Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1126. Recognize yourself?

The appearance of Dragon Gate was the reason why the carp group went crazy.

It's entirely because the holy light emitted by Longmen contains a special power that can drive carp into a state of madness.

And it is precisely because of being attracted by this special aura that can drive carp into madness that every time the dragon gate appears, the entire carp race will instantly fall into madness.

However, although Longmen can exude this special attracting aura, it can only target creatures with a trace of true dragon blood.

Creatures with true dragon bloodline are more likely to be carps in the water.

Other ordinary aquatic creatures that do not have the bloodline of Longmen will not be affected by the strange aura emitted by Longmen.

However, some of the creatures at the top of the water biological chain understand that although they may not have the huge opportunity to transform into a real dragon.

But you can take advantage of this opportunity to have a full stomach!

Those carp that went crazy because of Longmen are just food that will be eaten by them at this moment.

In fact, the function of the Dragon Gate is only to screen out those creatures that have the blood of a true dragon and can transform into a true dragon.

Therefore, he doesn't care at all whether his appearance will cause the carp group to go crazy, or even indirectly lead to the crazy carp group. Most of them will become food in the mouths of natural enemies.

The only role of the Dragon Gate after its appearance is to select the lucky person who can jump over the Dragon Gate and finally transform into a real dragon!

Therefore, for those creatures that have given up and have no chance of successfully jumping over the dragon gate, the dragon gate is not even willing to waste a breath to continue to attract them and keep them in a crazy state.

And this also means that the earlier the carp gives up, the more likely it is to avoid the huge cost of losing its life.

And often those who really lose their lives because of the appearance of the Dragon Gate are those creatures who cannot recognize themselves clearly and want to obtain huge opportunities that they absolutely cannot obtain.

Greed is not limited to humans.

Any creature may pay the price of its life because of greed.

And those creatures who are unable to recognize themselves, but want to obtain opportunities that are far beyond their capabilities, will mostly pay the price with their lives because of their stupid behavior.

Of course, those who cannot recognize themselves include this carp!

Because, if it can really recognize itself, it will never have the opportunity to truly jump over the dragon gate and get the huge opportunity to transform into a real dragon!

Sometimes, you may be able to recognize your own strength and know which things you can accomplish and which things you still cannot accomplish despite your best efforts.

For some people and creatures, it is indeed very important.

However, this is also a manifestation of limiting yourself, because in this way, you will never have the opportunity to develop your true potential.

And this carp that was able to successfully jump over the dragon gate was precisely because it did not place any restrictions on itself, and was finally able to surpass its own limits and realize its huge potential.

Finally, I truly jumped over the dragon gate and got the huge opportunity to transform into a real dragon!

Therefore, sometimes, it may be a good thing to be able to recognize yourself.

However, after being able to clearly understand yourself, it is not too clear to see yourself, sometimes it is more important.

Of course, this is helpful for some people.

But for those carps, the effect of this principle is not as successful as that of humans.

It's like when it successfully jumped over the dragon gate for the first time, it barely had a full understanding of its abilities.

However, this does not mean that it will fail, it just means that if it does fail, the price it will pay will be relatively huge.

But the so-called blessing is a blessing in disguise.

When it knows that it may fail, it may even cost it its life.

At that time, for the first time, an extremely strong belief burst out in his heart.

It wants to continue living and jump over the dragon gate.

Although, until the moment it actually jumped over the dragon gate, it didn't really understand what jumping over the dragon gate meant to itself.

But this is normal. Carp are creatures with little intelligence.

It is incredible to be able to awaken the strong belief that I want to survive and do something well in the face of a huge crisis!

Normally, the ordinary beliefs exuded cannot form special power that can help oneself.

At other times, no matter how powerful the belief you exude is, it will never coalesce into a unique force that can act on itself.

However, precisely because of that, it was the moment when Carp was undergoing the "test" of Longmen.

The role of the Dragon Gate is naturally not just to emit some special information and attract creatures with dragon blood into madness.

The role of the Dragon Gate is not only to select suitable descendants of the Dragon clan and accept the test of jumping over the Dragon Gate.

Naturally, we know that such a test is almost impossible to complete for those creatures who have not yet developed their intelligence.

As the saying goes, the great road is fifty and the heaven is forty-nine.

Everything has a silver lining.

If there is absolutely no chance of success in the test of carp leaping over the dragon's gate, then what purpose does this special test need to be formulated?

Therefore, there is a possibility of success in this test!

What is the obvious difference between people with advanced intelligence and creatures that have not yet been born with advanced intelligence?

First, humans are able to make and use certain advanced tools.

It is precisely because of this ability that human beings stand out from all creatures on the earth and become the new "master" of the earth.

Of course, this is just one of the obvious differences between humans and ordinary creatures.

Among other differences, it is also very obvious that humans can think, humans know what they can do, what they want to do, and what they cannot do!

However, some creatures with weak intelligence may not know what they should do, what they can do, and what they cannot do throughout their lives!

For these creatures, being able to understand what they should do is already a manifestation of spiritual awakening.

And it was precisely because Carp, who had experienced the test of the Dragon Gate at that time, understood that he should continue to live and jump over the Dragon Gate in the air.

The strong belief it exudes, after the special fusion of Longmen, finally turns into a strange power that envelopes it.

In the end, with the help of extremely strong faith, it successfully jumped over the dragon gate and got a huge opportunity to transform into the body of a real dragon.

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