Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1125 The real situation

There are some things and situations that Li Yue is very sure he will not choose.

However, this does not prevent him from having deep respect for those who choose to do this.

Just like at this moment, if Li Yue faced the same situation as this dragon, maybe he would still try his best to regain the recognition of Longmen.

But it is absolutely impossible for him to ignore his own life.

In Li Yue's mind, nothing is more important than his own life.

In his mind, only living is the foundation of everything.

If you have lost your life, then maybe everything has completely lost its true meaning to you!

Therefore, at this moment, although Li Yue knew that he would never make such a choice if faced with the same situation.

But that didn't stop him from being full of respect for the carp who actually made such a choice.

Moreover, Li Yue still hopes that it can truly complete this special test and regain the recognition of Longmen without paying a serious price of losing his life.

Because the choice it made at this time made Li Yue very admired.

So if it is really possible, Li Yue still hopes that it can accomplish what it would not hesitate to do even if it costs its life!

However, Li Yue felt very regretful at this time. Judging from the current situation, the chance of it actually being completed did not seem to be too high.

It seems that relying on its own beliefs, it is difficult for light to truly approach Longmen and regain its recognition without anyone's help!

However, although he was a little worried about it being in such an unfavorable situation, Li Yue knew that he could not give him substantial help at this time!

I can only feel everything here like a bystander.

Of course, it was Li Yue's own decision not to help it.

At this time, even though it is facing a huge crisis that will almost cost its life.

Li Yue's decision will not waver at all!

Because Li Yue knew that maybe his help could prevent it from paying its life.

But his own help may directly cause it to completely lose the opportunity to regain Longmen's recognition.

And for it that wants to complete this thing at the expense of its own life, maybe if you really help it, it won't choose to accept it.

You might even blame yourself for destroying its chances entirely.

Therefore, Li Yue would rather watch it fail and pay an extremely serious price at this time than choose to help it out of worry and intolerance.

Li Yue's extremely firm choice also did not change at all after knowing that it might cost his life because of failure.

Of course, Li Yue's choice was completely unknown to Shenlong, who had transformed into a carp and had no regard for his life.

However, if it really knew Li Yue's choice at this time, it might express its gratitude to Li Yue.

Because the situation at this time was indeed what Li Yue thought.

When the carp really jumps over the dragon gate, it will indeed have a huge opportunity to transform into a real dragon.

But what it endured was also a huge crisis that almost narrowly escaped death.

Moreover, in the process of the carp jumping over the dragon gate, everything can only rely on itself.

If someone is really interfering, whether the purpose is to help it or to destroy its opportunity at this time.

It will only lead to one result at this moment, that is, it will completely fail to jump over the dragon gate this time.

Even in the rest of its life, it will never have the chance to regain the recognition of Longmen!

Therefore, if Li Yue really chooses to help it, it will not help him, and it will completely lose the chance of being recognized by Longmen in this life.

Although, if Li Yue chooses not to help him now,

It may make it pay a huge price of its own life after failure!

However, in fact, the moment it reincarnated into a carp and once again prepared to rely on its own beliefs to jump over the dragon gate, it had fully accepted the price of death due to failure.

After all, for it now, if it cannot regain the recognition of the Dragon Gate, it would be better to die vigorously in the process of jumping over the Dragon Gate than to live in an ignoble existence!

In this way, it is not embarrassing!

However, even if it really doesn't care very much, whether it will pay for its life because of failure.

However, it is very aware of how serious the situation it is facing at this time is.

If it is possible not to lose one's life, I believe everyone would want to continue living.

At this time, it is naturally no exception.

Although I am not afraid of losing my life at all, I don't want to lose my life so easily.

Therefore, its heart is actually clearer than Li Yue as a bystander.

If you don't make some changes at this time, it may really fail because all your beliefs have been completely wiped out, and you will eventually pay the price for this behavior with your own life.

It once experienced the process of jumping over the dragon gate.

And that time, it successfully jumped over the dragon gate and got a huge opportunity to transform into a real dragon.

However, the process of jumping over the dragon gate last time was very different from the situation faced this time.

The last time I jumped over Longmen, I targeted the entire carp population.

As long as you are a carp, you have the opportunity to try to jump over the dragon gate to gain huge opportunities.

However, this does not mean that the gantry can be easily jumped over.

Because that time, in the entire carp group, only one carp successfully jumped over the dragon gate and got the opportunity to transform into a real dragon.

Most of the other companions lost their lives in the process of jumping over the Dragon Gate, or died because they were not exposed to water for a long time. Most of them were swallowed by natural enemies waiting for an opportunity and became food.

Of course, many carp escaped the fate of losing their lives.

And often, those who are lucky enough to escape the fate of death are carps that do not jump very far out of the water and have almost no chance of being recognized by the dragon gate.

Because even though they were just beginning, they were attracted by the dragon gate that exuded holy light, and even became almost crazy.

But the moment they jumped out of the water, they woke up and realized that the huge gap between them and the dragon gate was completely beyond their reach.

And the moment they gave up, they completely lost the chance to gain recognition from Longmen.

Naturally, Longmen will not waste any more experience on these losers who have given up and have almost no chance of success.

He simply completely withdrew the attraction he exuded towards them!


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