Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1135 Another law?

At this moment, Li Yue, who once again experienced the feeling of death, seemed to have truly fallen into the eternal end after death.

The surrounding situation and the feelings he experienced at this time were almost no different from those after real death.

Of course, the only difference is that Li Yue did not actually die at this time.

Therefore, at this time, he still has self-awareness and can truly feel the feeling after death.

Li Yue, who has no real death, uses his mind and consciousness to feel the feeling after real death, which is also a process of understanding the law of death.

As for whether Li Yue can really fully understand the law of death, or even completely control the law of death, it is not easy to do.

However, although this is not easy to do, Li Yue has done his best.

At this moment, he was completely immersed in the feeling of death.

Feel this moment of loneliness that seems like eternity.

At the same time, there was also another special feeling in Li Yue's feelings.

That is, it seems that death does not just mean the end of the entire world.

It seems that there is another special meaning that is completely opposite to it.

That means the beginning of the birth of all things!

"Death doesn't just mean the end of everything. It also means the rebirth of everything!"

At this moment, Li Yue, who was immersed in the eternal loneliness of death, seemed to understand something instantly.

That is, death does not simply mean the end of all things.

It also means the beginning of the birth of all things from scratch.

Disappear in splendor and be reborn in eternal loneliness.

At this moment, Li Yue finally understood the true meaning of the law of death.

It was a little different from his previous understanding of death.

Death is not eternal silence, nor is it everlasting silence.

Death does not mean the end of everything.

From beginning to end, death is not a single law of existence.

Corresponding to death is the appearance of everything and the birth of everything.

Originally, the two corresponding laws were supposed to be like the two elements of water and fire, and it was normal that they could never merge with each other.

But the law of death does not exist alone.

The real situation was actually somewhat beyond Li Yue's expectations.

Death and birth actually coexist.

Two laws that were supposed to exist in opposition to each other were now entangled together, as if no circumstances could completely separate them.

This even made Li Yue, who was immersed in the feeling of death and had a deeper understanding of the law of death, instantly feel a little incredible.

However, after feeling incredible, Li Yue came back to his senses instantly.

This is not the time to be shocked by this extraordinary situation.

Now that we have a deeper understanding of the Law of Death, we should continue to work hard to completely control the Law of Death.

No, Li Yue's goal should have changed at this time.

Next, he not only has to control the law of death, but he also has to understand and control the unique law that is entangled with death and can make all things "born".

To be honest, after being surprised by this situation, Li Yue still felt very pleasantly surprised.

Because, although you know that the power of law is in the universe, it is integrated with the reality of the universe.

But it is not easy to truly find it or even understand it.

If it weren't for special opportunities, many people might not be able to encounter the true power of law in their lifetime, let alone control it.

And before and after Li Yue became a multiverse-level powerhouse, he was able to master several types of law power that were relatively powerful among all the power of law. This was already something that could make countless powerful people feel envious.

There are many strong men,

Perhaps after truly reaching the level of the multiverse, one has not yet encountered the power of any law, let alone mastering the power of the law.

And if Li Yue, who has mastered the power of multiple laws, faces those beings who have not mastered the power of any law even though they have been at the multiverse level for a long time.

So even though Li Yue has only entered the multiverse level for a short period of time at this time, he can still easily crush them in terms of strength!

Because if you master the power of laws, you will master the most basic rules of the universe.

And anything, as long as it has not truly transcended the universe and can exist alone, will also be bound by the laws of the universe.

And when a being who has mastered the laws of the universe and can manipulate them faces another being who cannot control the rules of the universe and can only be bound by the laws of the universe, he can naturally use the power of the laws of the universe to crush him. !

This is also the main direction of becoming powerful after reaching the multiverse level.

But now, Li Yue originally thought that he had just encountered a "death" cosmic law.

It already made him feel very lucky.

But when he understood the law of death at a deeper level, he felt the existence of another corresponding law for the birth of all things within the law of death.

This naturally made Li Yue not only extremely shocked by this, but also felt even luckier for himself.

Of course, although this opportunity was extremely lucky for Li Yue.

But all this is based on Li Yue's ability to truly master these two laws.

As for whether Li Yue can truly understand and control these two laws, the result is still uncertain.

Although Li Yue's understanding of the law of death has reached a deeper level at this time, it is precisely because of this that he discovered the law of birth of all things hidden in the law of death.

However, at this time, Li Yue was still a long way from truly understanding the law of death.

At least, before that, Li Yue must have a deeper and thorough understanding of the true meaning of the Law of Death in order to truly control the Law of Death and even manipulate the power of the Law of Death.

Moreover, because in this illusory world, although the law of death exists, there is no reason why the gods who control the law of death exist.

That's why Li Yue really had the opportunity to truly feel the law of death so easily, and had the opportunity to truly control the law of death.

However, if there are other gods who have the power to control the law of death in the universe, it is almost impossible to truly understand and control the law of death.

Because when you try to master the law of death, the gods who truly master the power of the law of death will also feel your intentions.

And I’m afraid there’s no need to say more about what happened next.


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