Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1114 Regardless of life and death

Sometimes, opportunities often appear along with crises.

If you want to get opportunities, you must have the awareness to face crises.

If a carp jumps over the dragon gate, it will have a huge chance of transforming into a real dragon.

However, on the way to the Dragon Gate, the surrounding enemies were also waiting for opportunities.

Because the carp leaping over the dragon's gate is not just a unique opportunity for the carp group.

It is also the natural enemy of carp, so you can easily enjoy the opportunity of food!

Of course, as a carp at this time, it naturally doesn't understand this situation.

The moment it saw this scene, it felt a strong sense of crisis in its heart.

It has a sense of crisis that makes it want to escape from here instantly.

But just when it wanted to turn around and run away.

But he found that his companions around him seemed completely unaware of this dangerous situation.

Not only did they not show any concern for their previous companions who had been killed in a bloody maw.

Even at this moment, they seemed to ignore the consequences that they might be buried in a bloody mouth like their companions, and continued to jump towards the river and rush into the sky!

While they were in the air, they kept wagging their tails in an attempt to jump higher.

It's best to get really close to that golden light.

However, after all, there is still no companion who can really get close to the golden light in the sky.

Countless companions fell powerlessly from the sky, and the familiar bloody mouths around them seemed to be waiting for them.

Except for a very few companions who were lucky enough to successfully fall into the water, most of them became food in their mouths.

From its perspective, this scene is almost indistinguishable from hell.

Of course, at that time, it didn’t know the existence of hell!

However, this scene still made him feel a huge fear that seemed to come from his heart.

It couldn't help but wonder if all its companions were crazy.

Why do you want to leap high into the sky regardless of your own safety now, trying to get close to something that is almost impossible to get close to?

However, now, it has followed its companions to the area close to the water.

Many of the surrounding companions had already rushed towards the water and jumped directly into the sky.

However, countless companions almost risked their lives and worked hard to achieve the results.

But still, no companion can really get close to that golden light.

At this moment, its heart told it that it must leave here as soon as possible. Only in this way could it avoid the fate of being buried in a bloody mouth.

However, when it once again looked through the river water close to the surface, it saw the group of things in the sky that exuded majestic golden light.

It was actually able to gradually see the thing wrapped in the golden light, which seemed to be a special door!

But at this moment, its desire to escape gradually calmed down!

In fact, there seems to be a voice in its heart that is constantly urging it!

"Run towards it, jump over! Jump over..."

At this moment, it actually had the idea to jump through that door regardless of the safety of its own life, just like its companions!

It was as if the door emitting majestic golden light had an extremely strong attraction to it.

It seems that when he sees that door, his consciousness will lose his mind and he will fall into a state of madness because of that door.

Just like those previous partners who had to jump out of the water and approach the door regardless of their own lives.

However, perhaps it is because it is somewhat different from its partners.

Although it is also attracted by this door that exudes majestic golden light, it even seems to be about to fall into a state of madness.

But it didn't really lose its mind completely and become very crazy like its companions around it.

However, it is also unable to follow its original will and leave here directly to avoid danger!

It seems like this moment,

It has been completely attracted by the golden door.

Regardless of the approaching danger, regardless of the huge crisis that he may encounter.

At this moment, it suddenly felt that maybe it should work hard to achieve something like the companions around it.

Even if this incident may cost you your life, as long as you bloom with the most brilliant colors at the last moment of your life, that is a kind of happiness!

Perhaps there is an inexplicable force attracting it.

Let it be the same as those previous companions who struggled to leap towards the golden light door above the river regardless of their lives.

The next moment, it began to swim vigorously in the water.

He almost used all his strength at that moment, and in the next moment, he broke through the water and leaped into the sky.

He leaped toward the door in the distant sky that exuded majestic aura and sacred light.

The moment it jumped out of the water, a bloody mouth emerged from the water at the same time.

I want to swallow its body that jumped out of the water into my mouth.

However, perhaps the carp jumped out of the water faster than it expected.

The carp passed by the open mouth of blood in a very thrilling way.

The owner of that bloody mouth, because of his huge size, could not completely escape from the water. In the end, he could only helplessly fall back into the water, causing a huge splash!

Don't pay attention to the situation where the owner of the big mouth "snarls" because the food that is about to come into the mouth "flies away".

But he said that the carp had also jumped out of the water regardless of its own life.

At this moment, it suddenly stopped in the air, as if time suddenly stopped, and the whole world suddenly became extremely peaceful.

And the next moment, the whole world changed.

It was as if the scene in his memory was instantly reflected in reality.

In this void space, a sparkling water surface suddenly appeared!

The Shenlong's body has already submerged into the water, and its figure cannot be seen.

The next moment, a golden carp suddenly jumped up in the water.

The golden fish scales were still shining with a faint golden light.

The water brought up slowly slipped from the carp's body drop by drop, and dropped back into the water.

At this moment, everything seemed to slow down, like a slow-motion scene that only appeared in movies.

At this time, Li Yue, who was fused with Shenlong and felt everything, also felt the huge changes in the surrounding situation at this time.

He was extremely confused in his heart as to what was happening at this time.

As if in the blink of an eye, a river suddenly appeared in this empty space.

The Shenlong's body was originally under the water.

But because it was leaping forward, its body quickly jumped out of the water.

But the moment he jumped out of the water, the body of the dragon instantly turned into a golden carp!

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