Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1133 Feeling the Law of Death

Almost no ordinary person can be resurrected after experiencing death.

Therefore, not many people can truly feel the breath of "death" and remember it.

After all, most people who have experienced the breath of death may have truly died and fallen into that eternal loneliness.

And a small number of people who can experience a brief death and reawaken their consciousness may not have such a deep memory of the feeling of death they feel.

Even if their memories are profound, they naturally cannot truly feel the presence of death in the special near-death experience.

Only special practitioners like Li Yue, who understand and fully master many energies, can truly understand what the aura of death felt during a near-death experience is.

From Li Yue's feelings, he could clearly discover that the process of "death" is not just a process from movement to stillness.

Rather, it is a special breath of "death" that is like energy and completely erodes your entire body and consciousness.

Of course, this aura of death is not real energy.

In Li Yue's view, it is more like a special power of law that transcends time and space.

But unlike the several powers of law that Li Yue has mastered, this power of death is more complicated and almost impossible to master.

And more importantly, this law of death exists throughout all universes.

Although in each universe, this power of death will take on different forms.

But whether it is a large universe like Marvel or DC, which has extraordinary abilities and is integrated by countless multiverses.

Or was there no extraordinary power in Li Yue's life? It was just an ordinary earth with the power of the law of death.

It is precisely because the law of death exists in the universe that the phenomenon of death exists in the universe.

Of course, the power of the death rule is manifested in different forms in each universe.

Just like in the Marvel world, the law of death is controlled by the goddess of death among the five gods.

And perhaps in many universes, there is a god who controls the rules of death.

Of course, in some more ordinary worlds, gods may not exist.

Therefore, the law of death in that world may also not have a true form.

However, for Li Yue today, the power of death in other worlds and what kind of gods are controlled by them have no impact on him.

Because this seemingly illusory world also has the power of the law of death.

Moreover, the law of death here is only manifested by the power of heaven and earth, rather than controlled by a certain god.

Moreover, in this illusory world, there is no god who controls extraordinary power.

For Li Yue, this was a very lucky thing.

It is precisely because of this that Li Yue can experience the true law of death in this world.

If the Law of Death itself has been mastered by a certain god, then it would be almost impossible for Li Yue to experience the power of the Law of Death in this world.

But now, Li Yue can fully appreciate the power of the real law of death.

For Li Yue, being able to truly understand the law of death is enough to bring him huge gains.

He can even truly understand the true meaning between life and death in the process of understanding the law of death.

Understand the true meaning of "death".

Even, like the God of Death in some worlds, he truly controls the power of the law of death.

If Li Yue can really master the power of the law of death, then he can even control the life and death of other creatures like the real God of Death.

Li Yue, who has the power to control the laws of life and death,

Maybe it can really be called a god-like existence!

In countless universes, the existences that can master the law of death are all gods who are so powerful that it makes people feel terrible.

The title "God of Death" is more of an honorific for them.

The existence of the God of Death can undoubtedly make all living creatures feel strong fear.

Because the God of Death can control their life and death at will.

Almost no one dares to disrespect Death, and almost no one dares to actually face Death.

Because the arrival of the God of Death is a nightmare for everyone and even all living things.

Because the moment you see the God of Death, it means you will lose your life.

In every world, there is almost a god of death in their respective world.

Even on the earth where Li Yue once lived and where no extraordinary power existed, there were different legends about the God of Death.

The god of death in Eastern mythology is King Yama who controls one of the three realms, the underworld.

According to legend, King Yama controls a magic weapon called the Book of Life and Death.

In the Book of Life and Death, the names and times of birth and death of various living creatures, including humans, are recorded.

As long as you have not transcended the reincarnation of the Three Realms and Six Paths and are not among the Five Elements, you will be controlled by the Book of Life and Death.

Your life and death must be carried out according to what is written in the book of life and death.

Of course, the King of Hell can also modify the contents of the Book of Life and Death. For example, it can be done by modifying the date of your death several decades in advance.

As the saying goes, if the King of Hell tells you to die at midnight, who dares to keep you until dawn?

The Chinese God of Death has absolute control over the life and death of all living beings.

Of course, in addition to Chinese myths and legends, there are gods like the King of Hell who control the rules of life and death.

There are also various legends of death in various Western mythologies.

And these legends about the God of Death are also very popular and can be recognized by many people.

Of course, what we want to show at this time is that in each world, there are various gods who control the rules of death.

However, in this illusory world, there is no god who truly controls the rules of death.

The rule of death is just a normal manifestation here.

No one uses the rules of death to control the life and death of others.

Here, death is just a manifestation of the will of the supervisor.

If your body is destroyed and your soul is wiped out, it means you are dead.

Unlike other worlds, your death is controlled by the gods, and the gods even set the time of your death.

Here, if you can keep your body immortal and your soul immortal, then you can truly be immortal.

And it is precisely because of this that Li Yue has the opportunity to feel the law of death in this world.


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