Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1130 Experience the fear of death

Although Li Yue has experienced many bad situations.

However, facing the impending death, the extreme fear in his heart was something Li Yue had never really felt before.

At this moment, the reason why he did not choose to dissolve the fusion state between his mind and this carp that was about to face death.

It's completely Li Yue who also has a special idea.

He wanted to give it a try, face death like this carp, and experience for himself the extreme fear that death brings.

Of course, the reason why he made this special decision was because he knew very clearly that he would not really die.

The fear he felt did not come from himself, but from the carp who was about to face death.

Therefore, experiencing this feeling can allow Li Yue to truly understand the intense fear before facing death.

However, it will not have the slightest impact on Li Yue himself!

It was precisely out of his understanding of this situation that Li Yue made this special decision.

Otherwise, Li Yue would not be stupid enough to pay the price with his own life to experience this special feeling when facing death.

Even if, when facing this feeling, one's own potential may be stimulated by the huge fear brought about by the imminent face of death.

Just like what is described in many novels, the protagonist often stands with the strong and walks on the edge of death.

Use this special experience of facing death to stimulate the hidden potential in them.

In order to break through their egos, they can also break through the shackles of the realm that are difficult to break through!

However, generally those who can do this are almost all the protagonists described in novels.

Because of the author's "preference", they will not really die in difficult battles.

But after every difficult battle, at the moment when you are about to fail, you experience a special feeling, and then break through your own limits and unleash your hidden potential.

In the end, he counterattacked the enemy that he had been unable to defeat.

Of course, all of this can only appear in novels. If it were in the real world, it would be almost impossible for this situation to occur.

After all, in the real world, not everyone has the kind of good luck that only the "protagonist" has!

It may really happen that at the moment when you face death for the first time, you can break through your own limits and your strength will evolve significantly.

However, this kind of situation may only happen once or twice to everyone.

Naturally, it is impossible. Every time he faces a crisis, he can burst out his potential, allowing his strength to evolve greatly in an instant, thereby defeating enemies that were originally invincible.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yue did not have much confidence that after he truly experienced the feeling of facing death, it would be able to produce some special help for his own strength.

Even like the protagonist of the novel, at the moment when he is about to die, his potential suddenly awakens, and his strength undergoes a huge breakthrough.

Of course, if you don’t believe it, don’t believe it.

Although Li Yue is not very confident in himself, sometimes, he still has to try some things!

At least, at this moment, Li Yue felt that maybe truly experiencing the feeling of facing death could be of some unexpected help to him in the future!

Facing death head-on and feeling the ultimate fear at the moment of impending death is what Li Yue wants to do at this time.

Because he felt that maybe after experiencing the feeling of facing death, it might help him with certain things in the future.

Of course, the more reason is that Li Yue feels that this is the best opportunity.

Because, naturally, Li Yue could not truly face death and feel the extreme fear caused by death.

After all, let's not talk about what is there at this time that can really give Li Yue a sense of death-like threat.

Even if this situation really happened to Li Yue, Li Yue's first choice at that time was definitely to consider his own safety first, and first consider the safety of his own life.

Naturally, in order to feel this special feeling, it is impossible to truly face an event that can make one feel life-threatening.

Then, Li Yue had almost no chance to truly experience the threat of death without being truly threatened by death.

Although, such a situation would make Li Yue know very clearly that he would not die in this situation.

Therefore, the fear felt in the heart may not be as strong as when actually facing death.

However, this does not matter much, because the fear of death that Li Yue feels comes from the feeling of the carp that is fused with his mind.

But for the carp, the feeling of death it is facing now is extremely real.

Although this may be different from Li Yue's reaction when he personally experienced death.

But the feeling when facing death is still roughly the same!

So, there shouldn't be much difference.

At this time, Li Yue was ready to feel the ultimate fear of death.

In fact, from the moment he was about to approach Longmen, Li Yue had already felt the feeling coming from the carp that merged with his mind when facing this situation.

Although, maybe because he didn't really feel death at this time, the carp didn't feel much in his heart.

But Li Yue could already feel that at this moment, Carp's heart already felt something like a tense moment.

This sense of tension was not very strong at this time, nor did it evolve into the strong fear of death later.

Therefore, although Li Yue also felt a little nervous, it was not that intense.

It is conceivable that next, this not strong sense of tension will become closer and closer to the dragon gate as the carp gets closer.

The protective shield surrounding the fusion of the power of faith is becoming more and more fragile, and the moment of collapse is getting closer and closer.

And gradually evolved into a fear of facing death.

Moreover, this fear will become more and more intense as death gets closer and closer.

Until eventually, it turned into the most extreme fear, the fear of death.

At this moment, Li Yue was also ready to face death and the fear of death!

Moreover, it is not just about simply experiencing the great fear of death, but it is also necessary to carefully experience this fear of death.

In the midst of immense fear, experience the feeling of facing death!

And under such circumstances, we must find how to break through our own limits and unleash our hidden potential!

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