Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1122 Confrontation of Faith

The real reason why this carp is still approaching the dragon gate at this time is entirely because its belief is strong enough to support it to get close to the dragon gate!

However, at this time, it was also facing the most severe test in the entire process.

Because the closer the area is to the dragon gate, the stronger the repulsive force will be.

And every time you continue to move forward, the force you need to bear will become stronger.

The stronger the repulsive power, the faster it can accelerate the consumption of its strong belief.

If, after its own strong belief has completely disappeared, it still does not really approach the dragon gate, then it means that it has failed.

On the other hand, if it really gets close to the Dragon Gate before its own belief is exhausted, then it also means that it will have the opportunity to regain the recognition of the Dragon Gate!

Whether it is for Li Yue or Carp itself, the next situation has reached a critical enough time.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yue also cheered up again and carefully observed the next development of the situation.

And this carp is of course far more severe than the situation Li Yue faced.

Because this special "test" is exactly what I am facing.

The key to what kind of results it can produce lies entirely in whether its belief is strong enough.

Of course, for Li Yue, the next situation is also important enough.

Therefore, Li Yue's current situation is not much different to describe it as full concentration.

He was almost concentrating on the next step, not missing any detail.

After all, he had heard the legend of the carp leaping over the dragon gate before.

This is the first time that I can actually see it with my own eyes, or even almost feel it myself!

And under this optimal situation of increasing his knowledge, Li Yue naturally would not tolerate himself missing even a little detail!

And in Li Yue's careful feeling, all the development of the situation will be gradually revealed next!

When this carp, using faith as its driving force, slowly approaches the dragon gate.

Above the dragon gate, the majestic golden light that was originally emitting seemed to become more intense at this time.

It's like a hedgehog that erects all the thorns on its body one by one when it encounters danger.

It seems that the carp's approach has had a great impact on Longmen itself.

It seems that it has disturbed the tranquility of Longmen.

As the majestic golden light became stronger, Li Yue, who was fused with the carp, could also clearly feel that this majestic golden light also contained a special force that was hard to resist.

Although this power may not cause much danger to the carp itself, it may not actually harm the creatures approaching the dragon gate.

However, the main function of this strange power is to repel the things that are constantly approaching around it.

It seems that at this moment, the golden light surges more violently, and the fundamental reason is to prevent other things from approaching.

And the so-called other things are exactly this carp that is constantly approaching the dragon gate by relying on the power of belief.

However, perhaps the special power contained in the majestic golden light is indeed very strong and can prevent most things from approaching.

But in the face of this carp who had this strong belief and seemed to never give up until he reached his goal, he did not completely stop the carp from approaching.

Perhaps the reason why Carp's belief is indeed strong enough at this time.

Although facing the dragon gate, it emits more intense majestic golden light, and at the same time, it also withstands stronger power to prevent its approach.

But Carp did not choose to give up because it faced more difficult difficulties to break through.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of facing more difficult to overcome difficulties that Carp has strengthened his belief.

In other words, when facing more difficult challenges, it can only have a chance to truly overcome the difficulties it faces today if it strengthens itself and exudes stronger faith.

Or perhaps, it is the strong dignity that it originally possessed as a divine dragon,

Let it understand that when faced with this situation, it must not shrink back.

It has already become a true dragon.

At this moment, although the body has returned to the form of a "carp", its interior is still full of the arrogance of a divine dragon!

The divine dragon is a powerful being that can travel across the nine heavens and traverse between heaven and earth.

And every strong person has the dignity that a strong person has.

Shenlong is naturally no exception.

Although at this moment, due to some special reasons, its dragon body has disappeared, replaced by its original carp form.

But the pride and arrogance in its heart prompt it to not bow its head in the face of any situation.

Even though, at this time, it was facing the dragon gate that had allowed it to truly gain the ability to transform into a real dragon.

But it still will not give up its pride and choose to bow its head because of this situation.

I won't even choose to back down.

Perhaps, at this time, there is only a strong belief in its heart.

That is, "Since I have been recognized by Longmen before, now, I can still be recognized by Longmen for the second time as a carp!"

Carp once had the pride of being a divine dragon, and now it seems to have a strong belief that it will never give up until it regains the recognition of the Dragon Gate.

Let it face the Dragon Gate, which was even more majestic than before, without flinching at all.

The extremely strong power of belief is continuously emanating from its seemingly "weak" body.

And the seemingly endless power of faith seemed to turn into a special force at this moment, completely covering the carp's body, forming a special protective shield visible to the naked eye.

Not only that, the power transformed from faith also continuously provides the carp with the power to move forward.

The force is strong enough to give the carp enough motivation to overcome the strong repulsive force from the dragon gate, and gradually move towards the area where the dragon gate is located, constantly approaching the dragon gate.

However, although it was indeed possible to overcome the strong repulsive force from Longmen at this time.

But the power that Carp uses to support his faith is also being consumed rapidly.

After all, although the power of faith is far more tenacious than many forces.

However, its own function is sometimes not as useful as real power.

At least at this time, as the carp continues to approach the dragon gate, the repulsive force it endures becomes stronger and stronger.

The strong belief exuded by the carp is also increasingly consumed.

Perhaps soon, the faith exuded by the carp will no longer be enough to support it and truly approach the dragon gate!

At this moment, Li Yue could feel that although Carp's belief was very strong.

But as he had expected before, without special help, the power of the carp's own belief alone was not enough to support it until it really approached the dragon gate!

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