Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1112 The Origin of the Dragon

Perhaps, for it, which was once a carp, being able to truly jump over the dragon gate was something that it had never imagined.

Of course, jumping over the dragon gate only gives you the opportunity to become a real dragon, but it does not mean that you can truly transform into a real dragon.

After jumping over the dragon gate and before turning into a real dragon, he still has to go through many more difficulties and obstacles.

Only by truly overcoming all difficulties and obstacles can one truly transform into a true dragon.

And although Li Yue is not very clear about what kind of tests and difficulties he needs to go through before he can truly transform into a dragon.

But he could also imagine that this might not be an easy thing to do.

Of course, at this time, Li Yue did not know that the predecessor of this dragon was just a carp with the blood of the dragon.

At this time, Li Yue was still looking forward to the direction in which the next thing would develop.

However, Li Yue expressed great expectations for what will happen next.

But at this moment, this dragon seemed to be shocked by the fact that he was not recognized by Longmen.

For a long time, this dragon seemed to have no reaction and was completely sluggish!

This made Li Yue couldn't help but feel a little suspicious, whether this dragon had been hurt by his failure to gain the recognition of Longmen. He felt that he could not accept it and fell into an emotion that he could not extricate himself from.

Of course, this is obviously Li Yue thinking too much.

Even the situation at this time would indeed make this dragon find it difficult to accept!

However, it is still impossible to completely defeat this dragon's inner defenses and make it confused!

What's more, in fact, Shenlong, who cannot accept that he is not recognized by Longmen, has a firmer belief in his heart at this moment!

That is, no matter what, even if you lose your life, you must regain the recognition from Longmen!

Because it still remembers the huge surprise in its heart the moment it jumped over the dragon gate for the first time!

At the same time, it also understood that the person who jumped over the dragon gate was no longer the ignorant little carp before, but a dragon that could swim in the sky.

But now, if it loses the recognition of the dragon gate from the almost omnipotent dragon, it returns to the original little carp in the river, unable to see the wider world.

That's something it absolutely cannot accept.

Therefore, because it is impossible to accept the situation of transcending the mortal world and falling back into the mortal world again.

Then, it will use all its strength to rewrite its destiny at this time.

Suddenly, Li Yue felt an extremely majestic momentum burst out from the heart of this originally very decadent dragon.

This majestic momentum is mixed with various emotions.

There is sadness, reluctance, and anger!

But more than anything, it is an emotion of never giving up.

It seems that even if it is faced with mountains of swords and seas of fire, it will not back down at all and will face it head-on!

This kind of emotion even infected Li Yue, making Li Yue feel a little excited!

"It seems that it has not been defeated by today's difficulties!"

Li Yue also felt inexplicably relieved when he felt Shenlong's strong emotion of never giving up or retreating.

Perhaps, there is no special relationship between this dragon and him.

But looking at a real dragon, now it is not recognized by its own tribe.

Li Yue still felt a little sorry for it.

Now, seeing that it did not choose to give up or retreat because of this situation, Li Yue was naturally happy for it.

However, sometimes, you can change the results of certain things if you never give up.

For Li Yue, he is still very curious about how the next situation will develop.

Since this dragon has chosen never to give up and exudes such majestic momentum,

What exactly is to be done?

Li Yue didn't know yet about this, but he was ready to wait and see.

As for Li Yue's existence, this dragon was completely unaware of it.

Of course, this is a very normal situation. After all, this is a divine dragon at this time, which is essentially just a memory fragment.

It’s not a real dragon!

Therefore, it cannot know the existence of Li Yue.

And it didn't know that Li Yue was just like watching a movie, like a bystander, watching its next choice.

Li Yue's existence will certainly not have any impact on its choices and actions!

It still does what it thinks is right according to its choice at the moment!

This is a divine dragon. It was not a real divine dragon, but a golden carp with the blood of a true dragon.

It was only after the great opportunity of the carp leaping over the dragon gate that he finally became a real divine dragon through his hard work and practice.

Just like this.

Since it has jumped over the dragon gate, it naturally means that it has been recognized by the dragon gate.

It finally transformed into a real dragon, and it was only achieved through its own efforts.

However, now, it is sealed in a void space, and I don't know how long it took before its consciousness finally woke up!

However, that's not the worst thing!

The worst thing is that after it wakes up, it is no longer recognized by Longmen.

You know, it once crossed that dragon gate in the form of a carp.

But now, its body shape still maintains the form of a divine dragon, but it can no longer really pass through this dragon gate.

This made him feel unbelievable, and at the same time, he decided that no matter what, he must regain the recognition of Longmen, even at the cost of his own life.

However, as for how to regain the recognition of Longmen, this dragon does not have an accurate answer in his heart!

However, perhaps it was because seeing the familiar Longmen again reminded him of the time when he was just an ignorant carp.

At that time, it didn't know how big the world was.

In its eyes, the entire world is only as big as the river it lives in.

It was not until the end, when it became a divine dragon, that it finally realized that the world was completely beyond its imagination.

Of course, recalling these made it more determined.

With the memories in the heart, its momentum of never giving up began to rise again!

And its eyes also shone with a very dazzling and extremely determined light.

It stared closely ahead at the dragon gate that exuded a majestic aura, as if it was constantly accumulating power within its body.

The next moment, its body was as before, sprinting towards the golden dragon gate not far ahead again.

Only this time, its flight trajectory had some simple changes.

It didn't seem to be flying smoothly, but rather like jumping, drawing an arc in the air!

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