at all.

And this cold breath is actually more like a kind of protection!


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