Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1138. Controlling the New Laws

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can overlook everything below.

This is a scene that only the truly strong can experience.

At this time, Li Yue could be considered to have climbed to a very high position.

Below him, there are an immeasurable number of people for him to look down on.

And even if Li Yue maintains his status quo and does not continue to climb up, he can still be regarded as being above all things in this life.

Moreover, now he has climbed to an extremely high position.

But the road that continues upward will become more difficult, and every step forward is full of difficulties.

In fact, as he continued to climb up, he might have accidentally stepped on the ground, causing his entire body to fall back from the original height into the endless abyss below.

Falling back to the bottom is not the most terrifying situation.

The most terrifying thing is that after falling, Li Yue was "shattered to pieces" and had no chance to continue climbing up.

This is certainly a daunting situation.

Naturally, Li Yue could stay in place forever in order to prevent this from happening, maintaining this situation where he was already higher than most people, and looking down at the "people" below would serve as his future pleasure.

In a good mood, I looked at the "crowd" below who were struggling to climb up.

This choice is undoubtedly the easiest choice for Li Yue.

However, Li Yue did not want this, and he was not willing to maintain the status quo.

Continuing to climb to the highest peak, looking down from the highest point and experiencing the feeling of seeing all the small mountains at a glance is Li Yue's ultimate ideal.

Even if he continues to climb up, an accident may occur, causing him to lose his footing and fall into the abyss, and be smashed to pieces.

But Li Yue didn't have the slightest fear about all this.

He will only choose to persevere and keep moving up.

Stopping where you are and being satisfied with the status quo will never be Li Yue's choice.

Now, for Li Yue, the understanding of the law of death is an important process of continuing to climb upward.

It is also a source of motivation that allows him to continue climbing upwards.

Fortunately, at this time, Li Yue seemed to have once again gained the motivation to continue upward.

He exerted force again suddenly, instantly making his position move up a lot again.

And if he continues to climb at this speed, without any accidents, Li Yue will one day be able to truly reach the top and experience what it feels like to truly see all the small mountains at a glance.

Treating the improvement of strength as a mountain climbing process is a more suitable metaphor for Li Yue at this time.

Of course, in actual situations, improving strength is still very different from climbing a mountain.

After all, when you are tired from climbing, you can rest where you are, and then continue climbing when you are well rested.

But in terms of strength, the situation is that if you don't advance, you will retreat.

As long as you stop for a moment, your strength will not only not improve, but may also retreat.

Although for a being like Li Yue, the retreat of strength may not really happen.

Even if it does happen, the time required to retreat will be based on hundreds of millions of years.

Perhaps, since Li Yue has not made any progress from now on until hundreds of millions of years later, his strength may really slowly retreat.

Therefore, for Li Yue, the situation of retreating instead of advancing in strength will almost never happen to him.

However, although this situation almost never happens, Li Yue does not want to do it in hundreds of millions of years.

It happens that there is no progress in one's own strength.

And using various methods as much as possible to let his strength evolve moment by moment is Li Yue's ultimate goal.

At this moment, comprehending the power of new laws is undoubtedly the best shortcut for his strength to evolve tremendously.

Of course, although it is called a "shortcut", the evolution of this method will not cause any harm to Li Yue's future strength base.

Even being able to master more of the power of laws in the universe will greatly improve Li Yue's true combat power.

After all, the more you master the power of the law, the better your chances of winning will be when fighting against others who also master the power of the law.

Each additional power of law you master also means one more means of fighting!

At this time, if Li Yue truly masters the laws of death and rebirth, he will also have more and more powerful means.

For example, casually taking other people's lives.

This is the application of the law of death.

Another example is giving new life to a dead person and bringing him back to life.

This is a simple application of the Law of Rebirth.

And these methods, which sound very incredible, are just simple applications of the laws of death and rebirth.

If he really fully mastered these two laws of the universe, what Li Yue could do using these two laws would be far beyond the cognition of ordinary people.

Death and rebirth, both laws are very powerful.

Compared with the laws of space and time that Li Yue had mastered before, their status among all the laws of the entire universe is almost the same.

The laws of space and time are the most basic factors that constitute a universe and a real world.

Therefore, the status of these two laws naturally occupies a very high position.

In a universe, whether there is life or not depends on the power of laws that allow all things to be born.

Only when real life is born can the universe truly be perfected.

However, as long as the law of birth exists, then eventually this universe will be eaten away by a variety of creatures that are so huge that it is impossible to calculate.

Just like if humans on the earth continue to reproduce and all humans are immortal, then one day the limited resources on the earth will not be enough to support all human life.

And because of this, if the universe wants to develop steadily for a long time, there must be a law that can bring the end of living things.

And this law is the law of death.

All vital things, after being eroded by the law of death, will completely lose their vitality and fall into a state of death.

There is only birth, no death, and all living things can remain immortal. This is a very morbid situation.

And only by allowing the life of all things to have normal limits, and all things being swallowed up by the law of death, is the real way to ensure the lasting development of a universe.

Therefore, if Li Yue truly masters the laws of death and birth, then he will be able to use either of the two laws to quickly destroy a civilization.

Or a planet.

Even a universe!

American comics begin to travel across the heavens

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