Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1116 Illusory Power

Many creatures are not born with intelligence as powerful as humans!

For them, it is very difficult to practice!

Because there is no wisdom, very few creatures can step into the realm of cultivation by chance.

And because of the rise of modern society, some mysterious things have almost completely disappeared.

Perhaps they do not exist at all as humans think, but they do not really appear in the eyes of the human public.

At least, when Li Yue lived an ordinary life on earth, although he had heard many strange supernatural events, he had never really experienced them.

Of course, although I haven’t really experienced it.

But at that time, Li Yue maintained a mentality that if you believe it, you will have it, and if you don't believe it, you will have nothing.

Although he has not really seen all the gods in the sky, he naturally cannot talk about belief in any of them.

But as the saying goes, it’s okay not to believe in ghosts and gods, but don’t disrespect them!

Therefore, Li Yue still has a sense of awe for unknown things, and has never done anything blasphemous.

Of course, when he truly gained extraordinary power, he gradually understood that the so-called ghosts and gods in the human mouth were just things that humans could not understand.

In fact, the so-called ghosts and gods are just creatures with special abilities.

At this time, Li Yue, who has the ability to travel through time and space, and even travel through various universes, is actually not much different from the real gods that humans say!

In fact, Li Yue's ability at this time was more powerful than some gods in human legends.

For example, some gods may have the ability to soar into the clouds and ride on the mist, but they may not have the powerful ability like Li Yue to travel through time and space, or even rewrite reality.

These abilities are not necessarily possessed, let alone Li Yue's ability to travel through the universe.

Of course, Li Yue's ability at this time may be much more powerful than that of ordinary gods!

But compared to the Creator God who can create the world and the universe, it may still be inferior.

After all, although Li Yue already has powerful abilities that surpass most legendary gods.

But it is not an omniscient and omnipotent existence!

Therefore, Li Yue still has a sense of awe for certain creator gods who created the world and the universe.

Of course, this topic about gods is a bit far-fetched.

At this time, Li Yue was faced with a situation that might have been a golden carp before, but after the opportunity to leap over the Dragon Gate, it turned into a real dragon.

But now, this carp cannot jump over the dragon gate.

This also means that it may no longer be recognized by Gantry!

But for Li Yue, this made him understand some things, and some questions arose in his heart.

That is what kind of situation the carp needs to go through after jumping over the dragon gate before it can truly transform into a dragon.

Also, why is it that after it has transformed into a real dragon, it is not recognized by the Dragon Gate and cannot pass through the Dragon Gate as a real dragon?

The thing that makes Li Yue most curious and puzzled is that now, due to some unknown circumstances, when a river suddenly appeared in the entire void world, this dragon lost its true dragon body again and turned into the one it once was. Golden carp.

Does it mean that because it is not recognized by the dragon gate, it can no longer exist as a divine dragon and can only return to its original carp form?

This issue is the most important to Li Yue.

Because the truth of this situation means more to Li Yue.

If this is true, it may mean that the legend of the carp jumping over the dragon's gate may not be as good as the legend!

The carp may be able to take advantage of the opportunity of jumping over the dragon gate and truly transform into a dragon.

But this transformation into a dragon is not exactly the same as that of a snake transforming into a dragon.

Transforming a snake into a dragon requires a very long training process.

After a long period of practice, he finally transformed into a real dragon because the power he possessed had reached a level that allowed him to truly transform into a dragon.

And after the carp leaps over the dragon gate, you may also be able to obtain the body of a dragon!

However, the body of the divine dragon obtained in this way, and even the power of the divine dragon, are just an illusion that can be taken away at any time!

As long as an existence is not recognized by the Dragon Gate, it will slowly lose the power gained by jumping over the Dragon Gate!

Of course, this situation is just Li Yue's wishful thinking.

As for the real situation, Li Yue is still not sure.

"I don't know that it was deprived of the power of the divine dragon because it could not be recognized by the dragon gate and could not maintain the body of the divine dragon, so it changed into this golden carp shape again!"

"It's probably because of other reasons that I don't know, but it hasn't lost its power, so it became what it is today!"

At this time, Li Yue had two possible guesses about this situation.

The first is that because he was unable to be recognized by the dragon gate, he was deprived of the power of the divine dragon and could no longer maintain the body of the divine dragon, so he returned to the body of a carp.

If this is the case, it means that the power obtained from the legend of the carp leaping over the dragon's gate is not possessive.

It is given by another creature or a strong person.

And the reason why you can get it is because you meet certain conditions.

But when you are unable to continue to meet certain special conditions, the abilities and powers you have obtained will be directly deprived of you.

This is undoubtedly a very cruel possibility.

Of course, Li Yue is still not sure whether there is a second possibility.

That was the reason why this dragon returned to the carp's body for another reason that Li Yue didn't know.

Moreover, this is a choice made by itself, because it needs to rely on this special method to regain the recognition of Longmen.

To put it bluntly, it means once again jumping over the dragon gate as a carp and regaining its recognition!

Moreover, in this process, its power has not been reduced at all.

And after experiencing the opportunity of "carp leaping over the dragon's gate", the abilities and power gained are not false or illusory power.

If it were the second possibility, the result would be completely different.

Perhaps in this way, the legend of "carp leaping over the dragon's gate" is the most "simple" "shortcut" for ordinary creatures to transform from ordinary to extraordinary beings!

There is no need for any hard training, as long as you have the ability to jump over the dragon gate, then you can gain the power to transform into a dragon.

For some creatures, wouldn’t this be a good thing to achieve success in one step?

If it is really possible, then even Li Yue may not be able to refuse such a good thing!

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