Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1131 The last feeling

I believe many people know that breaking through one's own limits is not an easy thing to do.

In many novels, although for those protagonists, it seems that as long as they experience a relatively difficult battle, they can directly break through their own limits and greatly enhance their strength.

It feels like it's not that difficult to break through one's own limits.

But in reality, it is definitely very difficult to break through one's own limits.

At least, that should be the case for Li Yue.

Up until this point, Li Yue had never truly experienced a breakthrough in his own limits due to emotional or extreme mental fluctuations, so that his strength could be greatly enhanced.

Therefore, although Li Yue wanted to be like the protagonist in the novel, he would break through his limits from time to time.

But he knew very well that this situation was almost impossible to happen to him.

However, the repeated limit breakthroughs may not really happen to him.

However, if you just break through your own limit once, maybe you can actually appear in him!

However, breaking through one's own limits is not something that can be truly achieved easily.

Generally speaking, if you want to break through your own limits, you must allow yourself to undergo extreme emotional or mental fluctuations, which may affect your body and stimulate the hidden potential in your body.

As for the situation that can cause great fluctuations in one's own mental and emotional state, except for the situation of losing the person or thing that one cares about most, it may only be when one is truly facing death that such huge emotional and mental fluctuations can occur. Bar!

For Li Yue, it is naturally impossible for him to lose the person he cares about most. This is definitely something Li Yue cannot accept.

And if you want to make him lose the things he cares about most and cause his emotions to fluctuate greatly, it is also basically difficult to achieve.

Because in fact, for Li Yue, none of the things he owned were very important to him, and there was no one thing that made him feel that it was truly indispensable.

Therefore, even if he really loses something that he values ​​​​more, it will not cause much emotional fluctuations for Li Yue.

From this point of view, the only situation that can cause Li Yue to have great emotional fluctuations is the extreme fear he feels when facing death.

And this is exactly what Li Yue will feel next.

Ordinary people have to experience the process of death throughout their lives.

Birth, old age, illness and death are inevitable events for almost everyone.

Perhaps, some people have been able to see through life and death in their nearly one hundred years of life experience.

So when they face death, although they also have the fear of the unknown, compared to other people, this fear may not be very strong.

When faced with the approach of death, those who show the strongest expression are those who cannot let go of real life, or who still have some strong wishes that have not been realized.

For them, death means the end, the loss of everything they once had.

This will naturally make them feel an unparalleled sense of fear.

However, this fear cannot be eliminated or avoided no matter what.

Therefore, the fear of facing death is the most intense feeling among all the fears experienced in life!

And if you want to cause Li Yue's own emotions and spirit to have great fluctuations, you may have to experience the fear of death to truly do it.

However, under normal circumstances, Li Yue would naturally not face death just because he wanted to experience the fear of death, whether he could break through his own limits and unleash his hidden potential.

Therefore, at this moment, with his mind fused with the carp, he undoubtedly found a good opportunity.

Not only can you feel the real face of death,

A strong feeling of fear.

It won't really cause any danger to your life and everything.

This is a lucky situation that no one may have the opportunity to truly experience.

And Li Yue naturally didn't want to miss such a good opportunity.

And he had almost forgotten that the main reason why he came here was to try to open the alchemy furnace.

However, this can be regarded as an unexpected gain.

After all, it would be a lucky thing if you can really feel the way to break through your own limits and stimulate your hidden potential in the face of the intense fear of death.

Since he can experience the great fear when death comes, it has such benefits for Li Yue.

Naturally, he couldn't refuse, and next he could experience the fear of death.

Therefore, at this moment, Li Yue almost completely let go of his mind and felt extremely carefully all the feelings that Carp could feel now!

From a simple sense of tension at the beginning, the tension becomes more and more intense later on as the protective shield around the carp is about to be completely shattered.

Li Yue could clearly feel all the feelings, as if he felt the same!

Perhaps it is because the protective shield around the carp has not been completely broken, so it has not really felt the strong fear at the moment of death.

All I feel at this moment is an increasingly intense sense of tension.


However, at the moment when the tension almost reached its peak, a very clear sound, like the sound of breaking glass, suddenly reached Li Yue's ears.

From this moment on, the intense tension instantly transformed into the huge fear of facing death!

At this moment, time seemed to be gradually stretched out. In just one second, it seemed like hundreds of thousands of years had passed, but it still had not ended.

And this also caused Li Yue to have a clearer understanding of the feelings before death.

At this moment, Li Yue seemed to have forgotten that death did not really come to him and would not have any impact on him.

At this moment, there seemed to be only one thought in his heart, that death was about to come, and he was about to lose everything he once owned.

The relatives you care about, the people you care about the most, and your unfulfilled wishes will all lose all relationship with you in the next moment.

He will die, and everything will no longer have any connection with him.

If Li Yue didn't understand before, what was so scary about death.

So at this moment, he has completely understood that the source of death's fear for people is actually a feeling of loneliness that everyone cannot accept in their hearts!


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