Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1118 The power of fused faith

Strong faith seems to be able to overcome all forces and support the carp moving forward.

And the dragon gate in the distance seemed to start from this moment, and the majestic light it originally exuded gradually became softer.

Of course, at this time, this carp is still very far away from Longmen.

If it goes according to normal conditions, relying on its current forward speed, it will still feel the resistance like "gravity".

It will never be able to successfully approach the dragon gate before the power to support its progress is completely exhausted.

What's more, he actually jumped over the dragon gate!

Moreover, after the power is completely consumed, it may be pulled back into the water due to the existence of gravity.

If this happens, it means that its actions will be completely in vain.

And this consequence may be completely unacceptable.

However, fortunately, at this time, in addition to its own strength, it is supporting it to continue to move forward slowly.

And the strong belief it exudes seems to be transformed into a special force, which is also supporting it to move forward.

However, the power of belief is not a real power after all, and it cannot significantly improve its speed.

However, in a certain situation, the power of belief seems to be able to surpass all powers in the world.

It's like, as long as your faith is not erased, your strength will never be exhausted.

At this moment, even Li Yue seemed to be infected by the strong belief emanating from this carp.

At this moment, Li Yue even subconsciously used the power of his mind to exude a weaker power of faith.

After all, compared to the strong belief that this carp has to move forward, it must get closer to Longmen and regain its recognition.

Li Yue was simply infected by its strong belief and released some of his belief.

However, when Li Yue's power of faith slowly emitted, something happened that Li Yue had not expected!

What is difficult to notice is that after Li Yue was infected by its belief, the power of belief he inadvertently exuded slowly merged with the power of belief exuded by the carp.

It seems that Li Yue's belief can also be a boost to support Carp moving forward!

Although this fusion process is almost imperceptible to ordinary people.

I am afraid that even the carp itself, shrouded in the power of belief, would have difficulty detecting the occurrence of this situation.

But Li Yue really noticed this strange situation.

Because his mind was originally integrated with the carp's body.

Being able to feel everything this carp feels.

But originally, just like this carp, he could completely feel himself enveloped by the power of faith!

Now, when the power of his own faith merges with the strong power of faith emanating from the carp.

Although this fusion is almost imperceptible.

But Li Yue's keen perception noticed it.

He felt the strong belief that enveloped the carp, and it actually strengthened a little bit again.

Moreover, in the strengthened power of faith, he felt a very familiar feeling.

This familiar feeling made Li Yue instantly sure that the power of these newly integrated beliefs was released by himself!

Of course, he will be infected by the strong belief of this carp, and he will also inadvertently release a trace of the power of belief.

This is a very normal thing for Li Yue.

However, what makes Li Yue feel very abnormal is why the power of faith he released at this moment can actually help the carp that is fused with him at this time?

Li Yue is very clear about all the scenes and scenes he feels now.

They are all just fused together from certain memory fragments, like a movie with a plot that has already been planned.

Although I can clearly feel all the feelings this carp feels.

But it cannot rely on its own will to change the plot that has already happened.

In fact, Li Yue seemed to be re-experienced something that had already happened from the perspective of a carp.

Originally, according to normal circumstances, no matter what I did, it would never affect the development of the plot.

Just like a movie shown in a theater, it will not change in any way because of the audience's abuse or comments.

However, when Li Yue was infected by a strong belief and inadvertently released the same simple belief.

A strange situation occurred that could change the otherwise unchangeable plot!

In this situation, even Li Yue himself felt a little confused as to what was going on.

He was simply infected by Carp's unyielding belief.

He can guarantee that he really has no intention of changing the plot that will unfold next with his own will.

God knows why this happened at this time.

Even though Li Yue didn't want to change the plot at all, he inadvertently found a special way to change the plot!

"I don't know why this happened. "

"After all, before this, I had almost completely given up the idea of ​​changing the plot!"

Li Yue also felt a little helpless at this time.

Indeed, when I first merged with this dragon and felt everything this dragon felt.

Li Yue once had the idea of ​​​​changing the plot at this time with his own will!

But this idea soon gradually disappeared as things developed next.

Moreover, Li Yue also knew very well that even using some special abilities could really change the surrounding scenes and plot development.

It makes absolutely no sense to myself.

Because he clearly knew that these were just scenes that Shenlong had experienced before, reappearing in front of him so that he could experience them personally.

He can't change the development of the plot, just like he can't change the nature of this world as a memory fragment.

Even if he uses powerful special power to turn everything here into reality, he will then use his ability to manipulate reality to truly realize the plot that will happen next according to his own ideas.

But it still meant nothing to him.

However, what happened at this time made him realize that he did not need to use his powerful power to change the development of the plot based on his own wishes.

Because the power of his belief can actually bless the carp itself.

To put it bluntly, Li Yue can choose whether to help this carp based on his own wishes.

The faith he exudes can not only help this carp get closer to the dragon gate.

You can even use your own beliefs to act as an obstacle to prevent the carp from approaching the dragon gate!

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