Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1100 The coldness in the flames

"Protection? It seems to be correct. It constantly emits a cold breath, and it seems to be a special protection for the things inside."

"It's just that in this world full of fire, I don't know what is it that can still emit a cold aura to protect myself in this world full of fire?"

Originally, before Li Yue actually came here, he thought the aura in this place was an elixir that had not yet been refined.

But after the actual contact, Li Yue was a little surprised to find that his previous guess was not entirely correct.

Not only is this group of things not always exuding hot air, but it is always exuding cold air.

Moreover, the reason why he exudes such a cold aura may be to protect himself.

To ensure that you are not affected by the scorching sea of ​​​​fire around you.

Seeing this situation, Li Yue felt very surprised.

However, although his previous guess may be wrong.

But at this moment, the only thing Li Yue was very curious about was that if the aura he saw was not an elixir that had not yet been refined, then what was it?

After all, this aura looks very mysterious.

Even this alchemy furnace has existed for an unknown period of time, and the aura within it should also have existed for such a long time!

But it can still release enough cold breath to resist the invasion of the surrounding flames, which are as hot as a sea of ​​​​fire.

Such a special atmosphere naturally surprised Li Yue.

And I am very curious about what is in it that can still continue to emit a cold breath despite being burned under such a sea of ​​​​hot fire for an unknown period of time.

Originally, Li Yue had always thought that there was an unfinished elixir in the entire alchemy furnace, but when he actually entered the flame-filled space of the alchemy furnace.

But he found that things were not what he thought.

At this time, Li Yue was full of curiosity about this special thing that always exuded a cold aura to protect him.

At the same time, he was also a little confused as to why this mass of things was placed in the alchemy furnace, as if he wanted to use such hot temperatures to completely burn and refine it.

"Could it be that there is some kind of treasure in this strange thing?"

This is Li Yue's real thought at this time.

In Li Yue's impression, the alchemy furnace can be used not only to refine elixirs, but also to refine certain special treasures or materials.

After all, some geniuses and treasures grow up between heaven and earth, and are naturally protected by the rules of heaven and earth.

Therefore, some important treasures are not available to everyone.

What's more, you don't just get it and use it directly!

These treasures born between heaven and earth often require extremely complex refining processes before they can truly be used by people.

Judging from the current situation, there should be something that can be called a genius treasure among this group of things.

The former owner of this place, after getting it, put it in the alchemy furnace, hoping to use the flames in the alchemy furnace as hot as the sea of ​​​​fire to slowly burn it, and finally refine it completely!

However, he did not expect that before he could completely refine it, he encountered a very urgent matter and had to leave.

In the end he never came back.

And the reason is that this special thing still has the power to "resist" even though it has been burned by the years.

Perhaps the root cause is that the flame world within the alchemy furnace will greatly lose its power if no one controls it.

In addition, this special mass itself has the characteristics of being extremely difficult to completely refine.

Therefore, this situation occurred due to various reasons.

In the unmanned alchemy furnace, the temperature of the flames is not enough to completely break through the defense of this mass of things.

But this thing

It can only continue to emit some cold breath to block the invasion of the surrounding sea of ​​​​fire.

Two different energies are at a stalemate at this moment, and they have been in a stalemate for an unknown amount of time.

Finally, today, Li Yue's arrival became the most critical entity to break the balance.

"Perhaps, whether to completely refine this mass of things depends entirely on my choice at this time!"

At this moment, Li Yue stared at the special thing in the sea of ​​fire that was constantly exuding a cold breath, and he also understood the situation in his heart.

Perhaps, whether to completely refine this thing at this time does not depend on anyone, but entirely depends on Li Yue's next choice!

If Li Yue doesn't want to refine it, then judging from this situation, the two energies may still be in a stalemate with each other for an unknown amount of time!

And as long as Li Yue chooses to refine it, then Li Yue can definitely help the flames in the alchemy furnace.

The sea of ​​​​fire with the increased power of the flames should be able to completely refine this special thing in the shortest time, and finally fully reveal the things in it.

"Perhaps this is a special opportunity that belongs to me!"

At this time, Li Yue didn't know what to think.

Because he has realized that there may be some kind of special genius hidden in this special thing.

Moreover, the situation at this time seemed to be an opportunity specially reserved for himself.

And now, he is waiting for his choice whether to truly get this opportunity.

If it were normal times, Li Yue would naturally not have any hesitation. The opportunity he got was not in vain.

After all, although Li Yue is now strong enough.

Moreover, there are several types in his collection that are considered treasures even in the entire universe.

However, I guess no one would dislike having too many treasures in their collection.

Li Yue is naturally no exception.

Therefore, while traveling through the universe, Li Yue will collect as many treasures as he is interested in as much as possible without harming the fundamentals of the entire universe.

Just like the Infinity Stones in the Marvel Universe.

Except for the Time Stone, which is left to Doctor Strange to fight threats from other dimensions.

Li Yue can take the remaining gems as he wishes.

After coming to the DC universe, there are not too many things that interest Li Yue.

However, Li Yue never expected that in a special experience, he would encounter all kinds of opportunities and treasures.

Even at this moment, it seems that there is a kind of treasure that is specially reserved for myself.

When you appear here, you can claim this opportunity at will without encountering any difficulties!

In fact, this made Li Yue even doubt whether there was some deep meaning hidden in this inexplicable opportunity.

After all, Li Yue still remembered Gu Yi's previous advice to him.

Everything you get may have some corresponding price!

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