Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1132 The end of everything

Human death means the end of life.

And when I was still alive, everything I owned, anything related to me, would completely leave me.

Including relatives that I once cared about and cared about, as well as some of the most important people to me, will also completely leave me, and there is basically no possibility of seeing them again.

Everything is as if even his own soul has been excluded from the world he once lived in.

Everything will have nothing to do with yourself.

But this is not the most frightening thing.

The moment you realize that everything will be separated from you and have nothing to do with you anymore.

You suddenly realize that there is more to death than just that.

After everything you once owned leaves you, the most important things to a person will also completely leave you.

That is, your ability to think, to feel emotions, to emit emotions, and to make the decisions you want to make is the most important factor for you to truly be a creature and a human being.

The "consciousness" you once had as a human being, or you can also call it "thought", will eventually leave you completely.

The moment your consciousness completely disappears, you are truly dead and you truly fall into loneliness that you can never escape from.

Of course, you will also lose all your senses at this moment, and you will no longer even be aware of yourself, nor will you be able to experience true loneliness.

At this moment, everything about you will disappear completely.

It seems like you have never been in this world, it seems like you are just a period of nothingness.

Yes, death is actually a process from possession to loss.

Everything you have ever owned, including yourself, will be completely lost at the moment of death.

Your life will also end completely at this moment and return to nothingness.

After death, everything has lost its true meaning to you, including yourself!

From having everything to losing everything, this is the whole process of death!

At this moment, when the protective shield around the carp was squeezed by the strong momentum emitted by the dragon gate, it finally shattered.

There seemed to be an aura of death that instantly enveloped the carp.

Although Carp had known for a long time that such a result would happen, it had also known for a long time that it might eventually lose its life because of its behavior to regain Longmen's approval.

But when this moment really comes, it can't help but be afraid of the impending death.

Almost no one, or indeed any living thing, wants to die.

Even those who have lost interest in life and want to go to extremes often feel extremely regretful at the moment when they really have to face death.

Therefore, at this moment, no matter how indomitable and desperate it was before, it did not care about its own life or death.

But at the moment when it was about to face death, it still felt real fear of its impending death.

Of course, fear is fear, although its mental consciousness seems to be defeated by this huge fear.

But being able to truly face death, his strong perseverance is naturally undeniable.

However, from the moment death really comes, all this has no meaning.

It seems as if everything has become nothingness and I no longer exist in the world.

There is no concept of the passage of time, no concept of extension of thought.

Even the soul gradually fell silent and completely disappeared at this moment,

At this moment, everything seemed to be at an absolute standstill.

And this was also the first time Li Yue experienced the real death process!

Before that, when Li Yue was still an ordinary person, he had naturally imagined that after death, as in the legend, the soul leaves the body and goes to heaven or hell.

Or consciousness leaves the original world, enters another special dimensional world, and continues to live in another body.

Or, as said in some science fiction movies, human death is actually just a process of awakening consciousness.

When you die, you will wake up from the original virtual world and return to the real real world.

In short, I believe everyone has more or less fantasized about what will happen after death.

Of course, people who have truly experienced death cannot recount their experiences after death to the living.

Therefore, death is an extremely unfamiliar thing and an extremely unfamiliar process to all people who are still alive.

And among them, Li Yue was naturally included.

Naturally, he has also never experienced the real death process.

However, this time, Li Yue truly felt the process of death through a special experience.

Although, this feeling of death is not experienced by it personally, but just all the feelings of experiencing the death process of another living being.

But all this still gave Li Yue an immersive feeling!

Of course, when the carp dies completely, the carp's consciousness, including its body, has completely fallen into silence and almost ceases to exist.

It was at this moment that Li Yue came back from the feeling of death.

"Sure enough, the feeling of death really makes people feel desperate!"

Although at this time, he had completely recovered from the feeling of the carp's death.

However, in Li Yue's heart, he still felt an extreme sense of despair from what he had felt at that moment before.

At that moment, it was as if the world no longer existed, and so did all the surrounding reality.

Even he himself no longer exists.

The mind is gone, the consciousness is silent, and everything has no meaning.

That moment seemed like an eternity.

Fortunately, Li Yue did not really die, and his consciousness still had time to be reawakened.

But after his consciousness was reawakened, Li Yue still felt that the previous moment was still fresh in his memory!

After waking up, Li Yue did not do anything else, nor did he let his mind escape from this empty space, but seemed to fall into silence again.

However, the last time he experienced the feeling of death.

But at this moment, he was carefully feeling death, feeling all his experiences in that seemingly eternal moment!

And the reason why Li Yue fell into silence again the moment he came back to his senses, feeling the death process he had just experienced.

Naturally, it was because he felt something special at the moment of death.

It is not invisible but invisible energy, nor is it like anything substantial, but a special feeling.

If we really want to describe it accurately, maybe it is the breath of death!

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