Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1115 The Legend of Dragon Transformation

With the memories, this space that was originally a void has also undergone tremendous changes.

And then, along with Shenlong's memories of his past, a picture that made Li Yue feel very strange suddenly appeared in this empty space.

A river appeared out of thin air, shining with a strange light.

The original divine dragon was also submerged in the river at this time, as if it had completely disappeared.

However, the next moment, a golden carp suddenly jumped out of the river.

Like a sharp arrow, it shot straight into the sky at an extremely fast speed with a courageous momentum.

And its purpose can be easily discovered, it is the dragon gate in the distance that exudes majestic golden light.

A divine dragon instantly transformed into a golden carp.

This situation made Li Yue feel a little surprised and curious.

There was absolutely no warning before the entire scene changed.

It was as if this situation appeared suddenly, leaving Li Yue no time to react.

Before Li Yue could react at all, the entire void space had already changed.

The river appeared, as if the entire void space suddenly became a sparkling river surface at this moment!

And the body of this divine dragon was also submerged in the river.

What surprised Li Yue even more was that the moment the dragon jumped out of the water, it turned into a golden carp from its previous body.

What you need to know is that Li Yue, whose mind was fused with this dragon, did not notice the changes in the dragon's body shape at all.

It's as if this is its true original form.

The body of the divine dragon is another form it has formed after transformation.

Because of this, Li Yue was unable to feel the changes in his body shape.

"It seems like this dragon was really a carp before?"

Feeling this situation and the instantaneous change in the dragon's body, Li Yue clearly felt that this carp's form seemed to be its true original form.

For this reason, Li Yue couldn't help but have a question in his mind, that is, was this dragon in the form of such a golden carp before it turned into a real dragon?

Li Yue had never really seen dragons, a creature that existed only in myths.

What I saw before was just a wisp of the remnant soul of a divine dragon.

Therefore, Li Yue's understanding of Shenlong basically comes from some descriptions in legends!

In legends, there are various descriptions of the origin of the dragon.

For example, the first divine dragon when the world first opened is called the ancestral dragon.

The divine dragons that appear later were all conceived by the ancestral dragon.

After that, during countless years of reproduction and evolution, the bloodline of the divine dragon gradually became more complicated.

As a result, many creatures themselves have a faint trace of dragon blood.

The more well-known ones include snakes, carp and other creatures.

There may be a relatively weak dragon bloodline in the body!

And this situation has naturally resulted in many creatures with the blood of dragons having the slightest possibility of transforming into real dragons!

Of course, whether it can truly transform into a real dragon depends on whether its own opportunities are strong enough.

Moreover, even if you really get a huge opportunity to transform into a real dragon, it is not absolutely possible to transform into a real dragon.


It also requires huge efforts on its part to truly have the possibility of transforming into a real dragon!

Of course, what Li Yue was thinking about at this time was not what kind of efforts it would take to truly transform into a real dragon.

What he was thinking about was, could this divine dragon itself be transformed from this golden carp?

After all, among the various legends of dragon transformation, the legend of carp transforming into dragon is still relatively common.

Of course, the other most well-known dragon-transformation legend is the legend of snakes transforming into dragons!

Of course, not just a snake can easily transform into a real dragon.

If this were true, maybe Shenlong would not be a legendary existence!

The process of a snake transforming into a dragon is for a snake with the blood of a divine dragon to first undergo several years of cultivation, and then undergo the process of transformation into a dragon!

However, although there is a dragon character in the dragon, it does not mean that it is a real dragon.

Although dragons are more powerful than ordinary snakes, there is still an almost insurmountable gap between them and real dragons.

Generally, after a snake turns into a dragon, it has to go through thousands of years of cultivation and finally undergo a postgraduate examination of a catastrophe!

And after successfully surviving the catastrophe, you can truly transform into a divine dragon!

The process of a snake transforming into a dragon usually takes thousands of years as the base.

This is enough to show how difficult it is for a snake to transform into a dragon!

Among the various well-known dragon transformation legends, the process of a carp transforming into a dragon is considered the easiest and easiest.

The process of the carp turning into a dragon is exactly the legend of "carp leaping over the dragon gate" that Li Yue thought of after seeing the golden gate.

According to legend, at a certain moment, the dragon gate will appear above the water in a certain place, and the dragon gate will open, as if it is welcoming the real dragon to enter.

However, although the gantry will appear, it usually appears in the sky at a certain distance from the water.

Moreover, the Dragon Gate does not exist permanently. It has a certain period of time. When time passes, the Dragon Gate will gradually disappear.

And as long as there are carps that can jump over the dragon gate during this period of time, they will have the opportunity to transform into a dragon!

It sounds like this is a relatively easy thing.

At least, it is much easier than the difficult process of transforming a snake into a dragon, which requires thousands of years of cultivation and extremely dangerous catastrophes!

But in fact, perhaps the process of a carp transforming into a dragon is not much easier than the process of a snake transforming into a dragon.

Of course, Li Yue only had a simple understanding of these situations.

He has never really seen someone shed his snake body and transform into a real dragon after thousands of years of practice.

He has never seen the process of a carp leaping over a dragon gate and transforming into a dragon.

Therefore, Li Yue is still not sure whether the real situation is just as described in the legend.

But he understood a truth.

That is, any power or opportunity cannot be obtained easily and at no cost.

Often, greater opportunities will be accompanied by greater crises and difficulties.

Therefore, if this divine dragon really evolved from a carp, through the process of the carp leaping over the dragon gate, it became the divine dragon it is today.

Then Li Yue had to have a feeling of admiration for him!

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