Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1121 Critical Moment

It has to be said that Li Yue was very decisive at this time.

Now that I have decided not to help, I will also not stop it.

Li Yue simply refused to help him at all, and even the little help he had unintentionally provided to him was completely withdrawn at this moment.

At this time, everything depends on itself.

And Li Yue just acted as a bystander, paying attention to what happened at this time without actually participating in it.

It will not change the subsequent development of the plot.

Without Li Yue's help, everything continued to develop according to the original situation.

At this time, the dragon, which had transformed into a carp form, was still relying on not very strong power, but also the extremely strong belief it exuded to act as the force for its progress.

Although the speed is not very fast, it seems to be moving forward in an indomitable way and will never stop!

At the same time, Li Yue was also constantly feeling everything he had experienced.

It comes from some kind of "gravity"-like obstructive force, as well as its own strong desire for the dragon gate in the distance that exudes majesty and shines with golden light.

"Perhaps, even if I don't help, with its own strong belief, it can still approach the dragon gate in the distance!"

At this moment, Li Yue felt everything and was thoughtful in his heart.

Maybe if he had just chosen to help it.

Then it can naturally approach the dragon gate very easily, and it will not be like this now. Before it can advance a certain distance, it needs to expend huge "strength"!

Sometimes, the special power produced by a strong belief can indeed exceed the normal form of power.

Because faith is immortal, it means that your power will never disappear.

However, there is no faith in this world that will never be erased.

As long as time lasts long enough, no strong belief will last until the end.

Of course, if the belief generated is strong enough, it can also allow you to persist for a longer period of time!

At this time, the strong belief exuded by this carp will naturally also be slowly consumed over time and the hindering power, and will eventually be completely exhausted.

However, the power of faith may eventually be completely exhausted.

However, as long as you complete what you want to do before the power of belief is completely exhausted, then this is completely enough!

And the current situation is that as long as it can support the carp to truly approach the dragon gate before the strong belief exuded by the carp is completely worn away, it is enough!

Regarding this situation, Li Yue felt that it might not be possible before.

But at this moment, he felt that there should still be a slight chance that it could really come true!

Li Yue's opinion is naturally an affirmation of this carp's strong belief now.

Even Li Yue cannot guarantee that when faced with the same situation, he can exude a strong belief like this carp at this time, and persevere and move forward bravely!

At this time, Li Yue no longer regarded this carp as an ordinary carp.

Because being able to exude such a strong belief even far exceeds the performance of some humans when facing difficulties!

Therefore, Li Yue also gave this carp absolute respect in his heart!

Perhaps, before, it was indeed just an ordinary carp without the wisdom as powerful as humans.

But what he is doing now has already impressed Li Yue!

Sure enough, in such a huge universe, there are indeed many situations worth learning from Li Yue.

The situation at this time also made Li Yue understand that when he faces certain difficulties that are difficult to overcome in the future, he cannot give up easily.

After all, he is just a carp and dares to fight against difficulties.

And as a human being, why can't we fight against difficulties to the end?

Of course, the situation at this time made Li Yue feel a lot.

But he knew that this was not the time to think about these things.

He was still quietly paying attention to what happened next.

Perhaps, in Li Yue's heart, he was looking forward to whether the next situation would develop as he expected.

In Li Yue's heart, he still looks forward to the fact that this carp can rely on its own strength and strong belief support to really get close to Longmen and regain its recognition!

However, expectations are expectations, and how things will develop is not up to Li Yue now.

At least, if he doesn't take action, his own expectations alone cannot change the facts here!

And Li Yue decided not to change what happened next, which means that all of this is the direction that the plot should have taken.

It has nothing to do with Li Yue's arrival.

Whether it can regain the recognition of Longmen depends entirely on the belief of the carp itself, whether it is really strong enough and strong enough to support it until it really gets close to Longmen!

With Li Yue not wanting to help at all, everything could only rely on Carp's own efforts.

At this time, the power of faith exuded by the carp was indeed beyond Li Yue's expectations.

Therefore, at this moment, with strong belief support, the situation of carp is not too dangerous yet.

Although its forward speed is relatively "slow", at least it is still moving towards the dragon gate!

As long as the faith is immortal, it will finally get close to the dragon gate.

Of course, this is a relatively "long" process.

I won’t describe the details one by one!

In short, after continuing to move forward for a while.

The carp, wrapped in the strong belief radiating from itself, finally came to a distance not too far from the dragon gate.

However, this does not mean that it is only one step away from success!

Because the further you get to the back, the more it means that the next journey will become more difficult than before.

At such a close distance, even Li Yue could feel the majestic aura exuded by Longmen.

This kind of breath is very special, although it doesn't seem to be harmful to any living creatures.

However, it is a powerful repulsive force that seems to resist the approach of everything.

It seems that without the approval of the Dragon Gate, nothing can truly approach the Dragon Gate.

Therefore, at this time, every time the carp gets closer to the dragon gate, its power is consumed at a stronger speed.

At this time, its own power has already passed the previous step, and very little is left.

At this time, it was still not attracted by that kind of "gravity" and fell into the water again. It was entirely because it was still supported by a very strong belief that it survived until now.

However, the next process will become more difficult.

And whether its belief can really support it until it really approaches the dragon gate is the next most critical thing!


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