Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1117 Strong Faith

If there was a way to make an ordinary person instantly become a being with powerful abilities, comparable to a god.

Then I'm afraid no one can refuse such a huge temptation.

What's more, this kind of situation will appear among the carp group who don't have much wisdom.

Being able to jump over the dragon gate is already a step to the sky for them.

From then on, he has been completely separated from the mortal world, a weak creature that has never had any ability and is almost at the mercy of others.

Become a dragon that can soar in the sky and possess the magical ability to soar into the clouds and ride on the fog.

I believe no one can refuse this huge opportunity.

However, what Li Yue was more concerned about at this time was what happened when it suddenly changed from a dragon to a carp!

It is because it is not recognized by the dragon gate and loses the ability to maintain the body of the dragon.

Or because of other special reasons, only by choosing this can we regain the recognition of Longmen.

And because of his inner curiosity, Li Yue was ready to continue observing and see what would happen next.

But what happened in the void space did not change more because of Li Yue's doubts and speculations.

The moment the dragon jumped out of the water, it turned into a golden carp.

The carp's body continued to leap towards the sky without any pause.

Its goal is to reach the dragon gate in the distance that exudes majesty.

At this moment, it seemed as if it was going to once again complete the feat of leaping over the dragon gate in the body of a carp.

You know, in the legend of the carp leaping over the dragon gate, it is not very easy to successfully leap over the dragon gate.

For thousands of years, only a handful of people have been able to truly leap over the Dragon Gate.

As long as you successfully fly over the dragon gate once, you will have a huge opportunity to transform into a real dragon.

But on the contrary, it is extremely difficult to achieve!

In addition, there is a huge risk of losing one's life due to failure, and becoming a real object in the mouth of natural enemies.

It is not easy to succeed once, let alone succeeding twice in a row, it is even more difficult!

Even Li Yue, who is feeling it in real time at this time, is not very clear whether this dragon, which has transformed into a carp body again, can truly cross the Dragon Gate again and gain the recognition of the Dragon Gate again!

However, Li Yue was still looking forward to seeing this situation really appear before his eyes.

Compared with failure, what Li Yue wants to see more is success.

Because, in his heart, he was very curious about the legend of the carp leaping over the dragon gate.

And he had not been lucky enough to see such a wonderful scene before.

I have never seen someone successfully jump over the dragon gate and then gain the ability to transform into a real dragon!

Therefore, compared with the scene where it failed to jump over the dragon gate, nothing special happened.

What Li Yue would rather see is that after it successfully jumps over the dragon gate, it will gain the ability to transform into a real dragon and appear in a wonderful sight.

For Li Yue, this can be regarded as an experience that increases his knowledge!

Under Li Yue's observation, the dragon that had turned into a carp again seemed to have lost all the power it had as a dragon at this moment!

The previous Shenlong had extremely fast speeds that could cover thousands of miles in an instant.

When I tried to cross the Dragon Gate many times before, I even displayed speeds that were countless times the speed of sound.

In almost an instant, he can cross a distance of tens of thousands of meters and approach the distant dragon gate.

However, although it is fast,

But he still couldn't really pass through the Dragon Gate, and was bounced back further by the majestic golden light emitted by the Dragon Gate many times!

At this time, when its body returned to that of a carp, its strength and speed also declined to a degree visible to the naked eye.

Even though, at this moment, it seemed to have used all the strength of the carp's body to jump out of the water and fly high into the sky.

But its speed is completely different from what it has shown before.

If we say that it had the body of a divine dragon, it could reach thousands of miles in an instant, which even surprised Li Yue.

So the current speed is like a turtle crawling, which makes Li Yue feel very slow.

Of course, in fact, even the speed it had previously displayed as a divine dragon could still become very slow in Li Yue's eyes.

After all, Li Yue's speed was much faster than it was at that time.

But at this time, Li Yue didn't need to concentrate at all to easily feel its slow speed.

However, although his speed is slow at the moment, he has a momentum that seems to be moving forward!

The moment it emerged from the water, its body seemed to completely ignore any interference and leaped straight towards the dragon gate above.

Although the speed is slow, it seems to never stop!

Li Yue's mind was completely integrated with this carp at this moment.

He could feel everything the carp could feel.

Even now, Li Yue can also feel the huge pulling force from below after the carp jumps out of the water.

It's like being on the earth with gravity. When you are in the air, gravity will continue to act on you, pulling you down and feeling like you are falling!

However, compared to the huge gravity acting on him that seemed to be everywhere, what Li Yue felt more deeply was a huge momentum and belief to move forward.

And this momentum comes from the carp itself.

It is hard to imagine that Li Yue would feel such powerful momentum and belief from a fish at this time that even some humans cannot exude!

In Li Yue's feeling, it seemed that at this moment, it was not its own power that supported it out of the water and continued to leap towards the direction of the dragon gate.

Rather, it is because of the great faith it exudes to move forward, which in another way supports its body that keeps moving forward.

Even at this moment, it seems that its body has been captured by the powerful "gravity".

It seemed as if he would fall back into the river at any time due to his lack of support!

However, its body still persisted very tenaciously. Even if the speed was very slow, it did not stop and still leaped towards the dragon gate.

The duration of the entire process has exceeded Li Yue's expectations.

But Li Yue didn't feel the slightest sense of anxiety.

Because at this moment, he became one with the carp and was almost shocked by the extremely firm belief emanating from the carp.

It was as if there was a huge and indomitable belief that completely enveloped him.

No matter how huge the difficulties and obstacles are in front of him, it seems that nothing can stop Li Yue from moving forward.

This strong belief seems to have turned into a huge force, overcoming all obstacles, supporting the carp and continuing to move towards the dragon gate in the distance.

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