Feeling the law of death is an opportunity that many people never get in their lifetime.

Even Li Yue had the opportunity to experience the law of death only by chance.

And, because he is not truly dead, his consciousness is not completely silenced.

That's why he had the opportunity to truly feel the law of death while he was still alive.

If you are truly facing death, your consciousness will be completely silenced by death, and your soul will completely dissipate.

Don't say that you can't truly understand the true meaning of the law of death during such a short death process.

Even if your understanding is enough to defy heaven, you can really feel the true meaning of the law of death during the short process of death.

Then I'm afraid you can't really control the law of death either.

After all, your consciousness will soon dissipate completely due to death.

It is simply impossible for you to truly use the power of the law of death you have understood with your consciousness that is about to become silent and your soul that is about to dissipate.

Therefore, it can also be seen how coincidental and incredible it is that Li Yue got this opportunity now.

And Li Yue finally lived up to this opportunity.

He took this opportunity to carefully feel the power of the Law of Death, trying to use his "mortal body" to master the powerful power that only gods can control.

If Li Yue can really do it, he can truly understand the true meaning of the law of death.

Then he can, like the legendary God of Death, use the power of the Law of Death to control the life and death of other creatures.

Such Li Yue can already be called the "god of death" walking in the world.

With the movement of his thoughts, he can control the life and death of others at will. This kind of power is enough to make anyone feel fear and despair.

Of course, this is when everything is moving in a better direction, and only then can Li Yue truly master the power of the law of death and have the ability to control the life and death of all living beings at will.

And if everything does not go so smoothly, Li Yue may not be able to fully understand the true meaning of the law of death with his understanding.

As a result, Li Yue may not be able to become a god of death walking in the world.

However, even Li Yue cannot grasp the power of the law of death.

But I believe that with Li Yue's ability, after having the opportunity to truly feel the law of death, he will also gain many wonderful benefits!

At least, you should be able to get many unexpected gains.

Even the power of the laws of the universe can be felt more deeply.

For Li Yue at this time, the attraction of various special energies to him is no longer as strong as before.

Because he has reached the level of a multiverse powerhouse, the amount of energy he can control has very limited help to his strength.

And Li Yue's desire to enhance his strength is no longer about mastering more and stronger energy.

It lies in the control over the laws of the universe.

If you can completely control all the laws of the universe, you can become an omniscient and omnipotent being, a powerful being that surpasses all multiverses.

Such a being can destroy any multiverse at will with a wave of his hand, and can even destroy the omnipotent universe composed of all multiverses with all its strength.

Even in large universes like Marvel or DC, there are only a few such existences.

And above this level, there is OAA, the supreme being of the Marvel Universe, or God, the creator of the DC Universe!

Therefore, if he masters all the laws of the universe, Li Yue can also become an omniscient and omnipotent being, almost above everything else.

However, this process is very difficult.

Not to mention mastering all the laws of the universe, even Li Yue at this time only mastered a few laws of the universe, including time and space.

And there are more than hundreds or even thousands of laws in the universe.

In addition to basic laws like space and time,

There are also many legal abilities that are so special that even Li Yue doesn't know about them.

Of course, there are laws that Li Yue has come into contact with many times, but he has never come into contact with at all!

Just like the law of death, although Li Yue was no stranger to death before, he even had the experience of personally giving death to others.

However, those who are so close to death have not really experienced the law of death, and naturally they cannot truly understand the true meaning of the law of death.

There are also many laws in the universe that are almost incomprehensible, like the law of death.

Therefore, Li Yue is still extremely far away from truly mastering all the laws in the universe.

Don't think that Li Yue, who has reached the level of the strongest in the multiverse, is already at the top of his strength.

In fact, Li Yue still has a long way to go before he can truly dominate all things.

Even Li Yue couldn't guarantee whether he could really reach that level of omniscience and omnipotence that towered over all things in his almost infinite life.

Of course, although Li Yue was not very confident that he could become a being above all things in the future.

But whether he can get to that point is not important to Li Yue now, and he will not dwell on it.

However, although the result is not important, the process is still very important to Li Yue.

Trying his best to master as many laws of the universe as possible is the best way for Li Yue to strengthen himself now.

Li Yue may not be able to truly grasp other laws of the universe because he has not encountered them yet.

But now, the law of death has truly appeared in front of him. This is definitely a unique opportunity!

And like now, the opportunity to better experience the law of death may not be given to Li Yue again in the future.

Therefore, Li Yue cherished this hard-won opportunity even more and tried his best to completely immerse his mind in the law of death, trying to understand the true meaning of the law of death.

In fact, at this time, Li Yue's mind was completely enveloped by the law of death.

His experience of re-understanding the law of death caused him to be shrouded in the shadow of death again instantly after he woke up.

At this moment, Li Yue felt an extreme sense of loneliness.

It was as if no one else or anything existed in the entire universe or the entire world.

And because there was no real reason for his death, only he himself remained relatively conscious.

And this also resulted in that he could clearly feel this feeling of loneliness, as if he was truly experiencing the feeling after death.

Everything around him gradually lost its light and color.

Even the whole world seems to be gradually fading out of his scope of cognition!

In Li Yue's consciousness, he seemed to have gradually lost all memories and all perceptions of reality and illusion.

Li Yue even forgot the meaning of death, as if this moment of absolute peace was the beginning of everything and the birth of all things!

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