Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1113 The golden light on the water

Feeling the movements made by this dragon at this time, Li Yue couldn't help but feel a little curious.

Because on the surface, this doesn't seem to be much different from what Shenlong did before when he was unwilling.

"Is it just because it is unwilling to give up that it continues to try to cross the dragon gate?"

At this moment, Li Yue had some doubts. Perhaps Shenlong was still unwilling to accept this matter until now, so he continued to try to cross the dragon gate.

"No, this time, it seems a little different from before!"

However, Li Yue soon discovered that the situation at this time was not exactly the same as before.

The most significant difference is that the flight path of this dragon has changed compared with before.

In many previous attempts, this dragon always aimed at a faster flying speed.

The flight trajectory basically shows a straight line without any curved trajectory.

Perhaps at that time, it thought that it could not pass through the dragon gate because its speed was a bit slow.

Therefore, it uses a faster speed every time than the last time, trying to cross the gantry directly.

However, the result is that no matter how fast it is, it will not be of any help to whether it can pass through the gantry.

The faster it is, the farther it will bounce back from the gantry.

However, this time, it seemed to have finally changed its mind.

No longer accelerating in a straight line without any scruples, rushing towards the dragon gate in the distance.

Instead, he chooses a special way, which is like leaping up in the air, drawing a beautiful arc, and then leaping into the dragon gate!

And this situation made Li Yue recall the myth and legend "Carp Leaping over the Dragon Gate" that he thought of when he just saw the Dragon Gate!

Of course, the so-called carp leaping over the dragon's gate is naturally a carp leaping from the water and jumping over the dragon's gate in the sky, which is the real carp leaping over the dragon's gate.

But now, it has the body of a divine dragon with golden dragon scales. This situation, which looks like a carp leaping over the dragon gate, can't help but make Li Yue feel a little inconsistent!

However, no matter how many thoughts he had in his heart, Li Yue could only watch the next developments quietly!

This dragon had no idea what Li Yue was thinking.

At this time, it no longer paid attention to the surrounding situation.

Even the dragon gate seems to have disappeared in its eyes!

Humans often say that fish only have seven seconds of memory.

However, this situation is not accurate for it.

Because its memory is not only a few seconds.

It even remembered that in the beginning, before it jumped over the dragon gate, it was still an ignorant carp, living a carefree life in a river!

And at this moment, its consciousness seemed to have gone back in time, instantly returning to the time when it was still an ignorant carp!

And in its eyes, there is a clear river water.

But it used to be living carefree in this river.

The river water is clear, and as a carp, it swims in the river with its surrounding companions without any worries.

Perhaps, a big fish will pass by at the next moment and eat most of their companions in one bite.

However, this does not make them fearful.

Because this is the world they live in, where the weak eat the strong. As a carp, they have to be aware of being eaten by bigger fish.

And it even remembered the scene where its companion was swimming with it in the river one moment, but was swallowed directly by a bloody mouth the next moment.

However, it has long been accustomed to this kind of thing. As long as it is not itself, it will continue to live in the river.

Originally, it thought that this was its destined fate in life.

Constantly walking on the edge of danger, I don't know that at that moment, I will become the food in that big mouth.

However, until one day, it suddenly noticed that through the sparkling water, it saw a blurry object emitting dazzling golden light.

At that time, it didn't understand what the golden light thing was.

However, in the dark, it could feel that the things emitting golden light had an extremely strong attraction to it.

It seems to be attracting it, ignoring everything to get closer to that golden light!

In fact, not only it, but its companions around it also discovered the dazzling golden light above the river.

And it seemed that they were all attracted by the golden light just like it.

There was almost no hesitation. The entire school of fish had already rioted the moment the golden light appeared.

It discovered that the companions around it seemed to have lost their minds at this moment, and swam towards the river surface at their fastest speed!

I don't know if it is also attracted by the golden light above the river, or because there is a force in the dark that is urging it.

In short, it also followed the companions around it who seemed to have fallen into madness, and together they used all their strength to swim towards the river, in the direction of the golden light.

Soon, they were approaching the edge of the river.

The next moment, it discovered that its companion not only did not slow down when approaching the river, but even twisted its tail more crazily.

As if he wanted to escape from the river forever, he jumped directly into the sky, towards that special thing in the sky that emitted golden light!

That was the first time that it saw its companion so crazy, as if he wanted to escape from the river where he had lived his whole life.

That kind of scene is still fresh in my memory!

And, most importantly, it seemed to be infected by the actions of its companions at that moment.

Of course, it was more out of curiosity about the strange thing emitting golden light above.

However, just when it wanted to jump out of the water like its companions and see what the golden thing was.

It discovered that its companions, even those who jumped the highest out of the water, were still very far away from the dazzling golden light above.

There seems to be a huge gap that cannot be crossed at all.

Finally, its companion, after losing the last of its strength, began to fall from the sky again!

Originally, although they would fall into the water again, there would be no danger to them.

But the next moment, it saw with its own eyes a familiar bloody mouth suddenly protruding from the water where its companion fell.

Later, his companions who jumped out of the water but could not really leap into the sky and get close to the golden light.

He could only let his body become helpless in the air, lose its strength, and finally fall into the bloody mouth and become the food in its mouth!

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